1: <?php declare(strict_types=1);
3: namespace PhpParser\Node\Stmt;
5: use PhpParser\Node;
7: class Foreach_ extends Node\Stmt
8: {
9: /** @var Node\Expr Expression to iterate */
10: public $expr;
11: /** @var null|Node\Expr Variable to assign key to */
12: public $keyVar;
13: /** @var bool Whether to assign value by reference */
14: public $byRef;
15: /** @var Node\Expr Variable to assign value to */
16: public $valueVar;
17: /** @var Node\Stmt[] Statements */
18: public $stmts;
20: /**
21: * Constructs a foreach node.
22: *
23: * @param Node\Expr $expr Expression to iterate
24: * @param Node\Expr $valueVar Variable to assign value to
25: * @param array $subNodes Array of the following optional subnodes:
26: * 'keyVar' => null : Variable to assign key to
27: * 'byRef' => false : Whether to assign value by reference
28: * 'stmts' => array(): Statements
29: * @param array $attributes Additional attributes
30: */
31: public function __construct(Node\Expr $expr, Node\Expr $valueVar, array $subNodes = [], array $attributes = []) {
32: $this->attributes = $attributes;
33: $this->expr = $expr;
34: $this->keyVar = $subNodes['keyVar'] ?? null;
35: $this->byRef = $subNodes['byRef'] ?? false;
36: $this->valueVar = $valueVar;
37: $this->stmts = $subNodes['stmts'] ?? [];
38: }
40: public function getSubNodeNames() : array {
41: return ['expr', 'keyVar', 'byRef', 'valueVar', 'stmts'];
42: }
44: public function getType() : string {
45: return 'Stmt_Foreach';
46: }
47: }