1: | <?php declare(strict_types = 1); |
2: | |
3: | namespace PHPStan\Analyser; |
4: | |
5: | use ArrayAccess; |
6: | use Closure; |
7: | use DivisionByZeroError; |
8: | use PhpParser\Comment\Doc; |
9: | use PhpParser\Modifiers; |
10: | use PhpParser\Node; |
11: | use PhpParser\Node\Arg; |
12: | use PhpParser\Node\AttributeGroup; |
13: | use PhpParser\Node\Expr; |
14: | use PhpParser\Node\Expr\Array_; |
15: | use PhpParser\Node\Expr\ArrayDimFetch; |
16: | use PhpParser\Node\Expr\Assign; |
17: | use PhpParser\Node\Expr\AssignRef; |
18: | use PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp; |
19: | use PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\BooleanAnd; |
20: | use PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\BooleanOr; |
21: | use PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\Coalesce; |
22: | use PhpParser\Node\Expr\BooleanNot; |
23: | use PhpParser\Node\Expr\CallLike; |
24: | use PhpParser\Node\Expr\Cast; |
25: | use PhpParser\Node\Expr\ConstFetch; |
26: | use PhpParser\Node\Expr\ErrorSuppress; |
27: | use PhpParser\Node\Expr\Exit_; |
28: | use PhpParser\Node\Expr\FuncCall; |
29: | use PhpParser\Node\Expr\Instanceof_; |
30: | use PhpParser\Node\Expr\List_; |
31: | use PhpParser\Node\Expr\MethodCall; |
32: | use PhpParser\Node\Expr\New_; |
33: | use PhpParser\Node\Expr\PropertyFetch; |
34: | use PhpParser\Node\Expr\StaticCall; |
35: | use PhpParser\Node\Expr\StaticPropertyFetch; |
36: | use PhpParser\Node\Expr\Ternary; |
37: | use PhpParser\Node\Expr\Variable; |
38: | use PhpParser\Node\Name; |
39: | use PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Break_; |
40: | use PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Class_; |
41: | use PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Continue_; |
42: | use PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Do_; |
43: | use PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Echo_; |
44: | use PhpParser\Node\Stmt\For_; |
45: | use PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Foreach_; |
46: | use PhpParser\Node\Stmt\If_; |
47: | use PhpParser\Node\Stmt\InlineHTML; |
48: | use PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Return_; |
49: | use PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Static_; |
50: | use PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Switch_; |
51: | use PhpParser\Node\Stmt\TryCatch; |
52: | use PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Unset_; |
53: | use PhpParser\Node\Stmt\While_; |
54: | use PhpParser\NodeFinder; |
55: | use PhpParser\NodeTraverser; |
56: | use PhpParser\NodeVisitor\CloningVisitor; |
57: | use PhpParser\NodeVisitorAbstract; |
58: | use PHPStan\BetterReflection\Reflection\Adapter\ReflectionClass; |
59: | use PHPStan\BetterReflection\Reflection\ReflectionEnum; |
60: | use PHPStan\BetterReflection\Reflector\Reflector; |
61: | use PHPStan\BetterReflection\SourceLocator\Ast\Strategy\NodeToReflection; |
62: | use PHPStan\BetterReflection\SourceLocator\Located\LocatedSource; |
63: | use PHPStan\DependencyInjection\Reflection\ClassReflectionExtensionRegistryProvider; |
64: | use PHPStan\DependencyInjection\Type\DynamicThrowTypeExtensionProvider; |
65: | use PHPStan\DependencyInjection\Type\ParameterClosureTypeExtensionProvider; |
66: | use PHPStan\DependencyInjection\Type\ParameterOutTypeExtensionProvider; |
67: | use PHPStan\File\FileHelper; |
68: | use PHPStan\File\FileReader; |
69: | use PHPStan\Node\BooleanAndNode; |
70: | use PHPStan\Node\BooleanOrNode; |
71: | use PHPStan\Node\BreaklessWhileLoopNode; |
72: | use PHPStan\Node\CatchWithUnthrownExceptionNode; |
73: | use PHPStan\Node\ClassConstantsNode; |
74: | use PHPStan\Node\ClassMethodsNode; |
75: | use PHPStan\Node\ClassPropertiesNode; |
76: | use PHPStan\Node\ClassPropertyNode; |
77: | use PHPStan\Node\ClassStatementsGatherer; |
78: | use PHPStan\Node\ClosureReturnStatementsNode; |
79: | use PHPStan\Node\DoWhileLoopConditionNode; |
80: | use PHPStan\Node\ExecutionEndNode; |
81: | use PHPStan\Node\Expr\AlwaysRememberedExpr; |
82: | use PHPStan\Node\Expr\ExistingArrayDimFetch; |
83: | use PHPStan\Node\Expr\GetIterableKeyTypeExpr; |
84: | use PHPStan\Node\Expr\GetIterableValueTypeExpr; |
85: | use PHPStan\Node\Expr\GetOffsetValueTypeExpr; |
86: | use PHPStan\Node\Expr\OriginalPropertyTypeExpr; |
87: | use PHPStan\Node\Expr\PropertyInitializationExpr; |
88: | use PHPStan\Node\Expr\SetExistingOffsetValueTypeExpr; |
89: | use PHPStan\Node\Expr\SetOffsetValueTypeExpr; |
90: | use PHPStan\Node\Expr\TypeExpr; |
91: | use PHPStan\Node\Expr\UnsetOffsetExpr; |
92: | use PHPStan\Node\FinallyExitPointsNode; |
93: | use PHPStan\Node\FunctionCallableNode; |
94: | use PHPStan\Node\FunctionReturnStatementsNode; |
95: | use PHPStan\Node\InArrowFunctionNode; |
96: | use PHPStan\Node\InClassMethodNode; |
97: | use PHPStan\Node\InClassNode; |
98: | use PHPStan\Node\InClosureNode; |
99: | use PHPStan\Node\InForeachNode; |
100: | use PHPStan\Node\InFunctionNode; |
101: | use PHPStan\Node\InstantiationCallableNode; |
102: | use PHPStan\Node\InTraitNode; |
103: | use PHPStan\Node\InvalidateExprNode; |
104: | use PHPStan\Node\LiteralArrayItem; |
105: | use PHPStan\Node\LiteralArrayNode; |
106: | use PHPStan\Node\MatchExpressionArm; |
107: | use PHPStan\Node\MatchExpressionArmBody; |
108: | use PHPStan\Node\MatchExpressionArmCondition; |
109: | use PHPStan\Node\MatchExpressionNode; |
110: | use PHPStan\Node\MethodCallableNode; |
111: | use PHPStan\Node\MethodReturnStatementsNode; |
112: | use PHPStan\Node\NoopExpressionNode; |
113: | use PHPStan\Node\PropertyAssignNode; |
114: | use PHPStan\Node\ReturnStatement; |
115: | use PHPStan\Node\StaticMethodCallableNode; |
116: | use PHPStan\Node\UnreachableStatementNode; |
117: | use PHPStan\Node\VariableAssignNode; |
118: | use PHPStan\Node\VarTagChangedExpressionTypeNode; |
119: | use PHPStan\Parser\ArrowFunctionArgVisitor; |
120: | use PHPStan\Parser\ClosureArgVisitor; |
121: | use PHPStan\Parser\ImmediatelyInvokedClosureVisitor; |
122: | use PHPStan\Parser\Parser; |
123: | use PHPStan\Php\PhpVersion; |
124: | use PHPStan\PhpDoc\PhpDocInheritanceResolver; |
125: | use PHPStan\PhpDoc\ResolvedPhpDocBlock; |
126: | use PHPStan\PhpDoc\StubPhpDocProvider; |
127: | use PHPStan\PhpDoc\Tag\VarTag; |
128: | use PHPStan\Reflection\Assertions; |
129: | use PHPStan\Reflection\Callables\CallableParametersAcceptor; |
130: | use PHPStan\Reflection\Callables\SimpleImpurePoint; |
131: | use PHPStan\Reflection\Callables\SimpleThrowPoint; |
132: | use PHPStan\Reflection\ClassReflection; |
133: | use PHPStan\Reflection\ExtendedMethodReflection; |
134: | use PHPStan\Reflection\ExtendedParameterReflection; |
135: | use PHPStan\Reflection\ExtendedParametersAcceptor; |
136: | use PHPStan\Reflection\FunctionReflection; |
137: | use PHPStan\Reflection\InitializerExprTypeResolver; |
138: | use PHPStan\Reflection\MethodReflection; |
139: | use PHPStan\Reflection\Native\NativeMethodReflection; |
140: | use PHPStan\Reflection\Native\NativeParameterReflection; |
141: | use PHPStan\Reflection\ParameterReflection; |
142: | use PHPStan\Reflection\ParametersAcceptor; |
143: | use PHPStan\Reflection\ParametersAcceptorSelector; |
144: | use PHPStan\Reflection\Php\PhpFunctionFromParserNodeReflection; |
145: | use PHPStan\Reflection\Php\PhpMethodFromParserNodeReflection; |
146: | use PHPStan\Reflection\Php\PhpMethodReflection; |
147: | use PHPStan\Reflection\ReflectionProvider; |
148: | use PHPStan\Reflection\SignatureMap\SignatureMapProvider; |
149: | use PHPStan\Rules\Properties\ReadWritePropertiesExtensionProvider; |
150: | use PHPStan\ShouldNotHappenException; |
151: | use PHPStan\TrinaryLogic; |
152: | use PHPStan\Type\Accessory\AccessoryArrayListType; |
153: | use PHPStan\Type\Accessory\NonEmptyArrayType; |
154: | use PHPStan\Type\ArrayType; |
155: | use PHPStan\Type\ClosureType; |
156: | use PHPStan\Type\Constant\ConstantArrayType; |
157: | use PHPStan\Type\Constant\ConstantArrayTypeBuilder; |
158: | use PHPStan\Type\Constant\ConstantBooleanType; |
159: | use PHPStan\Type\Constant\ConstantIntegerType; |
160: | use PHPStan\Type\ErrorType; |
161: | use PHPStan\Type\FileTypeMapper; |
162: | use PHPStan\Type\GeneralizePrecision; |
163: | use PHPStan\Type\Generic\TemplateTypeHelper; |
164: | use PHPStan\Type\Generic\TemplateTypeMap; |
165: | use PHPStan\Type\Generic\TemplateTypeVariance; |
166: | use PHPStan\Type\Generic\TemplateTypeVarianceMap; |
167: | use PHPStan\Type\IntegerType; |
168: | use PHPStan\Type\IntersectionType; |
169: | use PHPStan\Type\MixedType; |
170: | use PHPStan\Type\NeverType; |
171: | use PHPStan\Type\NullType; |
172: | use PHPStan\Type\ObjectType; |
173: | use PHPStan\Type\ObjectWithoutClassType; |
174: | use PHPStan\Type\ParserNodeTypeToPHPStanType; |
175: | use PHPStan\Type\ResourceType; |
176: | use PHPStan\Type\StaticType; |
177: | use PHPStan\Type\StaticTypeFactory; |
178: | use PHPStan\Type\StringType; |
179: | use PHPStan\Type\ThisType; |
180: | use PHPStan\Type\Type; |
181: | use PHPStan\Type\TypeCombinator; |
182: | use PHPStan\Type\TypeTraverser; |
183: | use PHPStan\Type\TypeUtils; |
184: | use PHPStan\Type\UnionType; |
185: | use ReflectionProperty; |
186: | use Throwable; |
187: | use Traversable; |
188: | use TypeError; |
189: | use UnhandledMatchError; |
190: | use function array_fill_keys; |
191: | use function array_filter; |
192: | use function array_key_exists; |
193: | use function array_key_last; |
194: | use function array_keys; |
195: | use function array_map; |
196: | use function array_merge; |
197: | use function array_pop; |
198: | use function array_reverse; |
199: | use function array_slice; |
200: | use function array_values; |
201: | use function base64_decode; |
202: | use function count; |
203: | use function in_array; |
204: | use function is_array; |
205: | use function is_int; |
206: | use function is_string; |
207: | use function ksort; |
208: | use function sprintf; |
209: | use function str_starts_with; |
210: | use function strtolower; |
211: | use function trim; |
212: | use const PHP_VERSION_ID; |
213: | use const SORT_NUMERIC; |
214: | |
215: | final class NodeScopeResolver |
216: | { |
217: | |
218: | private const LOOP_SCOPE_ITERATIONS = 3; |
219: | private const GENERALIZE_AFTER_ITERATION = 1; |
220: | |
221: | |
222: | private array $analysedFiles = []; |
223: | |
224: | |
225: | private array $earlyTerminatingMethodNames; |
226: | |
227: | |
228: | private array $calledMethodStack = []; |
229: | |
230: | |
231: | private array $calledMethodResults = []; |
232: | |
233: | |
234: | |
235: | |
236: | |
237: | |
238: | public function __construct( |
239: | private readonly ReflectionProvider $reflectionProvider, |
240: | private readonly InitializerExprTypeResolver $initializerExprTypeResolver, |
241: | private readonly Reflector $reflector, |
242: | private readonly ClassReflectionExtensionRegistryProvider $classReflectionExtensionRegistryProvider, |
243: | private readonly ParameterOutTypeExtensionProvider $parameterOutTypeExtensionProvider, |
244: | private readonly Parser $parser, |
245: | private readonly FileTypeMapper $fileTypeMapper, |
246: | private readonly StubPhpDocProvider $stubPhpDocProvider, |
247: | private readonly PhpVersion $phpVersion, |
248: | private readonly SignatureMapProvider $signatureMapProvider, |
249: | private readonly PhpDocInheritanceResolver $phpDocInheritanceResolver, |
250: | private readonly FileHelper $fileHelper, |
251: | private readonly TypeSpecifier $typeSpecifier, |
252: | private readonly DynamicThrowTypeExtensionProvider $dynamicThrowTypeExtensionProvider, |
253: | private readonly ReadWritePropertiesExtensionProvider $readWritePropertiesExtensionProvider, |
254: | private readonly ParameterClosureTypeExtensionProvider $parameterClosureTypeExtensionProvider, |
255: | private readonly ScopeFactory $scopeFactory, |
256: | private readonly bool $polluteScopeWithLoopInitialAssignments, |
257: | private readonly bool $polluteScopeWithAlwaysIterableForeach, |
258: | private readonly bool $polluteScopeWithBlock, |
259: | private readonly array $earlyTerminatingMethodCalls, |
260: | private readonly array $earlyTerminatingFunctionCalls, |
261: | private readonly array $universalObjectCratesClasses, |
262: | private readonly bool $implicitThrows, |
263: | private readonly bool $treatPhpDocTypesAsCertain, |
264: | ) |
265: | { |
266: | $earlyTerminatingMethodNames = []; |
267: | foreach ($this->earlyTerminatingMethodCalls as $methodNames) { |
268: | foreach ($methodNames as $methodName) { |
269: | $earlyTerminatingMethodNames[strtolower($methodName)] = true; |
270: | } |
271: | } |
272: | $this->earlyTerminatingMethodNames = $earlyTerminatingMethodNames; |
273: | } |
274: | |
275: | |
276: | |
277: | |
278: | |
279: | public function setAnalysedFiles(array $files): void |
280: | { |
281: | $this->analysedFiles = array_fill_keys($files, true); |
282: | } |
283: | |
284: | |
285: | |
286: | |
287: | |
288: | |
289: | public function processNodes( |
290: | array $nodes, |
291: | MutatingScope $scope, |
292: | callable $nodeCallback, |
293: | ): void |
294: | { |
295: | $alreadyTerminated = false; |
296: | foreach ($nodes as $i => $node) { |
297: | if ( |
298: | !$node instanceof Node\Stmt |
299: | || ($alreadyTerminated && !($node instanceof Node\Stmt\Function_ || $node instanceof Node\Stmt\ClassLike)) |
300: | ) { |
301: | continue; |
302: | } |
303: | |
304: | $statementResult = $this->processStmtNode($node, $scope, $nodeCallback, StatementContext::createTopLevel()); |
305: | $scope = $statementResult->getScope(); |
306: | if ($alreadyTerminated || !$statementResult->isAlwaysTerminating()) { |
307: | continue; |
308: | } |
309: | |
310: | $alreadyTerminated = true; |
311: | $nextStmt = $this->getFirstUnreachableNode(array_slice($nodes, $i + 1), true); |
312: | if (!$nextStmt instanceof Node\Stmt) { |
313: | continue; |
314: | } |
315: | |
316: | $nodeCallback(new UnreachableStatementNode($nextStmt), $scope); |
317: | } |
318: | } |
319: | |
320: | |
321: | |
322: | |
323: | |
324: | |
325: | public function processStmtNodes( |
326: | Node $parentNode, |
327: | array $stmts, |
328: | MutatingScope $scope, |
329: | callable $nodeCallback, |
330: | StatementContext $context, |
331: | ): StatementResult |
332: | { |
333: | $exitPoints = []; |
334: | $throwPoints = []; |
335: | $impurePoints = []; |
336: | $alreadyTerminated = false; |
337: | $hasYield = false; |
338: | $stmtCount = count($stmts); |
339: | $shouldCheckLastStatement = $parentNode instanceof Node\Stmt\Function_ |
340: | || $parentNode instanceof Node\Stmt\ClassMethod |
341: | || $parentNode instanceof Expr\Closure; |
342: | foreach ($stmts as $i => $stmt) { |
343: | if ($alreadyTerminated && !($stmt instanceof Node\Stmt\Function_ || $stmt instanceof Node\Stmt\ClassLike)) { |
344: | continue; |
345: | } |
346: | |
347: | $isLast = $i === $stmtCount - 1; |
348: | $statementResult = $this->processStmtNode( |
349: | $stmt, |
350: | $scope, |
351: | $nodeCallback, |
352: | $context, |
353: | ); |
354: | $scope = $statementResult->getScope(); |
355: | $hasYield = $hasYield || $statementResult->hasYield(); |
356: | |
357: | if ($shouldCheckLastStatement && $isLast) { |
358: | |
359: | $parentNode = $parentNode; |
360: | |
361: | $endStatements = $statementResult->getEndStatements(); |
362: | if (count($endStatements) > 0) { |
363: | foreach ($endStatements as $endStatement) { |
364: | $endStatementResult = $endStatement->getResult(); |
365: | $nodeCallback(new ExecutionEndNode( |
366: | $endStatement->getStatement(), |
367: | new StatementResult( |
368: | $endStatementResult->getScope(), |
369: | $hasYield, |
370: | $endStatementResult->isAlwaysTerminating(), |
371: | $endStatementResult->getExitPoints(), |
372: | $endStatementResult->getThrowPoints(), |
373: | $endStatementResult->getImpurePoints(), |
374: | ), |
375: | $parentNode->returnType !== null, |
376: | ), $endStatementResult->getScope()); |
377: | } |
378: | } else { |
379: | $nodeCallback(new ExecutionEndNode( |
380: | $stmt, |
381: | new StatementResult( |
382: | $scope, |
383: | $hasYield, |
384: | $statementResult->isAlwaysTerminating(), |
385: | $statementResult->getExitPoints(), |
386: | $statementResult->getThrowPoints(), |
387: | $statementResult->getImpurePoints(), |
388: | ), |
389: | $parentNode->returnType !== null, |
390: | ), $scope); |
391: | } |
392: | } |
393: | |
394: | $exitPoints = array_merge($exitPoints, $statementResult->getExitPoints()); |
395: | $throwPoints = array_merge($throwPoints, $statementResult->getThrowPoints()); |
396: | $impurePoints = array_merge($impurePoints, $statementResult->getImpurePoints()); |
397: | |
398: | if ($alreadyTerminated || !$statementResult->isAlwaysTerminating()) { |
399: | continue; |
400: | } |
401: | |
402: | $alreadyTerminated = true; |
403: | $nextStmt = $this->getFirstUnreachableNode(array_slice($stmts, $i + 1), $parentNode instanceof Node\Stmt\Namespace_); |
404: | if ($nextStmt === null) { |
405: | continue; |
406: | } |
407: | $nodeCallback(new UnreachableStatementNode($nextStmt), $scope); |
408: | } |
409: | |
410: | $statementResult = new StatementResult($scope, $hasYield, $alreadyTerminated, $exitPoints, $throwPoints, $impurePoints); |
411: | if ($stmtCount === 0 && $shouldCheckLastStatement) { |
412: | |
413: | $parentNode = $parentNode; |
414: | $returnTypeNode = $parentNode->returnType; |
415: | if ($parentNode instanceof Expr\Closure) { |
416: | $parentNode = new Node\Stmt\Expression($parentNode, $parentNode->getAttributes()); |
417: | } |
418: | $nodeCallback(new ExecutionEndNode( |
419: | $parentNode, |
420: | $statementResult, |
421: | $returnTypeNode !== null, |
422: | ), $scope); |
423: | } |
424: | |
425: | return $statementResult; |
426: | } |
427: | |
428: | |
429: | |
430: | |
431: | private function processStmtNode( |
432: | Node\Stmt $stmt, |
433: | MutatingScope $scope, |
434: | callable $nodeCallback, |
435: | StatementContext $context, |
436: | ): StatementResult |
437: | { |
438: | if ( |
439: | !$stmt instanceof Static_ |
440: | && !$stmt instanceof Foreach_ |
441: | && !$stmt instanceof Node\Stmt\Global_ |
442: | && !$stmt instanceof Node\Stmt\Property |
443: | && !$stmt instanceof Node\Stmt\ClassConst |
444: | && !$stmt instanceof Node\Stmt\Const_ |
445: | ) { |
446: | $scope = $this->processStmtVarAnnotation($scope, $stmt, null, $nodeCallback); |
447: | } |
448: | |
449: | if ($stmt instanceof Node\Stmt\ClassMethod) { |
450: | if (!$scope->isInClass()) { |
451: | throw new ShouldNotHappenException(); |
452: | } |
453: | if ( |
454: | $scope->isInTrait() |
455: | && $scope->getClassReflection()->hasNativeMethod($stmt->name->toString()) |
456: | ) { |
457: | $methodReflection = $scope->getClassReflection()->getNativeMethod($stmt->name->toString()); |
458: | if ($methodReflection instanceof NativeMethodReflection) { |
459: | return new StatementResult($scope, false, false, [], [], []); |
460: | } |
461: | if ($methodReflection instanceof PhpMethodReflection) { |
462: | $declaringTrait = $methodReflection->getDeclaringTrait(); |
463: | if ($declaringTrait === null || $declaringTrait->getName() !== $scope->getTraitReflection()->getName()) { |
464: | return new StatementResult($scope, false, false, [], [], []); |
465: | } |
466: | } |
467: | } |
468: | } |
469: | |
470: | $stmtScope = $scope; |
471: | if ($stmt instanceof Node\Stmt\Expression && $stmt->expr instanceof Expr\Throw_) { |
472: | $stmtScope = $this->processStmtVarAnnotation($scope, $stmt, $stmt->expr->expr, $nodeCallback); |
473: | } |
474: | if ($stmt instanceof Return_) { |
475: | $stmtScope = $this->processStmtVarAnnotation($scope, $stmt, $stmt->expr, $nodeCallback); |
476: | } |
477: | |
478: | $nodeCallback($stmt, $stmtScope); |
479: | |
480: | $overridingThrowPoints = $this->getOverridingThrowPoints($stmt, $scope); |
481: | |
482: | if ($stmt instanceof Node\Stmt\Declare_) { |
483: | $hasYield = false; |
484: | $throwPoints = []; |
485: | $impurePoints = []; |
486: | $alwaysTerminating = false; |
487: | $exitPoints = []; |
488: | foreach ($stmt->declares as $declare) { |
489: | $nodeCallback($declare, $scope); |
490: | $nodeCallback($declare->value, $scope); |
491: | if ( |
492: | $declare->key->name !== 'strict_types' |
493: | || !($declare->value instanceof Node\Scalar\Int_) |
494: | || $declare->value->value !== 1 |
495: | ) { |
496: | continue; |
497: | } |
498: | |
499: | $scope = $scope->enterDeclareStrictTypes(); |
500: | } |
501: | |
502: | if ($stmt->stmts !== null) { |
503: | $result = $this->processStmtNodes($stmt, $stmt->stmts, $scope, $nodeCallback, $context); |
504: | $scope = $result->getScope(); |
505: | $hasYield = $result->hasYield(); |
506: | $throwPoints = $result->getThrowPoints(); |
507: | $impurePoints = $result->getImpurePoints(); |
508: | $alwaysTerminating = $result->isAlwaysTerminating(); |
509: | $exitPoints = $result->getExitPoints(); |
510: | } |
511: | |
512: | return new StatementResult($scope, $hasYield, $alwaysTerminating, $exitPoints, $throwPoints, $impurePoints); |
513: | } elseif ($stmt instanceof Node\Stmt\Function_) { |
514: | $hasYield = false; |
515: | $throwPoints = []; |
516: | $impurePoints = []; |
517: | $this->processAttributeGroups($stmt, $stmt->attrGroups, $scope, $nodeCallback); |
518: | [$templateTypeMap, $phpDocParameterTypes, $phpDocImmediatelyInvokedCallableParameters, $phpDocClosureThisTypeParameters, $phpDocReturnType, $phpDocThrowType, $deprecatedDescription, $isDeprecated, $isInternal, , $isPure, $acceptsNamedArguments, , $phpDocComment, $asserts,, $phpDocParameterOutTypes] = $this->getPhpDocs($scope, $stmt); |
519: | |
520: | foreach ($stmt->params as $param) { |
521: | $this->processParamNode($stmt, $param, $scope, $nodeCallback); |
522: | } |
523: | |
524: | if ($stmt->returnType !== null) { |
525: | $nodeCallback($stmt->returnType, $scope); |
526: | } |
527: | |
528: | $functionScope = $scope->enterFunction( |
529: | $stmt, |
530: | $templateTypeMap, |
531: | $phpDocParameterTypes, |
532: | $phpDocReturnType, |
533: | $phpDocThrowType, |
534: | $deprecatedDescription, |
535: | $isDeprecated, |
536: | $isInternal, |
537: | $isPure, |
538: | $acceptsNamedArguments, |
539: | $asserts, |
540: | $phpDocComment, |
541: | $phpDocParameterOutTypes, |
542: | $phpDocImmediatelyInvokedCallableParameters, |
543: | $phpDocClosureThisTypeParameters, |
544: | ); |
545: | $functionReflection = $functionScope->getFunction(); |
546: | if (!$functionReflection instanceof PhpFunctionFromParserNodeReflection) { |
547: | throw new ShouldNotHappenException(); |
548: | } |
549: | |
550: | $nodeCallback(new InFunctionNode($functionReflection, $stmt), $functionScope); |
551: | |
552: | $gatheredReturnStatements = []; |
553: | $gatheredYieldStatements = []; |
554: | $executionEnds = []; |
555: | $functionImpurePoints = []; |
556: | $statementResult = $this->processStmtNodes($stmt, $stmt->stmts, $functionScope, static function (Node $node, Scope $scope) use ($nodeCallback, $functionScope, &$gatheredReturnStatements, &$gatheredYieldStatements, &$executionEnds, &$functionImpurePoints): void { |
557: | $nodeCallback($node, $scope); |
558: | if ($scope->getFunction() !== $functionScope->getFunction()) { |
559: | return; |
560: | } |
561: | if ($scope->isInAnonymousFunction()) { |
562: | return; |
563: | } |
564: | if ($node instanceof PropertyAssignNode) { |
565: | $functionImpurePoints[] = new ImpurePoint( |
566: | $scope, |
567: | $node, |
568: | 'propertyAssign', |
569: | 'property assignment', |
570: | true, |
571: | ); |
572: | return; |
573: | } |
574: | if ($node instanceof ExecutionEndNode) { |
575: | $executionEnds[] = $node; |
576: | return; |
577: | } |
578: | if ($node instanceof Expr\Yield_ || $node instanceof Expr\YieldFrom) { |
579: | $gatheredYieldStatements[] = $node; |
580: | } |
581: | if (!$node instanceof Return_) { |
582: | return; |
583: | } |
584: | |
585: | $gatheredReturnStatements[] = new ReturnStatement($scope, $node); |
586: | }, StatementContext::createTopLevel()); |
587: | |
588: | $nodeCallback(new FunctionReturnStatementsNode( |
589: | $stmt, |
590: | $gatheredReturnStatements, |
591: | $gatheredYieldStatements, |
592: | $statementResult, |
593: | $executionEnds, |
594: | array_merge($statementResult->getImpurePoints(), $functionImpurePoints), |
595: | $functionReflection, |
596: | ), $functionScope); |
597: | } elseif ($stmt instanceof Node\Stmt\ClassMethod) { |
598: | $hasYield = false; |
599: | $throwPoints = []; |
600: | $impurePoints = []; |
601: | $this->processAttributeGroups($stmt, $stmt->attrGroups, $scope, $nodeCallback); |
602: | [$templateTypeMap, $phpDocParameterTypes, $phpDocImmediatelyInvokedCallableParameters, $phpDocClosureThisTypeParameters, $phpDocReturnType, $phpDocThrowType, $deprecatedDescription, $isDeprecated, $isInternal, $isFinal, $isPure, $acceptsNamedArguments, , $phpDocComment, $asserts, $selfOutType, $phpDocParameterOutTypes] = $this->getPhpDocs($scope, $stmt); |
603: | |
604: | foreach ($stmt->params as $param) { |
605: | $this->processParamNode($stmt, $param, $scope, $nodeCallback); |
606: | } |
607: | |
608: | if ($stmt->returnType !== null) { |
609: | $nodeCallback($stmt->returnType, $scope); |
610: | } |
611: | |
612: | $methodScope = $scope->enterClassMethod( |
613: | $stmt, |
614: | $templateTypeMap, |
615: | $phpDocParameterTypes, |
616: | $phpDocReturnType, |
617: | $phpDocThrowType, |
618: | $deprecatedDescription, |
619: | $isDeprecated, |
620: | $isInternal, |
621: | $isFinal, |
622: | $isPure, |
623: | $acceptsNamedArguments, |
624: | $asserts, |
625: | $selfOutType, |
626: | $phpDocComment, |
627: | $phpDocParameterOutTypes, |
628: | $phpDocImmediatelyInvokedCallableParameters, |
629: | $phpDocClosureThisTypeParameters, |
630: | ); |
631: | |
632: | if (!$scope->isInClass()) { |
633: | throw new ShouldNotHappenException(); |
634: | } |
635: | |
636: | $isFromTrait = $stmt->getAttribute('originalTraitMethodName') === '__construct'; |
637: | if ($isFromTrait || $stmt->name->toLowerString() === '__construct') { |
638: | foreach ($stmt->params as $param) { |
639: | if ($param->flags === 0) { |
640: | continue; |
641: | } |
642: | |
643: | if (!$param->var instanceof Variable || !is_string($param->var->name)) { |
644: | throw new ShouldNotHappenException(); |
645: | } |
646: | $phpDoc = null; |
647: | if ($param->getDocComment() !== null) { |
648: | $phpDoc = $param->getDocComment()->getText(); |
649: | } |
650: | $nodeCallback(new ClassPropertyNode( |
651: | $param->var->name, |
652: | $param->flags, |
653: | $param->type !== null ? ParserNodeTypeToPHPStanType::resolve($param->type, $scope->getClassReflection()) : null, |
654: | null, |
655: | $phpDoc, |
656: | $phpDocParameterTypes[$param->var->name] ?? null, |
657: | true, |
658: | $isFromTrait, |
659: | $param, |
660: | false, |
661: | $scope->isInTrait(), |
662: | $scope->getClassReflection()->isReadOnly(), |
663: | false, |
664: | $scope->getClassReflection(), |
665: | ), $methodScope); |
666: | $methodScope = $methodScope->assignExpression(new PropertyInitializationExpr($param->var->name), new MixedType(), new MixedType()); |
667: | } |
668: | } |
669: | |
670: | if ($stmt->getAttribute('virtual', false) === false) { |
671: | $methodReflection = $methodScope->getFunction(); |
672: | if (!$methodReflection instanceof PhpMethodFromParserNodeReflection) { |
673: | throw new ShouldNotHappenException(); |
674: | } |
675: | $nodeCallback(new InClassMethodNode($scope->getClassReflection(), $methodReflection, $stmt), $methodScope); |
676: | } |
677: | |
678: | if ($stmt->stmts !== null) { |
679: | $gatheredReturnStatements = []; |
680: | $gatheredYieldStatements = []; |
681: | $executionEnds = []; |
682: | $methodImpurePoints = []; |
683: | $statementResult = $this->processStmtNodes($stmt, $stmt->stmts, $methodScope, static function (Node $node, Scope $scope) use ($nodeCallback, $methodScope, &$gatheredReturnStatements, &$gatheredYieldStatements, &$executionEnds, &$methodImpurePoints): void { |
684: | $nodeCallback($node, $scope); |
685: | if ($scope->getFunction() !== $methodScope->getFunction()) { |
686: | return; |
687: | } |
688: | if ($scope->isInAnonymousFunction()) { |
689: | return; |
690: | } |
691: | if ($node instanceof PropertyAssignNode) { |
692: | if ( |
693: | $node->getPropertyFetch() instanceof Expr\PropertyFetch |
694: | && $scope->getFunction() instanceof PhpMethodFromParserNodeReflection |
695: | && $scope->getFunction()->getDeclaringClass()->hasConstructor() |
696: | && $scope->getFunction()->getDeclaringClass()->getConstructor()->getName() === $scope->getFunction()->getName() |
697: | && TypeUtils::findThisType($scope->getType($node->getPropertyFetch()->var)) !== null |
698: | ) { |
699: | return; |
700: | } |
701: | $methodImpurePoints[] = new ImpurePoint( |
702: | $scope, |
703: | $node, |
704: | 'propertyAssign', |
705: | 'property assignment', |
706: | true, |
707: | ); |
708: | return; |
709: | } |
710: | if ($node instanceof ExecutionEndNode) { |
711: | $executionEnds[] = $node; |
712: | return; |
713: | } |
714: | if ($node instanceof Expr\Yield_ || $node instanceof Expr\YieldFrom) { |
715: | $gatheredYieldStatements[] = $node; |
716: | } |
717: | if (!$node instanceof Return_) { |
718: | return; |
719: | } |
720: | |
721: | $gatheredReturnStatements[] = new ReturnStatement($scope, $node); |
722: | }, StatementContext::createTopLevel()); |
723: | |
724: | $classReflection = $scope->getClassReflection(); |
725: | |
726: | $methodReflection = $methodScope->getFunction(); |
727: | if (!$methodReflection instanceof PhpMethodFromParserNodeReflection) { |
728: | throw new ShouldNotHappenException(); |
729: | } |
730: | |
731: | $nodeCallback(new MethodReturnStatementsNode( |
732: | $stmt, |
733: | $gatheredReturnStatements, |
734: | $gatheredYieldStatements, |
735: | $statementResult, |
736: | $executionEnds, |
737: | array_merge($statementResult->getImpurePoints(), $methodImpurePoints), |
738: | $classReflection, |
739: | $methodReflection, |
740: | ), $methodScope); |
741: | } |
742: | } elseif ($stmt instanceof Echo_) { |
743: | $hasYield = false; |
744: | $throwPoints = []; |
745: | foreach ($stmt->exprs as $echoExpr) { |
746: | $result = $this->processExprNode($stmt, $echoExpr, $scope, $nodeCallback, ExpressionContext::createDeep()); |
747: | $throwPoints = array_merge($throwPoints, $result->getThrowPoints()); |
748: | $scope = $result->getScope(); |
749: | $hasYield = $hasYield || $result->hasYield(); |
750: | } |
751: | |
752: | $throwPoints = $overridingThrowPoints ?? $throwPoints; |
753: | $impurePoints = [ |
754: | new ImpurePoint($scope, $stmt, 'echo', 'echo', true), |
755: | ]; |
756: | } elseif ($stmt instanceof Return_) { |
757: | if ($stmt->expr !== null) { |
758: | $result = $this->processExprNode($stmt, $stmt->expr, $scope, $nodeCallback, ExpressionContext::createDeep()); |
759: | $throwPoints = $result->getThrowPoints(); |
760: | $impurePoints = $result->getImpurePoints(); |
761: | $scope = $result->getScope(); |
762: | $hasYield = $result->hasYield(); |
763: | } else { |
764: | $hasYield = false; |
765: | $throwPoints = []; |
766: | $impurePoints = []; |
767: | } |
768: | |
769: | return new StatementResult($scope, $hasYield, true, [ |
770: | new StatementExitPoint($stmt, $scope), |
771: | ], $overridingThrowPoints ?? $throwPoints, $impurePoints); |
772: | } elseif ($stmt instanceof Continue_ || $stmt instanceof Break_) { |
773: | if ($stmt->num !== null) { |
774: | $result = $this->processExprNode($stmt, $stmt->num, $scope, $nodeCallback, ExpressionContext::createDeep()); |
775: | $scope = $result->getScope(); |
776: | $hasYield = $result->hasYield(); |
777: | $throwPoints = $result->getThrowPoints(); |
778: | $impurePoints = $result->getImpurePoints(); |
779: | } else { |
780: | $hasYield = false; |
781: | $throwPoints = []; |
782: | $impurePoints = []; |
783: | } |
784: | |
785: | return new StatementResult($scope, $hasYield, true, [ |
786: | new StatementExitPoint($stmt, $scope), |
787: | ], $overridingThrowPoints ?? $throwPoints, $impurePoints); |
788: | } elseif ($stmt instanceof Node\Stmt\Expression) { |
789: | if ($stmt->expr instanceof Expr\Throw_) { |
790: | $scope = $stmtScope; |
791: | } |
792: | $earlyTerminationExpr = $this->findEarlyTerminatingExpr($stmt->expr, $scope); |
793: | $hasAssign = false; |
794: | $currentScope = $scope; |
795: | $result = $this->processExprNode($stmt, $stmt->expr, $scope, static function (Node $node, Scope $scope) use ($nodeCallback, $currentScope, &$hasAssign): void { |
796: | $nodeCallback($node, $scope); |
797: | if ($scope->getAnonymousFunctionReflection() !== $currentScope->getAnonymousFunctionReflection()) { |
798: | return; |
799: | } |
800: | if ($scope->getFunction() !== $currentScope->getFunction()) { |
801: | return; |
802: | } |
803: | if (!$node instanceof VariableAssignNode && !$node instanceof PropertyAssignNode) { |
804: | return; |
805: | } |
806: | |
807: | $hasAssign = true; |
808: | }, ExpressionContext::createTopLevel()); |
809: | $throwPoints = array_filter($result->getThrowPoints(), static fn ($throwPoint) => $throwPoint->isExplicit()); |
810: | if ( |
811: | count($result->getImpurePoints()) === 0 |
812: | && count($throwPoints) === 0 |
813: | && !$stmt->expr instanceof Expr\PostInc |
814: | && !$stmt->expr instanceof Expr\PreInc |
815: | && !$stmt->expr instanceof Expr\PostDec |
816: | && !$stmt->expr instanceof Expr\PreDec |
817: | ) { |
818: | $nodeCallback(new NoopExpressionNode($stmt->expr, $hasAssign), $scope); |
819: | } |
820: | $scope = $result->getScope(); |
821: | $scope = $scope->filterBySpecifiedTypes($this->typeSpecifier->specifyTypesInCondition( |
822: | $scope, |
823: | $stmt->expr, |
824: | TypeSpecifierContext::createNull(), |
825: | )); |
826: | $hasYield = $result->hasYield(); |
827: | $throwPoints = $result->getThrowPoints(); |
828: | $impurePoints = $result->getImpurePoints(); |
829: | if ($earlyTerminationExpr !== null) { |
830: | return new StatementResult($scope, $hasYield, true, [ |
831: | new StatementExitPoint($stmt, $scope), |
832: | ], $overridingThrowPoints ?? $throwPoints, $impurePoints); |
833: | } |
834: | return new StatementResult($scope, $hasYield, false, [], $overridingThrowPoints ?? $throwPoints, $impurePoints); |
835: | } elseif ($stmt instanceof Node\Stmt\Namespace_) { |
836: | if ($stmt->name !== null) { |
837: | $scope = $scope->enterNamespace($stmt->name->toString()); |
838: | } |
839: | |
840: | $scope = $this->processStmtNodes($stmt, $stmt->stmts, $scope, $nodeCallback, $context)->getScope(); |
841: | $hasYield = false; |
842: | $throwPoints = []; |
843: | $impurePoints = []; |
844: | } elseif ($stmt instanceof Node\Stmt\Trait_) { |
845: | return new StatementResult($scope, false, false, [], [], []); |
846: | } elseif ($stmt instanceof Node\Stmt\ClassLike) { |
847: | if (!$context->isTopLevel()) { |
848: | return new StatementResult($scope, false, false, [], [], []); |
849: | } |
850: | $hasYield = false; |
851: | $throwPoints = []; |
852: | $impurePoints = []; |
853: | if (isset($stmt->namespacedName)) { |
854: | $classReflection = $this->getCurrentClassReflection($stmt, $stmt->namespacedName->toString(), $scope); |
855: | $classScope = $scope->enterClass($classReflection); |
856: | $nodeCallback(new InClassNode($stmt, $classReflection), $classScope); |
857: | } elseif ($stmt instanceof Class_) { |
858: | if ($stmt->name === null) { |
859: | throw new ShouldNotHappenException(); |
860: | } |
861: | if (!$stmt->isAnonymous()) { |
862: | $classReflection = $this->reflectionProvider->getClass($stmt->name->toString()); |
863: | } else { |
864: | $classReflection = $this->reflectionProvider->getAnonymousClassReflection($stmt, $scope); |
865: | } |
866: | $classScope = $scope->enterClass($classReflection); |
867: | $nodeCallback(new InClassNode($stmt, $classReflection), $classScope); |
868: | } else { |
869: | throw new ShouldNotHappenException(); |
870: | } |
871: | |
872: | $classStatementsGatherer = new ClassStatementsGatherer($classReflection, $nodeCallback); |
873: | $this->processAttributeGroups($stmt, $stmt->attrGroups, $classScope, $classStatementsGatherer); |
874: | |
875: | $this->processStmtNodes($stmt, $stmt->stmts, $classScope, $classStatementsGatherer, $context); |
876: | $nodeCallback(new ClassPropertiesNode($stmt, $this->readWritePropertiesExtensionProvider, $classStatementsGatherer->getProperties(), $classStatementsGatherer->getPropertyUsages(), $classStatementsGatherer->getMethodCalls(), $classStatementsGatherer->getReturnStatementsNodes(), $classStatementsGatherer->getPropertyAssigns(), $classReflection), $classScope); |
877: | $nodeCallback(new ClassMethodsNode($stmt, $classStatementsGatherer->getMethods(), $classStatementsGatherer->getMethodCalls(), $classReflection), $classScope); |
878: | $nodeCallback(new ClassConstantsNode($stmt, $classStatementsGatherer->getConstants(), $classStatementsGatherer->getConstantFetches(), $classReflection), $classScope); |
879: | $classReflection->evictPrivateSymbols(); |
880: | $this->calledMethodResults = []; |
881: | } elseif ($stmt instanceof Node\Stmt\Property) { |
882: | $hasYield = false; |
883: | $throwPoints = []; |
884: | $impurePoints = []; |
885: | $this->processAttributeGroups($stmt, $stmt->attrGroups, $scope, $nodeCallback); |
886: | |
887: | foreach ($stmt->props as $prop) { |
888: | $nodeCallback($prop, $scope); |
889: | if ($prop->default !== null) { |
890: | $this->processExprNode($stmt, $prop->default, $scope, $nodeCallback, ExpressionContext::createDeep()); |
891: | } |
892: | [,,,,,,,,,,,,$isReadOnly, $docComment, ,,,$varTags, $isAllowedPrivateMutation] = $this->getPhpDocs($scope, $stmt); |
893: | if (!$scope->isInClass()) { |
894: | throw new ShouldNotHappenException(); |
895: | } |
896: | $propertyName = $prop->name->toString(); |
897: | $phpDocType = null; |
898: | if (isset($varTags[0]) && count($varTags) === 1) { |
899: | $phpDocType = $varTags[0]->getType(); |
900: | } elseif (isset($varTags[$propertyName])) { |
901: | $phpDocType = $varTags[$propertyName]->getType(); |
902: | } |
903: | $propStmt = clone $stmt; |
904: | $propStmt->setAttributes($prop->getAttributes()); |
905: | $nodeCallback( |
906: | new ClassPropertyNode( |
907: | $propertyName, |
908: | $stmt->flags, |
909: | $stmt->type !== null ? ParserNodeTypeToPHPStanType::resolve($stmt->type, $scope->getClassReflection()) : null, |
910: | $prop->default, |
911: | $docComment, |
912: | $phpDocType, |
913: | false, |
914: | false, |
915: | $propStmt, |
916: | $isReadOnly, |
917: | $scope->isInTrait(), |
918: | $scope->getClassReflection()->isReadOnly(), |
919: | $isAllowedPrivateMutation, |
920: | $scope->getClassReflection(), |
921: | ), |
922: | $scope, |
923: | ); |
924: | } |
925: | |
926: | if ($stmt->type !== null) { |
927: | $nodeCallback($stmt->type, $scope); |
928: | } |
929: | } elseif ($stmt instanceof If_) { |
930: | $conditionType = ($this->treatPhpDocTypesAsCertain ? $scope->getType($stmt->cond) : $scope->getNativeType($stmt->cond))->toBoolean(); |
931: | $ifAlwaysTrue = $conditionType->isTrue()->yes(); |
932: | $condResult = $this->processExprNode($stmt, $stmt->cond, $scope, $nodeCallback, ExpressionContext::createDeep()); |
933: | $exitPoints = []; |
934: | $throwPoints = $overridingThrowPoints ?? $condResult->getThrowPoints(); |
935: | $impurePoints = $condResult->getImpurePoints(); |
936: | $endStatements = []; |
937: | $finalScope = null; |
938: | $alwaysTerminating = true; |
939: | $hasYield = $condResult->hasYield(); |
940: | |
941: | $branchScopeStatementResult = $this->processStmtNodes($stmt, $stmt->stmts, $condResult->getTruthyScope(), $nodeCallback, $context); |
942: | |
943: | if (!$conditionType instanceof ConstantBooleanType || $conditionType->getValue()) { |
944: | $exitPoints = $branchScopeStatementResult->getExitPoints(); |
945: | $throwPoints = array_merge($throwPoints, $branchScopeStatementResult->getThrowPoints()); |
946: | $impurePoints = array_merge($impurePoints, $branchScopeStatementResult->getImpurePoints()); |
947: | $branchScope = $branchScopeStatementResult->getScope(); |
948: | $finalScope = $branchScopeStatementResult->isAlwaysTerminating() ? null : $branchScope; |
949: | $alwaysTerminating = $branchScopeStatementResult->isAlwaysTerminating(); |
950: | if (count($branchScopeStatementResult->getEndStatements()) > 0) { |
951: | $endStatements = array_merge($endStatements, $branchScopeStatementResult->getEndStatements()); |
952: | } elseif (count($stmt->stmts) > 0) { |
953: | $endStatements[] = new EndStatementResult($stmt->stmts[count($stmt->stmts) - 1], $branchScopeStatementResult); |
954: | } else { |
955: | $endStatements[] = new EndStatementResult($stmt, $branchScopeStatementResult); |
956: | } |
957: | $hasYield = $branchScopeStatementResult->hasYield() || $hasYield; |
958: | } |
959: | |
960: | $scope = $condResult->getFalseyScope(); |
961: | $lastElseIfConditionIsTrue = false; |
962: | |
963: | $condScope = $scope; |
964: | foreach ($stmt->elseifs as $elseif) { |
965: | $nodeCallback($elseif, $scope); |
966: | $elseIfConditionType = ($this->treatPhpDocTypesAsCertain ? $condScope->getType($elseif->cond) : $scope->getNativeType($elseif->cond))->toBoolean(); |
967: | $condResult = $this->processExprNode($stmt, $elseif->cond, $condScope, $nodeCallback, ExpressionContext::createDeep()); |
968: | $throwPoints = array_merge($throwPoints, $condResult->getThrowPoints()); |
969: | $impurePoints = array_merge($impurePoints, $condResult->getImpurePoints()); |
970: | $condScope = $condResult->getScope(); |
971: | $branchScopeStatementResult = $this->processStmtNodes($elseif, $elseif->stmts, $condResult->getTruthyScope(), $nodeCallback, $context); |
972: | |
973: | if ( |
974: | !$ifAlwaysTrue |
975: | && ( |
976: | !$lastElseIfConditionIsTrue |
977: | && ( |
978: | !$elseIfConditionType instanceof ConstantBooleanType |
979: | || $elseIfConditionType->getValue() |
980: | ) |
981: | ) |
982: | ) { |
983: | $exitPoints = array_merge($exitPoints, $branchScopeStatementResult->getExitPoints()); |
984: | $throwPoints = array_merge($throwPoints, $branchScopeStatementResult->getThrowPoints()); |
985: | $impurePoints = array_merge($impurePoints, $branchScopeStatementResult->getImpurePoints()); |
986: | $branchScope = $branchScopeStatementResult->getScope(); |
987: | $finalScope = $branchScopeStatementResult->isAlwaysTerminating() ? $finalScope : $branchScope->mergeWith($finalScope); |
988: | $alwaysTerminating = $alwaysTerminating && $branchScopeStatementResult->isAlwaysTerminating(); |
989: | if (count($branchScopeStatementResult->getEndStatements()) > 0) { |
990: | $endStatements = array_merge($endStatements, $branchScopeStatementResult->getEndStatements()); |
991: | } elseif (count($elseif->stmts) > 0) { |
992: | $endStatements[] = new EndStatementResult($elseif->stmts[count($elseif->stmts) - 1], $branchScopeStatementResult); |
993: | } else { |
994: | $endStatements[] = new EndStatementResult($elseif, $branchScopeStatementResult); |
995: | } |
996: | $hasYield = $hasYield || $branchScopeStatementResult->hasYield(); |
997: | } |
998: | |
999: | if ( |
1000: | $elseIfConditionType->isTrue()->yes() |
1001: | ) { |
1002: | $lastElseIfConditionIsTrue = true; |
1003: | } |
1004: | |
1005: | $condScope = $condScope->filterByFalseyValue($elseif->cond); |
1006: | $scope = $condScope; |
1007: | } |
1008: | |
1009: | if ($stmt->else === null) { |
1010: | if (!$ifAlwaysTrue && !$lastElseIfConditionIsTrue) { |
1011: | $finalScope = $scope->mergeWith($finalScope); |
1012: | $alwaysTerminating = false; |
1013: | } |
1014: | } else { |
1015: | $nodeCallback($stmt->else, $scope); |
1016: | $branchScopeStatementResult = $this->processStmtNodes($stmt->else, $stmt->else->stmts, $scope, $nodeCallback, $context); |
1017: | |
1018: | if (!$ifAlwaysTrue && !$lastElseIfConditionIsTrue) { |
1019: | $exitPoints = array_merge($exitPoints, $branchScopeStatementResult->getExitPoints()); |
1020: | $throwPoints = array_merge($throwPoints, $branchScopeStatementResult->getThrowPoints()); |
1021: | $impurePoints = array_merge($impurePoints, $branchScopeStatementResult->getImpurePoints()); |
1022: | $branchScope = $branchScopeStatementResult->getScope(); |
1023: | $finalScope = $branchScopeStatementResult->isAlwaysTerminating() ? $finalScope : $branchScope->mergeWith($finalScope); |
1024: | $alwaysTerminating = $alwaysTerminating && $branchScopeStatementResult->isAlwaysTerminating(); |
1025: | if (count($branchScopeStatementResult->getEndStatements()) > 0) { |
1026: | $endStatements = array_merge($endStatements, $branchScopeStatementResult->getEndStatements()); |
1027: | } elseif (count($stmt->else->stmts) > 0) { |
1028: | $endStatements[] = new EndStatementResult($stmt->else->stmts[count($stmt->else->stmts) - 1], $branchScopeStatementResult); |
1029: | } else { |
1030: | $endStatements[] = new EndStatementResult($stmt->else, $branchScopeStatementResult); |
1031: | } |
1032: | $hasYield = $hasYield || $branchScopeStatementResult->hasYield(); |
1033: | } |
1034: | } |
1035: | |
1036: | if ($finalScope === null) { |
1037: | $finalScope = $scope; |
1038: | } |
1039: | |
1040: | if ($stmt->else === null && !$ifAlwaysTrue && !$lastElseIfConditionIsTrue) { |
1041: | $endStatements[] = new EndStatementResult($stmt, new StatementResult($finalScope, $hasYield, $alwaysTerminating, $exitPoints, $throwPoints, $impurePoints)); |
1042: | } |
1043: | |
1044: | return new StatementResult($finalScope, $hasYield, $alwaysTerminating, $exitPoints, $throwPoints, $impurePoints, $endStatements); |
1045: | } elseif ($stmt instanceof Node\Stmt\TraitUse) { |
1046: | $hasYield = false; |
1047: | $throwPoints = []; |
1048: | $impurePoints = []; |
1049: | $this->processTraitUse($stmt, $scope, $nodeCallback); |
1050: | } elseif ($stmt instanceof Foreach_) { |
1051: | $condResult = $this->processExprNode($stmt, $stmt->expr, $scope, $nodeCallback, ExpressionContext::createDeep()); |
1052: | $throwPoints = $overridingThrowPoints ?? $condResult->getThrowPoints(); |
1053: | $impurePoints = $condResult->getImpurePoints(); |
1054: | $scope = $condResult->getScope(); |
1055: | $arrayComparisonExpr = new BinaryOp\NotIdentical( |
1056: | $stmt->expr, |
1057: | new Array_([]), |
1058: | ); |
1059: | if ($stmt->expr instanceof Variable && is_string($stmt->expr->name)) { |
1060: | $scope = $this->processVarAnnotation($scope, [$stmt->expr->name], $stmt); |
1061: | } |
1062: | $nodeCallback(new InForeachNode($stmt), $scope); |
1063: | $originalScope = $scope; |
1064: | $bodyScope = $scope; |
1065: | |
1066: | if ($context->isTopLevel()) { |
1067: | $originalScope = $this->polluteScopeWithAlwaysIterableForeach ? $scope->filterByTruthyValue($arrayComparisonExpr) : $scope; |
1068: | $bodyScope = $this->enterForeach($originalScope, $originalScope, $stmt); |
1069: | $count = 0; |
1070: | do { |
1071: | $prevScope = $bodyScope; |
1072: | $bodyScope = $bodyScope->mergeWith($this->polluteScopeWithAlwaysIterableForeach ? $scope->filterByTruthyValue($arrayComparisonExpr) : $scope); |
1073: | $bodyScope = $this->enterForeach($bodyScope, $originalScope, $stmt); |
1074: | $bodyScopeResult = $this->processStmtNodes($stmt, $stmt->stmts, $bodyScope, static function (): void { |
1075: | }, $context->enterDeep())->filterOutLoopExitPoints(); |
1076: | $bodyScope = $bodyScopeResult->getScope(); |
1077: | foreach ($bodyScopeResult->getExitPointsByType(Continue_::class) as $continueExitPoint) { |
1078: | $bodyScope = $bodyScope->mergeWith($continueExitPoint->getScope()); |
1079: | } |
1080: | if ($bodyScope->equals($prevScope)) { |
1081: | break; |
1082: | } |
1083: | |
1084: | if ($count >= self::GENERALIZE_AFTER_ITERATION) { |
1085: | $bodyScope = $prevScope->generalizeWith($bodyScope); |
1086: | } |
1087: | $count++; |
1088: | } while ($count < self::LOOP_SCOPE_ITERATIONS); |
1089: | } |
1090: | |
1091: | $bodyScope = $bodyScope->mergeWith($this->polluteScopeWithAlwaysIterableForeach ? $scope->filterByTruthyValue($arrayComparisonExpr) : $scope); |
1092: | $bodyScope = $this->enterForeach($bodyScope, $originalScope, $stmt); |
1093: | $finalScopeResult = $this->processStmtNodes($stmt, $stmt->stmts, $bodyScope, $nodeCallback, $context)->filterOutLoopExitPoints(); |
1094: | $finalScope = $finalScopeResult->getScope(); |
1095: | foreach ($finalScopeResult->getExitPointsByType(Continue_::class) as $continueExitPoint) { |
1096: | $finalScope = $continueExitPoint->getScope()->mergeWith($finalScope); |
1097: | } |
1098: | foreach ($finalScopeResult->getExitPointsByType(Break_::class) as $breakExitPoint) { |
1099: | $finalScope = $breakExitPoint->getScope()->mergeWith($finalScope); |
1100: | } |
1101: | |
1102: | $exprType = $scope->getType($stmt->expr); |
1103: | $isIterableAtLeastOnce = $exprType->isIterableAtLeastOnce(); |
1104: | if ($exprType->isIterable()->no() || $isIterableAtLeastOnce->maybe()) { |
1105: | $finalScope = $finalScope->mergeWith($scope->filterByTruthyValue(new BooleanOr( |
1106: | new BinaryOp\Identical( |
1107: | $stmt->expr, |
1108: | new Array_([]), |
1109: | ), |
1110: | new FuncCall(new Name\FullyQualified('is_object'), [ |
1111: | new Arg($stmt->expr), |
1112: | ]), |
1113: | ))); |
1114: | } elseif ($isIterableAtLeastOnce->no() || $finalScopeResult->isAlwaysTerminating()) { |
1115: | $finalScope = $scope; |
1116: | } elseif (!$this->polluteScopeWithAlwaysIterableForeach) { |
1117: | $finalScope = $scope->processAlwaysIterableForeachScopeWithoutPollute($finalScope); |
1118: | |
1119: | } |
1120: | |
1121: | if (!$isIterableAtLeastOnce->no()) { |
1122: | $throwPoints = array_merge($throwPoints, $finalScopeResult->getThrowPoints()); |
1123: | $impurePoints = array_merge($impurePoints, $finalScopeResult->getImpurePoints()); |
1124: | } |
1125: | if (!(new ObjectType(Traversable::class))->isSuperTypeOf($scope->getType($stmt->expr))->no()) { |
1126: | $throwPoints[] = ThrowPoint::createImplicit($scope, $stmt->expr); |
1127: | } |
1128: | |
1129: | return new StatementResult( |
1130: | $finalScope, |
1131: | $finalScopeResult->hasYield() || $condResult->hasYield(), |
1132: | $isIterableAtLeastOnce->yes() && $finalScopeResult->isAlwaysTerminating(), |
1133: | $finalScopeResult->getExitPointsForOuterLoop(), |
1134: | $throwPoints, |
1135: | $impurePoints, |
1136: | ); |
1137: | } elseif ($stmt instanceof While_) { |
1138: | $condResult = $this->processExprNode($stmt, $stmt->cond, $scope, static function (): void { |
1139: | }, ExpressionContext::createDeep()); |
1140: | $bodyScope = $condResult->getTruthyScope(); |
1141: | |
1142: | if ($context->isTopLevel()) { |
1143: | $count = 0; |
1144: | do { |
1145: | $prevScope = $bodyScope; |
1146: | $bodyScope = $bodyScope->mergeWith($scope); |
1147: | $bodyScope = $this->processExprNode($stmt, $stmt->cond, $bodyScope, static function (): void { |
1148: | }, ExpressionContext::createDeep())->getTruthyScope(); |
1149: | $bodyScopeResult = $this->processStmtNodes($stmt, $stmt->stmts, $bodyScope, static function (): void { |
1150: | }, $context->enterDeep())->filterOutLoopExitPoints(); |
1151: | $bodyScope = $bodyScopeResult->getScope(); |
1152: | foreach ($bodyScopeResult->getExitPointsByType(Continue_::class) as $continueExitPoint) { |
1153: | $bodyScope = $bodyScope->mergeWith($continueExitPoint->getScope()); |
1154: | } |
1155: | if ($bodyScope->equals($prevScope)) { |
1156: | break; |
1157: | } |
1158: | |
1159: | if ($count >= self::GENERALIZE_AFTER_ITERATION) { |
1160: | $bodyScope = $prevScope->generalizeWith($bodyScope); |
1161: | } |
1162: | $count++; |
1163: | } while ($count < self::LOOP_SCOPE_ITERATIONS); |
1164: | } |
1165: | |
1166: | $bodyScope = $bodyScope->mergeWith($scope); |
1167: | $bodyScopeMaybeRan = $bodyScope; |
1168: | $bodyScope = $this->processExprNode($stmt, $stmt->cond, $bodyScope, $nodeCallback, ExpressionContext::createDeep())->getTruthyScope(); |
1169: | $finalScopeResult = $this->processStmtNodes($stmt, $stmt->stmts, $bodyScope, $nodeCallback, $context)->filterOutLoopExitPoints(); |
1170: | $finalScope = $finalScopeResult->getScope()->filterByFalseyValue($stmt->cond); |
1171: | |
1172: | $condBooleanType = ($this->treatPhpDocTypesAsCertain ? $bodyScopeMaybeRan->getType($stmt->cond) : $bodyScopeMaybeRan->getNativeType($stmt->cond))->toBoolean(); |
1173: | $alwaysIterates = $condBooleanType->isTrue()->yes() && $context->isTopLevel(); |
1174: | $neverIterates = $condBooleanType->isFalse()->yes() && $context->isTopLevel(); |
1175: | if (!$alwaysIterates) { |
1176: | foreach ($finalScopeResult->getExitPointsByType(Continue_::class) as $continueExitPoint) { |
1177: | $finalScope = $finalScope->mergeWith($continueExitPoint->getScope()); |
1178: | } |
1179: | } |
1180: | |
1181: | $breakExitPoints = $finalScopeResult->getExitPointsByType(Break_::class); |
1182: | foreach ($breakExitPoints as $breakExitPoint) { |
1183: | $finalScope = $finalScope->mergeWith($breakExitPoint->getScope()); |
1184: | } |
1185: | |
1186: | $beforeCondBooleanType = ($this->treatPhpDocTypesAsCertain ? $scope->getType($stmt->cond) : $scope->getNativeType($stmt->cond))->toBoolean(); |
1187: | $isIterableAtLeastOnce = $beforeCondBooleanType->isTrue()->yes(); |
1188: | $nodeCallback(new BreaklessWhileLoopNode($stmt, $finalScopeResult->getExitPoints()), $bodyScopeMaybeRan); |
1189: | |
1190: | if ($alwaysIterates) { |
1191: | $isAlwaysTerminating = count($finalScopeResult->getExitPointsByType(Break_::class)) === 0; |
1192: | } elseif ($isIterableAtLeastOnce) { |
1193: | $isAlwaysTerminating = $finalScopeResult->isAlwaysTerminating(); |
1194: | } else { |
1195: | $isAlwaysTerminating = false; |
1196: | } |
1197: | $condScope = $condResult->getFalseyScope(); |
1198: | if (!$isIterableAtLeastOnce) { |
1199: | if (!$this->polluteScopeWithLoopInitialAssignments) { |
1200: | $condScope = $condScope->mergeWith($scope); |
1201: | } |
1202: | $finalScope = $finalScope->mergeWith($condScope); |
1203: | } |
1204: | |
1205: | $throwPoints = $overridingThrowPoints ?? $condResult->getThrowPoints(); |
1206: | $impurePoints = $condResult->getImpurePoints(); |
1207: | if (!$neverIterates) { |
1208: | $throwPoints = array_merge($throwPoints, $finalScopeResult->getThrowPoints()); |
1209: | $impurePoints = array_merge($impurePoints, $finalScopeResult->getImpurePoints()); |
1210: | } |
1211: | |
1212: | return new StatementResult( |
1213: | $finalScope, |
1214: | $finalScopeResult->hasYield() || $condResult->hasYield(), |
1215: | $isAlwaysTerminating, |
1216: | $finalScopeResult->getExitPointsForOuterLoop(), |
1217: | $throwPoints, |
1218: | $impurePoints, |
1219: | ); |
1220: | } elseif ($stmt instanceof Do_) { |
1221: | $finalScope = null; |
1222: | $bodyScope = $scope; |
1223: | $count = 0; |
1224: | $hasYield = false; |
1225: | $throwPoints = []; |
1226: | $impurePoints = []; |
1227: | |
1228: | if ($context->isTopLevel()) { |
1229: | do { |
1230: | $prevScope = $bodyScope; |
1231: | $bodyScope = $bodyScope->mergeWith($scope); |
1232: | $bodyScopeResult = $this->processStmtNodes($stmt, $stmt->stmts, $bodyScope, static function (): void { |
1233: | }, $context->enterDeep())->filterOutLoopExitPoints(); |
1234: | $alwaysTerminating = $bodyScopeResult->isAlwaysTerminating(); |
1235: | $bodyScope = $bodyScopeResult->getScope(); |
1236: | foreach ($bodyScopeResult->getExitPointsByType(Continue_::class) as $continueExitPoint) { |
1237: | $bodyScope = $bodyScope->mergeWith($continueExitPoint->getScope()); |
1238: | } |
1239: | $finalScope = $alwaysTerminating ? $finalScope : $bodyScope->mergeWith($finalScope); |
1240: | foreach ($bodyScopeResult->getExitPointsByType(Break_::class) as $breakExitPoint) { |
1241: | $finalScope = $breakExitPoint->getScope()->mergeWith($finalScope); |
1242: | } |
1243: | $bodyScope = $this->processExprNode($stmt, $stmt->cond, $bodyScope, static function (): void { |
1244: | }, ExpressionContext::createDeep())->getTruthyScope(); |
1245: | if ($bodyScope->equals($prevScope)) { |
1246: | break; |
1247: | } |
1248: | |
1249: | if ($count >= self::GENERALIZE_AFTER_ITERATION) { |
1250: | $bodyScope = $prevScope->generalizeWith($bodyScope); |
1251: | } |
1252: | $count++; |
1253: | } while ($count < self::LOOP_SCOPE_ITERATIONS); |
1254: | |
1255: | $bodyScope = $bodyScope->mergeWith($scope); |
1256: | } |
1257: | |
1258: | $bodyScopeResult = $this->processStmtNodes($stmt, $stmt->stmts, $bodyScope, $nodeCallback, $context)->filterOutLoopExitPoints(); |
1259: | $bodyScope = $bodyScopeResult->getScope(); |
1260: | foreach ($bodyScopeResult->getExitPointsByType(Continue_::class) as $continueExitPoint) { |
1261: | $bodyScope = $bodyScope->mergeWith($continueExitPoint->getScope()); |
1262: | } |
1263: | $condBooleanType = ($this->treatPhpDocTypesAsCertain ? $bodyScope->getType($stmt->cond) : $bodyScope->getNativeType($stmt->cond))->toBoolean(); |
1264: | $alwaysIterates = $condBooleanType->isTrue()->yes() && $context->isTopLevel(); |
1265: | |
1266: | $nodeCallback(new DoWhileLoopConditionNode($stmt->cond, $bodyScopeResult->getExitPoints()), $bodyScope); |
1267: | |
1268: | if ($alwaysIterates) { |
1269: | $alwaysTerminating = count($bodyScopeResult->getExitPointsByType(Break_::class)) === 0; |
1270: | } else { |
1271: | $alwaysTerminating = $bodyScopeResult->isAlwaysTerminating(); |
1272: | } |
1273: | $finalScope = $alwaysTerminating ? $finalScope : $bodyScope->mergeWith($finalScope); |
1274: | if ($finalScope === null) { |
1275: | $finalScope = $scope; |
1276: | } |
1277: | if (!$alwaysTerminating) { |
1278: | $condResult = $this->processExprNode($stmt, $stmt->cond, $bodyScope, $nodeCallback, ExpressionContext::createDeep()); |
1279: | $hasYield = $condResult->hasYield(); |
1280: | $throwPoints = $condResult->getThrowPoints(); |
1281: | $impurePoints = $condResult->getImpurePoints(); |
1282: | $finalScope = $condResult->getFalseyScope(); |
1283: | } else { |
1284: | $this->processExprNode($stmt, $stmt->cond, $bodyScope, $nodeCallback, ExpressionContext::createDeep()); |
1285: | } |
1286: | foreach ($bodyScopeResult->getExitPointsByType(Break_::class) as $breakExitPoint) { |
1287: | $finalScope = $breakExitPoint->getScope()->mergeWith($finalScope); |
1288: | } |
1289: | |
1290: | return new StatementResult( |
1291: | $finalScope, |
1292: | $bodyScopeResult->hasYield() || $hasYield, |
1293: | $alwaysTerminating, |
1294: | $bodyScopeResult->getExitPointsForOuterLoop(), |
1295: | array_merge($throwPoints, $bodyScopeResult->getThrowPoints()), |
1296: | array_merge($impurePoints, $bodyScopeResult->getImpurePoints()), |
1297: | ); |
1298: | } elseif ($stmt instanceof For_) { |
1299: | $initScope = $scope; |
1300: | $hasYield = false; |
1301: | $throwPoints = []; |
1302: | $impurePoints = []; |
1303: | foreach ($stmt->init as $initExpr) { |
1304: | $initResult = $this->processExprNode($stmt, $initExpr, $initScope, $nodeCallback, ExpressionContext::createTopLevel()); |
1305: | $initScope = $initResult->getScope(); |
1306: | $hasYield = $hasYield || $initResult->hasYield(); |
1307: | $throwPoints = array_merge($throwPoints, $initResult->getThrowPoints()); |
1308: | $impurePoints = array_merge($impurePoints, $initResult->getImpurePoints()); |
1309: | } |
1310: | |
1311: | $bodyScope = $initScope; |
1312: | $isIterableAtLeastOnce = TrinaryLogic::createYes(); |
1313: | $lastCondExpr = $stmt->cond[count($stmt->cond) - 1] ?? null; |
1314: | foreach ($stmt->cond as $condExpr) { |
1315: | $condResult = $this->processExprNode($stmt, $condExpr, $bodyScope, static function (): void { |
1316: | }, ExpressionContext::createDeep()); |
1317: | $initScope = $condResult->getScope(); |
1318: | $condResultScope = $condResult->getScope(); |
1319: | |
1320: | if ($condExpr === $lastCondExpr) { |
1321: | $condTruthiness = ($this->treatPhpDocTypesAsCertain ? $condResultScope->getType($condExpr) : $condResultScope->getNativeType($condExpr))->toBoolean(); |
1322: | $isIterableAtLeastOnce = $isIterableAtLeastOnce->and($condTruthiness->isTrue()); |
1323: | } |
1324: | |
1325: | $hasYield = $hasYield || $condResult->hasYield(); |
1326: | $throwPoints = array_merge($throwPoints, $condResult->getThrowPoints()); |
1327: | $impurePoints = array_merge($impurePoints, $condResult->getImpurePoints()); |
1328: | $bodyScope = $condResult->getTruthyScope(); |
1329: | } |
1330: | |
1331: | if ($context->isTopLevel()) { |
1332: | $count = 0; |
1333: | do { |
1334: | $prevScope = $bodyScope; |
1335: | $bodyScope = $bodyScope->mergeWith($initScope); |
1336: | if ($lastCondExpr !== null) { |
1337: | $bodyScope = $this->processExprNode($stmt, $lastCondExpr, $bodyScope, static function (): void { |
1338: | }, ExpressionContext::createDeep())->getTruthyScope(); |
1339: | } |
1340: | $bodyScopeResult = $this->processStmtNodes($stmt, $stmt->stmts, $bodyScope, static function (): void { |
1341: | }, $context->enterDeep())->filterOutLoopExitPoints(); |
1342: | $bodyScope = $bodyScopeResult->getScope(); |
1343: | foreach ($bodyScopeResult->getExitPointsByType(Continue_::class) as $continueExitPoint) { |
1344: | $bodyScope = $bodyScope->mergeWith($continueExitPoint->getScope()); |
1345: | } |
1346: | foreach ($stmt->loop as $loopExpr) { |
1347: | $exprResult = $this->processExprNode($stmt, $loopExpr, $bodyScope, static function (): void { |
1348: | }, ExpressionContext::createTopLevel()); |
1349: | $bodyScope = $exprResult->getScope(); |
1350: | $hasYield = $hasYield || $exprResult->hasYield(); |
1351: | $throwPoints = array_merge($throwPoints, $exprResult->getThrowPoints()); |
1352: | $impurePoints = array_merge($impurePoints, $exprResult->getImpurePoints()); |
1353: | } |
1354: | |
1355: | if ($bodyScope->equals($prevScope)) { |
1356: | break; |
1357: | } |
1358: | |
1359: | if ($count >= self::GENERALIZE_AFTER_ITERATION) { |
1360: | $bodyScope = $prevScope->generalizeWith($bodyScope); |
1361: | } |
1362: | $count++; |
1363: | } while ($count < self::LOOP_SCOPE_ITERATIONS); |
1364: | } |
1365: | |
1366: | $bodyScope = $bodyScope->mergeWith($initScope); |
1367: | |
1368: | $alwaysIterates = TrinaryLogic::createFromBoolean($context->isTopLevel()); |
1369: | if ($lastCondExpr !== null) { |
1370: | $alwaysIterates = $alwaysIterates->and($bodyScope->getType($lastCondExpr)->toBoolean()->isTrue()); |
1371: | $bodyScope = $this->processExprNode($stmt, $lastCondExpr, $bodyScope, $nodeCallback, ExpressionContext::createDeep())->getTruthyScope(); |
1372: | } |
1373: | |
1374: | $finalScopeResult = $this->processStmtNodes($stmt, $stmt->stmts, $bodyScope, $nodeCallback, $context)->filterOutLoopExitPoints(); |
1375: | $finalScope = $finalScopeResult->getScope(); |
1376: | foreach ($finalScopeResult->getExitPointsByType(Continue_::class) as $continueExitPoint) { |
1377: | $finalScope = $continueExitPoint->getScope()->mergeWith($finalScope); |
1378: | } |
1379: | |
1380: | $loopScope = $finalScope; |
1381: | foreach ($stmt->loop as $loopExpr) { |
1382: | $loopScope = $this->processExprNode($stmt, $loopExpr, $loopScope, $nodeCallback, ExpressionContext::createTopLevel())->getScope(); |
1383: | } |
1384: | $finalScope = $finalScope->generalizeWith($loopScope); |
1385: | |
1386: | if ($lastCondExpr !== null) { |
1387: | $finalScope = $finalScope->filterByFalseyValue($lastCondExpr); |
1388: | } |
1389: | |
1390: | foreach ($finalScopeResult->getExitPointsByType(Break_::class) as $breakExitPoint) { |
1391: | $finalScope = $breakExitPoint->getScope()->mergeWith($finalScope); |
1392: | } |
1393: | |
1394: | if ($isIterableAtLeastOnce->no() || $finalScopeResult->isAlwaysTerminating()) { |
1395: | if ($this->polluteScopeWithLoopInitialAssignments) { |
1396: | $finalScope = $initScope; |
1397: | } else { |
1398: | $finalScope = $scope; |
1399: | } |
1400: | |
1401: | } elseif ($isIterableAtLeastOnce->maybe()) { |
1402: | if ($this->polluteScopeWithLoopInitialAssignments) { |
1403: | $finalScope = $finalScope->mergeWith($initScope); |
1404: | } else { |
1405: | $finalScope = $finalScope->mergeWith($scope); |
1406: | } |
1407: | } else { |
1408: | if (!$this->polluteScopeWithLoopInitialAssignments) { |
1409: | $finalScope = $finalScope->mergeWith($scope); |
1410: | } |
1411: | } |
1412: | |
1413: | if ($alwaysIterates->yes()) { |
1414: | $isAlwaysTerminating = count($finalScopeResult->getExitPointsByType(Break_::class)) === 0; |
1415: | } elseif ($isIterableAtLeastOnce->yes()) { |
1416: | $isAlwaysTerminating = $finalScopeResult->isAlwaysTerminating(); |
1417: | } else { |
1418: | $isAlwaysTerminating = false; |
1419: | } |
1420: | |
1421: | return new StatementResult( |
1422: | $finalScope, |
1423: | $finalScopeResult->hasYield() || $hasYield, |
1424: | $isAlwaysTerminating, |
1425: | $finalScopeResult->getExitPointsForOuterLoop(), |
1426: | array_merge($throwPoints, $finalScopeResult->getThrowPoints()), |
1427: | array_merge($impurePoints, $finalScopeResult->getImpurePoints()), |
1428: | ); |
1429: | } elseif ($stmt instanceof Switch_) { |
1430: | $condResult = $this->processExprNode($stmt, $stmt->cond, $scope, $nodeCallback, ExpressionContext::createDeep()); |
1431: | $scope = $condResult->getScope(); |
1432: | $scopeForBranches = $scope; |
1433: | $finalScope = null; |
1434: | $prevScope = null; |
1435: | $hasDefaultCase = false; |
1436: | $alwaysTerminating = true; |
1437: | $hasYield = $condResult->hasYield(); |
1438: | $exitPointsForOuterLoop = []; |
1439: | $throwPoints = $condResult->getThrowPoints(); |
1440: | $impurePoints = $condResult->getImpurePoints(); |
1441: | foreach ($stmt->cases as $caseNode) { |
1442: | if ($caseNode->cond !== null) { |
1443: | $condExpr = new BinaryOp\Equal($stmt->cond, $caseNode->cond); |
1444: | $caseResult = $this->processExprNode($stmt, $caseNode->cond, $scopeForBranches, $nodeCallback, ExpressionContext::createDeep()); |
1445: | $scopeForBranches = $caseResult->getScope(); |
1446: | $hasYield = $hasYield || $caseResult->hasYield(); |
1447: | $throwPoints = array_merge($throwPoints, $caseResult->getThrowPoints()); |
1448: | $impurePoints = array_merge($impurePoints, $caseResult->getImpurePoints()); |
1449: | $branchScope = $caseResult->getTruthyScope()->filterByTruthyValue($condExpr); |
1450: | } else { |
1451: | $hasDefaultCase = true; |
1452: | $branchScope = $scopeForBranches; |
1453: | } |
1454: | |
1455: | $branchScope = $branchScope->mergeWith($prevScope); |
1456: | $branchScopeResult = $this->processStmtNodes($caseNode, $caseNode->stmts, $branchScope, $nodeCallback, $context); |
1457: | $branchScope = $branchScopeResult->getScope(); |
1458: | $branchFinalScopeResult = $branchScopeResult->filterOutLoopExitPoints(); |
1459: | $hasYield = $hasYield || $branchFinalScopeResult->hasYield(); |
1460: | foreach ($branchScopeResult->getExitPointsByType(Break_::class) as $breakExitPoint) { |
1461: | $alwaysTerminating = false; |
1462: | $finalScope = $breakExitPoint->getScope()->mergeWith($finalScope); |
1463: | } |
1464: | foreach ($branchScopeResult->getExitPointsByType(Continue_::class) as $continueExitPoint) { |
1465: | $finalScope = $continueExitPoint->getScope()->mergeWith($finalScope); |
1466: | } |
1467: | $exitPointsForOuterLoop = array_merge($exitPointsForOuterLoop, $branchFinalScopeResult->getExitPointsForOuterLoop()); |
1468: | $throwPoints = array_merge($throwPoints, $branchFinalScopeResult->getThrowPoints()); |
1469: | $impurePoints = array_merge($impurePoints, $branchFinalScopeResult->getImpurePoints()); |
1470: | if ($branchScopeResult->isAlwaysTerminating()) { |
1471: | $alwaysTerminating = $alwaysTerminating && $branchFinalScopeResult->isAlwaysTerminating(); |
1472: | $prevScope = null; |
1473: | if (isset($condExpr)) { |
1474: | $scopeForBranches = $scopeForBranches->filterByFalseyValue($condExpr); |
1475: | } |
1476: | if (!$branchFinalScopeResult->isAlwaysTerminating()) { |
1477: | $finalScope = $branchScope->mergeWith($finalScope); |
1478: | } |
1479: | } else { |
1480: | $prevScope = $branchScope; |
1481: | } |
1482: | } |
1483: | |
1484: | $exhaustive = $scopeForBranches->getType($stmt->cond) instanceof NeverType; |
1485: | |
1486: | if (!$hasDefaultCase && !$exhaustive) { |
1487: | $alwaysTerminating = false; |
1488: | } |
1489: | |
1490: | if ($prevScope !== null && isset($branchFinalScopeResult)) { |
1491: | $finalScope = $prevScope->mergeWith($finalScope); |
1492: | $alwaysTerminating = $alwaysTerminating && $branchFinalScopeResult->isAlwaysTerminating(); |
1493: | } |
1494: | |
1495: | if ((!$hasDefaultCase && !$exhaustive) || $finalScope === null) { |
1496: | $finalScope = $scope->mergeWith($finalScope); |
1497: | } |
1498: | |
1499: | return new StatementResult($finalScope, $hasYield, $alwaysTerminating, $exitPointsForOuterLoop, $throwPoints, $impurePoints); |
1500: | } elseif ($stmt instanceof TryCatch) { |
1501: | $branchScopeResult = $this->processStmtNodes($stmt, $stmt->stmts, $scope, $nodeCallback, $context); |
1502: | $branchScope = $branchScopeResult->getScope(); |
1503: | $finalScope = $branchScopeResult->isAlwaysTerminating() ? null : $branchScope; |
1504: | |
1505: | $exitPoints = []; |
1506: | $finallyExitPoints = []; |
1507: | $alwaysTerminating = $branchScopeResult->isAlwaysTerminating(); |
1508: | $hasYield = $branchScopeResult->hasYield(); |
1509: | |
1510: | if ($stmt->finally !== null) { |
1511: | $finallyScope = $branchScope; |
1512: | } else { |
1513: | $finallyScope = null; |
1514: | } |
1515: | foreach ($branchScopeResult->getExitPoints() as $exitPoint) { |
1516: | $finallyExitPoints[] = $exitPoint; |
1517: | if ($exitPoint->getStatement() instanceof Node\Stmt\Expression && $exitPoint->getStatement()->expr instanceof Expr\Throw_) { |
1518: | continue; |
1519: | } |
1520: | if ($finallyScope !== null) { |
1521: | $finallyScope = $finallyScope->mergeWith($exitPoint->getScope()); |
1522: | } |
1523: | $exitPoints[] = $exitPoint; |
1524: | } |
1525: | |
1526: | $throwPoints = $branchScopeResult->getThrowPoints(); |
1527: | $impurePoints = $branchScopeResult->getImpurePoints(); |
1528: | $throwPointsForLater = []; |
1529: | $pastCatchTypes = new NeverType(); |
1530: | |
1531: | foreach ($stmt->catches as $catchNode) { |
1532: | $nodeCallback($catchNode, $scope); |
1533: | |
1534: | $originalCatchTypes = array_map(static fn (Name $name): Type => new ObjectType($name->toString()), $catchNode->types); |
1535: | $catchTypes = array_map(static fn (Type $type): Type => TypeCombinator::remove($type, $pastCatchTypes), $originalCatchTypes); |
1536: | |
1537: | $originalCatchType = TypeCombinator::union(...$originalCatchTypes); |
1538: | $catchType = TypeCombinator::union(...$catchTypes); |
1539: | $pastCatchTypes = TypeCombinator::union($pastCatchTypes, $originalCatchType); |
1540: | |
1541: | $matchingThrowPoints = []; |
1542: | $matchingCatchTypes = array_fill_keys(array_keys($originalCatchTypes), false); |
1543: | |
1544: | |
1545: | foreach ($originalCatchTypes as $catchTypeIndex => $catchTypeItem) { |
1546: | if (!$catchTypeItem->isSuperTypeOf(new ObjectType(Throwable::class))->yes()) { |
1547: | continue; |
1548: | } |
1549: | |
1550: | foreach ($throwPoints as $throwPointIndex => $throwPoint) { |
1551: | $matchingThrowPoints[$throwPointIndex] = $throwPoint; |
1552: | $matchingCatchTypes[$catchTypeIndex] = true; |
1553: | } |
1554: | } |
1555: | |
1556: | |
1557: | $onlyExplicitIsThrow = true; |
1558: | if (count($matchingThrowPoints) === 0) { |
1559: | foreach ($throwPoints as $throwPointIndex => $throwPoint) { |
1560: | foreach ($catchTypes as $catchTypeIndex => $catchTypeItem) { |
1561: | if ($catchTypeItem->isSuperTypeOf($throwPoint->getType())->no()) { |
1562: | continue; |
1563: | } |
1564: | |
1565: | $matchingCatchTypes[$catchTypeIndex] = true; |
1566: | if (!$throwPoint->isExplicit()) { |
1567: | continue; |
1568: | } |
1569: | $throwNode = $throwPoint->getNode(); |
1570: | if ( |
1571: | !$throwNode instanceof Expr\Throw_ |
1572: | && !($throwNode instanceof Node\Stmt\Expression && $throwNode->expr instanceof Expr\Throw_) |
1573: | ) { |
1574: | $onlyExplicitIsThrow = false; |
1575: | } |
1576: | $matchingThrowPoints[$throwPointIndex] = $throwPoint; |
1577: | } |
1578: | } |
1579: | } |
1580: | |
1581: | |
1582: | if (count($matchingThrowPoints) === 0 || $onlyExplicitIsThrow) { |
1583: | foreach ($throwPoints as $throwPointIndex => $throwPoint) { |
1584: | if ($throwPoint->isExplicit()) { |
1585: | continue; |
1586: | } |
1587: | |
1588: | foreach ($catchTypes as $catchTypeIndex => $catchTypeItem) { |
1589: | if ($catchTypeItem->isSuperTypeOf($throwPoint->getType())->no()) { |
1590: | continue; |
1591: | } |
1592: | |
1593: | $matchingThrowPoints[$throwPointIndex] = $throwPoint; |
1594: | } |
1595: | } |
1596: | } |
1597: | |
1598: | |
1599: | if (count($matchingThrowPoints) === 0) { |
1600: | if ($originalCatchType->isSuperTypeOf(new ObjectType(Throwable::class))->yes()) { |
1601: | foreach ($branchScopeResult->getThrowPoints() as $originalThrowPoint) { |
1602: | if (!$originalThrowPoint->canContainAnyThrowable()) { |
1603: | continue; |
1604: | } |
1605: | |
1606: | $matchingThrowPoints[] = $originalThrowPoint; |
1607: | $matchingCatchTypes = array_fill_keys(array_keys($originalCatchTypes), true); |
1608: | } |
1609: | } |
1610: | } |
1611: | |
1612: | |
1613: | foreach ($matchingCatchTypes as $catchTypeIndex => $matched) { |
1614: | if ($matched) { |
1615: | continue; |
1616: | } |
1617: | $nodeCallback(new CatchWithUnthrownExceptionNode($catchNode, $catchTypes[$catchTypeIndex], $originalCatchTypes[$catchTypeIndex]), $scope); |
1618: | } |
1619: | |
1620: | if (count($matchingThrowPoints) === 0) { |
1621: | continue; |
1622: | } |
1623: | |
1624: | |
1625: | $newThrowPoints = []; |
1626: | foreach ($throwPoints as $throwPoint) { |
1627: | $newThrowPoint = $throwPoint->subtractCatchType($originalCatchType); |
1628: | |
1629: | if ($newThrowPoint->getType() instanceof NeverType) { |
1630: | continue; |
1631: | } |
1632: | |
1633: | $newThrowPoints[] = $newThrowPoint; |
1634: | } |
1635: | $throwPoints = $newThrowPoints; |
1636: | |
1637: | $catchScope = null; |
1638: | foreach ($matchingThrowPoints as $matchingThrowPoint) { |
1639: | if ($catchScope === null) { |
1640: | $catchScope = $matchingThrowPoint->getScope(); |
1641: | } else { |
1642: | $catchScope = $catchScope->mergeWith($matchingThrowPoint->getScope()); |
1643: | } |
1644: | } |
1645: | |
1646: | $variableName = null; |
1647: | if ($catchNode->var !== null) { |
1648: | if (!is_string($catchNode->var->name)) { |
1649: | throw new ShouldNotHappenException(); |
1650: | } |
1651: | |
1652: | $variableName = $catchNode->var->name; |
1653: | } |
1654: | |
1655: | $catchScopeResult = $this->processStmtNodes($catchNode, $catchNode->stmts, $catchScope->enterCatchType($catchType, $variableName), $nodeCallback, $context); |
1656: | $catchScopeForFinally = $catchScopeResult->getScope(); |
1657: | |
1658: | $finalScope = $catchScopeResult->isAlwaysTerminating() ? $finalScope : $catchScopeResult->getScope()->mergeWith($finalScope); |
1659: | $alwaysTerminating = $alwaysTerminating && $catchScopeResult->isAlwaysTerminating(); |
1660: | $hasYield = $hasYield || $catchScopeResult->hasYield(); |
1661: | $catchThrowPoints = $catchScopeResult->getThrowPoints(); |
1662: | $impurePoints = array_merge($impurePoints, $catchScopeResult->getImpurePoints()); |
1663: | $throwPointsForLater = array_merge($throwPointsForLater, $catchThrowPoints); |
1664: | |
1665: | if ($finallyScope !== null) { |
1666: | $finallyScope = $finallyScope->mergeWith($catchScopeForFinally); |
1667: | } |
1668: | foreach ($catchScopeResult->getExitPoints() as $exitPoint) { |
1669: | $finallyExitPoints[] = $exitPoint; |
1670: | if ($exitPoint->getStatement() instanceof Node\Stmt\Expression && $exitPoint->getStatement()->expr instanceof Expr\Throw_) { |
1671: | continue; |
1672: | } |
1673: | if ($finallyScope !== null) { |
1674: | $finallyScope = $finallyScope->mergeWith($exitPoint->getScope()); |
1675: | } |
1676: | $exitPoints[] = $exitPoint; |
1677: | } |
1678: | |
1679: | foreach ($catchThrowPoints as $catchThrowPoint) { |
1680: | if ($finallyScope === null) { |
1681: | continue; |
1682: | } |
1683: | $finallyScope = $finallyScope->mergeWith($catchThrowPoint->getScope()); |
1684: | } |
1685: | } |
1686: | |
1687: | if ($finalScope === null) { |
1688: | $finalScope = $scope; |
1689: | } |
1690: | |
1691: | foreach ($throwPoints as $throwPoint) { |
1692: | if ($finallyScope === null) { |
1693: | continue; |
1694: | } |
1695: | $finallyScope = $finallyScope->mergeWith($throwPoint->getScope()); |
1696: | } |
1697: | |
1698: | if ($finallyScope !== null) { |
1699: | $originalFinallyScope = $finallyScope; |
1700: | $finallyResult = $this->processStmtNodes($stmt->finally, $stmt->finally->stmts, $finallyScope, $nodeCallback, $context); |
1701: | $alwaysTerminating = $alwaysTerminating || $finallyResult->isAlwaysTerminating(); |
1702: | $hasYield = $hasYield || $finallyResult->hasYield(); |
1703: | $throwPointsForLater = array_merge($throwPointsForLater, $finallyResult->getThrowPoints()); |
1704: | $impurePoints = array_merge($impurePoints, $finallyResult->getImpurePoints()); |
1705: | $finallyScope = $finallyResult->getScope(); |
1706: | $finalScope = $finallyResult->isAlwaysTerminating() ? $finalScope : $finalScope->processFinallyScope($finallyScope, $originalFinallyScope); |
1707: | if (count($finallyResult->getExitPoints()) > 0) { |
1708: | $nodeCallback(new FinallyExitPointsNode( |
1709: | $finallyResult->getExitPoints(), |
1710: | $finallyExitPoints, |
1711: | ), $scope); |
1712: | } |
1713: | $exitPoints = array_merge($exitPoints, $finallyResult->getExitPoints()); |
1714: | } |
1715: | |
1716: | return new StatementResult($finalScope, $hasYield, $alwaysTerminating, $exitPoints, array_merge($throwPoints, $throwPointsForLater), $impurePoints); |
1717: | } elseif ($stmt instanceof Unset_) { |
1718: | $hasYield = false; |
1719: | $throwPoints = []; |
1720: | $impurePoints = []; |
1721: | foreach ($stmt->vars as $var) { |
1722: | $scope = $this->lookForSetAllowedUndefinedExpressions($scope, $var); |
1723: | $exprResult = $this->processExprNode($stmt, $var, $scope, $nodeCallback, ExpressionContext::createDeep()); |
1724: | $scope = $exprResult->getScope(); |
1725: | $scope = $this->lookForUnsetAllowedUndefinedExpressions($scope, $var); |
1726: | $hasYield = $hasYield || $exprResult->hasYield(); |
1727: | $throwPoints = array_merge($throwPoints, $exprResult->getThrowPoints()); |
1728: | $impurePoints = array_merge($impurePoints, $exprResult->getImpurePoints()); |
1729: | if ($var instanceof ArrayDimFetch && $var->dim !== null) { |
1730: | $cloningTraverser = new NodeTraverser(); |
1731: | $cloningTraverser->addVisitor(new CloningVisitor()); |
1732: | |
1733: | |
1734: | [$clonedVar] = $cloningTraverser->traverse([$var->var]); |
1735: | |
1736: | $traverser = new NodeTraverser(); |
1737: | $traverser->addVisitor(new class () extends NodeVisitorAbstract { |
1738: | |
1739: | public function leaveNode(Node $node): ?ExistingArrayDimFetch |
1740: | { |
1741: | if (!$node instanceof ArrayDimFetch || $node->dim === null) { |
1742: | return null; |
1743: | } |
1744: | |
1745: | return new ExistingArrayDimFetch($node->var, $node->dim); |
1746: | } |
1747: | |
1748: | }); |
1749: | |
1750: | |
1751: | [$clonedVar] = $traverser->traverse([$clonedVar]); |
1752: | $scope = $this->processAssignVar( |
1753: | $scope, |
1754: | $stmt, |
1755: | $clonedVar, |
1756: | new UnsetOffsetExpr($var->var, $var->dim), |
1757: | static function (Node $node, Scope $scope) use ($nodeCallback): void { |
1758: | if (!$node instanceof PropertyAssignNode && !$node instanceof VariableAssignNode) { |
1759: | return; |
1760: | } |
1761: | |
1762: | $nodeCallback($node, $scope); |
1763: | }, |
1764: | ExpressionContext::createDeep(), |
1765: | static fn (MutatingScope $scope): ExpressionResult => new ExpressionResult($scope, false, [], []), |
1766: | false, |
1767: | )->getScope(); |
1768: | } elseif ($var instanceof PropertyFetch) { |
1769: | $scope = $scope->invalidateExpression($var); |
1770: | $impurePoints[] = new ImpurePoint( |
1771: | $scope, |
1772: | $var, |
1773: | 'propertyUnset', |
1774: | 'property unset', |
1775: | true, |
1776: | ); |
1777: | } else { |
1778: | $scope = $scope->invalidateExpression($var); |
1779: | } |
1780: | |
1781: | } |
1782: | } elseif ($stmt instanceof Node\Stmt\Use_) { |
1783: | $hasYield = false; |
1784: | $throwPoints = []; |
1785: | $impurePoints = []; |
1786: | foreach ($stmt->uses as $use) { |
1787: | $nodeCallback($use, $scope); |
1788: | } |
1789: | } elseif ($stmt instanceof Node\Stmt\Global_) { |
1790: | $hasYield = false; |
1791: | $throwPoints = []; |
1792: | $impurePoints = [ |
1793: | new ImpurePoint( |
1794: | $scope, |
1795: | $stmt, |
1796: | 'global', |
1797: | 'global variable', |
1798: | true, |
1799: | ), |
1800: | ]; |
1801: | $vars = []; |
1802: | foreach ($stmt->vars as $var) { |
1803: | if (!$var instanceof Variable) { |
1804: | throw new ShouldNotHappenException(); |
1805: | } |
1806: | $scope = $this->lookForSetAllowedUndefinedExpressions($scope, $var); |
1807: | $varResult = $this->processExprNode($stmt, $var, $scope, $nodeCallback, ExpressionContext::createDeep()); |
1808: | $impurePoints = array_merge($impurePoints, $varResult->getImpurePoints()); |
1809: | $scope = $this->lookForUnsetAllowedUndefinedExpressions($scope, $var); |
1810: | |
1811: | if (!is_string($var->name)) { |
1812: | continue; |
1813: | } |
1814: | |
1815: | $scope = $scope->assignVariable($var->name, new MixedType(), new MixedType(), TrinaryLogic::createYes()); |
1816: | $vars[] = $var->name; |
1817: | } |
1818: | $scope = $this->processVarAnnotation($scope, $vars, $stmt); |
1819: | } elseif ($stmt instanceof Static_) { |
1820: | $hasYield = false; |
1821: | $throwPoints = []; |
1822: | $impurePoints = [ |
1823: | new ImpurePoint( |
1824: | $scope, |
1825: | $stmt, |
1826: | 'static', |
1827: | 'static variable', |
1828: | true, |
1829: | ), |
1830: | ]; |
1831: | |
1832: | $vars = []; |
1833: | foreach ($stmt->vars as $var) { |
1834: | if (!is_string($var->var->name)) { |
1835: | throw new ShouldNotHappenException(); |
1836: | } |
1837: | |
1838: | if ($var->default !== null) { |
1839: | $defaultExprResult = $this->processExprNode($stmt, $var->default, $scope, $nodeCallback, ExpressionContext::createDeep()); |
1840: | $impurePoints = array_merge($impurePoints, $defaultExprResult->getImpurePoints()); |
1841: | } |
1842: | |
1843: | $scope = $scope->enterExpressionAssign($var->var); |
1844: | $varResult = $this->processExprNode($stmt, $var->var, $scope, $nodeCallback, ExpressionContext::createDeep()); |
1845: | $impurePoints = array_merge($impurePoints, $varResult->getImpurePoints()); |
1846: | $scope = $scope->exitExpressionAssign($var->var); |
1847: | |
1848: | $scope = $scope->assignVariable($var->var->name, new MixedType(), new MixedType(), TrinaryLogic::createYes()); |
1849: | $vars[] = $var->var->name; |
1850: | } |
1851: | |
1852: | $scope = $this->processVarAnnotation($scope, $vars, $stmt); |
1853: | } elseif ($stmt instanceof Node\Stmt\Const_) { |
1854: | $hasYield = false; |
1855: | $throwPoints = []; |
1856: | $impurePoints = []; |
1857: | foreach ($stmt->consts as $const) { |
1858: | $nodeCallback($const, $scope); |
1859: | $constResult = $this->processExprNode($stmt, $const->value, $scope, $nodeCallback, ExpressionContext::createDeep()); |
1860: | $impurePoints = array_merge($impurePoints, $constResult->getImpurePoints()); |
1861: | if ($const->namespacedName !== null) { |
1862: | $constantName = new Name\FullyQualified($const->namespacedName->toString()); |
1863: | } else { |
1864: | $constantName = new Name\FullyQualified($const->name->toString()); |
1865: | } |
1866: | $scope = $scope->assignExpression(new ConstFetch($constantName), $scope->getType($const->value), $scope->getNativeType($const->value)); |
1867: | } |
1868: | } elseif ($stmt instanceof Node\Stmt\ClassConst) { |
1869: | $hasYield = false; |
1870: | $throwPoints = []; |
1871: | $impurePoints = []; |
1872: | $this->processAttributeGroups($stmt, $stmt->attrGroups, $scope, $nodeCallback); |
1873: | foreach ($stmt->consts as $const) { |
1874: | $nodeCallback($const, $scope); |
1875: | $constResult = $this->processExprNode($stmt, $const->value, $scope, $nodeCallback, ExpressionContext::createDeep()); |
1876: | $impurePoints = array_merge($impurePoints, $constResult->getImpurePoints()); |
1877: | if ($scope->getClassReflection() === null) { |
1878: | throw new ShouldNotHappenException(); |
1879: | } |
1880: | $scope = $scope->assignExpression( |
1881: | new Expr\ClassConstFetch(new Name\FullyQualified($scope->getClassReflection()->getName()), $const->name), |
1882: | $scope->getType($const->value), |
1883: | $scope->getNativeType($const->value), |
1884: | ); |
1885: | } |
1886: | } elseif ($stmt instanceof Node\Stmt\EnumCase) { |
1887: | $hasYield = false; |
1888: | $throwPoints = []; |
1889: | $this->processAttributeGroups($stmt, $stmt->attrGroups, $scope, $nodeCallback); |
1890: | $impurePoints = []; |
1891: | if ($stmt->expr !== null) { |
1892: | $exprResult = $this->processExprNode($stmt, $stmt->expr, $scope, $nodeCallback, ExpressionContext::createDeep()); |
1893: | $impurePoints = $exprResult->getImpurePoints(); |
1894: | } |
1895: | } elseif ($stmt instanceof InlineHTML) { |
1896: | $hasYield = false; |
1897: | $throwPoints = []; |
1898: | $impurePoints = [ |
1899: | new ImpurePoint($scope, $stmt, 'betweenPhpTags', 'output between PHP opening and closing tags', true), |
1900: | ]; |
1901: | } elseif ($stmt instanceof Node\Stmt\Block) { |
1902: | $result = $this->processStmtNodes($stmt, $stmt->stmts, $scope, $nodeCallback, $context); |
1903: | if ($this->polluteScopeWithBlock) { |
1904: | return $result; |
1905: | } |
1906: | |
1907: | return new StatementResult( |
1908: | $scope->mergeWith($result->getScope()), |
1909: | $result->hasYield(), |
1910: | $result->isAlwaysTerminating(), |
1911: | $result->getExitPoints(), |
1912: | $result->getThrowPoints(), |
1913: | $result->getImpurePoints(), |
1914: | $result->getEndStatements(), |
1915: | ); |
1916: | } elseif ($stmt instanceof Node\Stmt\Nop) { |
1917: | $hasYield = false; |
1918: | $throwPoints = $overridingThrowPoints ?? []; |
1919: | $impurePoints = []; |
1920: | } elseif ($stmt instanceof Node\Stmt\GroupUse) { |
1921: | $hasYield = false; |
1922: | $throwPoints = []; |
1923: | foreach ($stmt->uses as $use) { |
1924: | $nodeCallback($use, $scope); |
1925: | } |
1926: | $impurePoints = []; |
1927: | } else { |
1928: | $hasYield = false; |
1929: | $throwPoints = $overridingThrowPoints ?? []; |
1930: | $impurePoints = []; |
1931: | } |
1932: | |
1933: | return new StatementResult($scope, $hasYield, false, [], $throwPoints, $impurePoints); |
1934: | } |
1935: | |
1936: | |
1937: | |
1938: | |
1939: | private function getOverridingThrowPoints(Node\Stmt $statement, MutatingScope $scope): ?array |
1940: | { |
1941: | foreach ($statement->getComments() as $comment) { |
1942: | if (!$comment instanceof Doc) { |
1943: | continue; |
1944: | } |
1945: | |
1946: | $function = $scope->getFunction(); |
1947: | $resolvedPhpDoc = $this->fileTypeMapper->getResolvedPhpDoc( |
1948: | $scope->getFile(), |
1949: | $scope->isInClass() ? $scope->getClassReflection()->getName() : null, |
1950: | $scope->isInTrait() ? $scope->getTraitReflection()->getName() : null, |
1951: | $function !== null ? $function->getName() : null, |
1952: | $comment->getText(), |
1953: | ); |
1954: | |
1955: | $throwsTag = $resolvedPhpDoc->getThrowsTag(); |
1956: | if ($throwsTag !== null) { |
1957: | $throwsType = $throwsTag->getType(); |
1958: | if ($throwsType->isVoid()->yes()) { |
1959: | return []; |
1960: | } |
1961: | |
1962: | return [ThrowPoint::createExplicit($scope, $throwsType, $statement, false)]; |
1963: | } |
1964: | } |
1965: | |
1966: | return null; |
1967: | } |
1968: | |
1969: | private function getCurrentClassReflection(Node\Stmt\ClassLike $stmt, string $className, Scope $scope): ClassReflection |
1970: | { |
1971: | if (!$this->reflectionProvider->hasClass($className)) { |
1972: | return $this->createAstClassReflection($stmt, $className, $scope); |
1973: | } |
1974: | |
1975: | $defaultClassReflection = $this->reflectionProvider->getClass($className); |
1976: | if ($defaultClassReflection->getFileName() !== $scope->getFile()) { |
1977: | return $this->createAstClassReflection($stmt, $className, $scope); |
1978: | } |
1979: | |
1980: | $startLine = $defaultClassReflection->getNativeReflection()->getStartLine(); |
1981: | if ($startLine !== $stmt->getStartLine()) { |
1982: | return $this->createAstClassReflection($stmt, $className, $scope); |
1983: | } |
1984: | |
1985: | return $defaultClassReflection; |
1986: | } |
1987: | |
1988: | private function createAstClassReflection(Node\Stmt\ClassLike $stmt, string $className, Scope $scope): ClassReflection |
1989: | { |
1990: | $nodeToReflection = new NodeToReflection(); |
1991: | $betterReflectionClass = $nodeToReflection->__invoke( |
1992: | $this->reflector, |
1993: | $stmt, |
1994: | new LocatedSource(FileReader::read($scope->getFile()), $className, $scope->getFile()), |
1995: | $scope->getNamespace() !== null ? new Node\Stmt\Namespace_(new Name($scope->getNamespace())) : null, |
1996: | ); |
1997: | if (!$betterReflectionClass instanceof \PHPStan\BetterReflection\Reflection\ReflectionClass) { |
1998: | throw new ShouldNotHappenException(); |
1999: | } |
2000: | |
2001: | $enumAdapter = base64_decode('UEhQU3RhblxCZXR0ZXJSZWZsZWN0aW9uXFJlZmxlY3Rpb25cQWRhcHRlclxSZWZsZWN0aW9uRW51bQ==', true); |
2002: | |
2003: | return new ClassReflection( |
2004: | $this->reflectionProvider, |
2005: | $this->initializerExprTypeResolver, |
2006: | $this->fileTypeMapper, |
2007: | $this->stubPhpDocProvider, |
2008: | $this->phpDocInheritanceResolver, |
2009: | $this->phpVersion, |
2010: | $this->signatureMapProvider, |
2011: | $this->classReflectionExtensionRegistryProvider->getRegistry()->getPropertiesClassReflectionExtensions(), |
2012: | $this->classReflectionExtensionRegistryProvider->getRegistry()->getMethodsClassReflectionExtensions(), |
2013: | $this->classReflectionExtensionRegistryProvider->getRegistry()->getAllowedSubTypesClassReflectionExtensions(), |
2014: | $this->classReflectionExtensionRegistryProvider->getRegistry()->getRequireExtendsPropertyClassReflectionExtension(), |
2015: | $this->classReflectionExtensionRegistryProvider->getRegistry()->getRequireExtendsMethodsClassReflectionExtension(), |
2016: | $betterReflectionClass->getName(), |
2017: | $betterReflectionClass instanceof ReflectionEnum && PHP_VERSION_ID >= 80000 ? new $enumAdapter($betterReflectionClass) : new ReflectionClass($betterReflectionClass), |
2018: | null, |
2019: | null, |
2020: | null, |
2021: | $this->universalObjectCratesClasses, |
2022: | sprintf('%s:%d', $scope->getFile(), $stmt->getStartLine()), |
2023: | ); |
2024: | } |
2025: | |
2026: | private function lookForSetAllowedUndefinedExpressions(MutatingScope $scope, Expr $expr): MutatingScope |
2027: | { |
2028: | return $this->lookForExpressionCallback($scope, $expr, static fn (MutatingScope $scope, Expr $expr): MutatingScope => $scope->setAllowedUndefinedExpression($expr)); |
2029: | } |
2030: | |
2031: | private function lookForUnsetAllowedUndefinedExpressions(MutatingScope $scope, Expr $expr): MutatingScope |
2032: | { |
2033: | return $this->lookForExpressionCallback($scope, $expr, static fn (MutatingScope $scope, Expr $expr): MutatingScope => $scope->unsetAllowedUndefinedExpression($expr)); |
2034: | } |
2035: | |
2036: | |
2037: | |
2038: | |
2039: | private function lookForExpressionCallback(MutatingScope $scope, Expr $expr, Closure $callback): MutatingScope |
2040: | { |
2041: | if (!$expr instanceof ArrayDimFetch || $expr->dim !== null) { |
2042: | $scope = $callback($scope, $expr); |
2043: | } |
2044: | |
2045: | if ($expr instanceof ArrayDimFetch) { |
2046: | $scope = $this->lookForExpressionCallback($scope, $expr->var, $callback); |
2047: | } elseif ($expr instanceof PropertyFetch || $expr instanceof Expr\NullsafePropertyFetch) { |
2048: | $scope = $this->lookForExpressionCallback($scope, $expr->var, $callback); |
2049: | } elseif ($expr instanceof StaticPropertyFetch && $expr->class instanceof Expr) { |
2050: | $scope = $this->lookForExpressionCallback($scope, $expr->class, $callback); |
2051: | } elseif ($expr instanceof List_) { |
2052: | foreach ($expr->items as $item) { |
2053: | if ($item === null) { |
2054: | continue; |
2055: | } |
2056: | |
2057: | $scope = $this->lookForExpressionCallback($scope, $item->value, $callback); |
2058: | } |
2059: | } |
2060: | |
2061: | return $scope; |
2062: | } |
2063: | |
2064: | private function ensureShallowNonNullability(MutatingScope $scope, Scope $originalScope, Expr $exprToSpecify): EnsuredNonNullabilityResult |
2065: | { |
2066: | $exprType = $scope->getType($exprToSpecify); |
2067: | $isNull = $exprType->isNull(); |
2068: | if ($isNull->yes()) { |
2069: | return new EnsuredNonNullabilityResult($scope, []); |
2070: | } |
2071: | |
2072: | |
2073: | $certainty = TrinaryLogic::createYes(); |
2074: | $hasExpressionType = $originalScope->hasExpressionType($exprToSpecify); |
2075: | if (!$hasExpressionType->no()) { |
2076: | $certainty = $hasExpressionType; |
2077: | } |
2078: | |
2079: | $exprTypeWithoutNull = TypeCombinator::removeNull($exprType); |
2080: | if ($exprType->equals($exprTypeWithoutNull)) { |
2081: | $originalExprType = $originalScope->getType($exprToSpecify); |
2082: | if (!$originalExprType->equals($exprTypeWithoutNull)) { |
2083: | $originalNativeType = $originalScope->getNativeType($exprToSpecify); |
2084: | |
2085: | return new EnsuredNonNullabilityResult($scope, [ |
2086: | new EnsuredNonNullabilityResultExpression($exprToSpecify, $originalExprType, $originalNativeType, $certainty), |
2087: | ]); |
2088: | } |
2089: | return new EnsuredNonNullabilityResult($scope, []); |
2090: | } |
2091: | |
2092: | $nativeType = $scope->getNativeType($exprToSpecify); |
2093: | $scope = $scope->specifyExpressionType( |
2094: | $exprToSpecify, |
2095: | $exprTypeWithoutNull, |
2096: | TypeCombinator::removeNull($nativeType), |
2097: | TrinaryLogic::createYes(), |
2098: | ); |
2099: | |
2100: | return new EnsuredNonNullabilityResult( |
2101: | $scope, |
2102: | [ |
2103: | new EnsuredNonNullabilityResultExpression($exprToSpecify, $exprType, $nativeType, $certainty), |
2104: | ], |
2105: | ); |
2106: | } |
2107: | |
2108: | private function ensureNonNullability(MutatingScope $scope, Expr $expr): EnsuredNonNullabilityResult |
2109: | { |
2110: | $specifiedExpressions = []; |
2111: | $originalScope = $scope; |
2112: | $scope = $this->lookForExpressionCallback($scope, $expr, function ($scope, $expr) use (&$specifiedExpressions, $originalScope) { |
2113: | $result = $this->ensureShallowNonNullability($scope, $originalScope, $expr); |
2114: | foreach ($result->getSpecifiedExpressions() as $specifiedExpression) { |
2115: | $specifiedExpressions[] = $specifiedExpression; |
2116: | } |
2117: | return $result->getScope(); |
2118: | }); |
2119: | |
2120: | return new EnsuredNonNullabilityResult($scope, $specifiedExpressions); |
2121: | } |
2122: | |
2123: | |
2124: | |
2125: | |
2126: | private function revertNonNullability(MutatingScope $scope, array $specifiedExpressions): MutatingScope |
2127: | { |
2128: | foreach ($specifiedExpressions as $specifiedExpressionResult) { |
2129: | $scope = $scope->specifyExpressionType( |
2130: | $specifiedExpressionResult->getExpression(), |
2131: | $specifiedExpressionResult->getOriginalType(), |
2132: | $specifiedExpressionResult->getOriginalNativeType(), |
2133: | $specifiedExpressionResult->getCertainty(), |
2134: | ); |
2135: | } |
2136: | |
2137: | return $scope; |
2138: | } |
2139: | |
2140: | private function findEarlyTerminatingExpr(Expr $expr, Scope $scope): ?Expr |
2141: | { |
2142: | if (($expr instanceof MethodCall || $expr instanceof Expr\StaticCall) && $expr->name instanceof Node\Identifier) { |
2143: | if (array_key_exists($expr->name->toLowerString(), $this->earlyTerminatingMethodNames)) { |
2144: | if ($expr instanceof MethodCall) { |
2145: | $methodCalledOnType = $scope->getType($expr->var); |
2146: | } else { |
2147: | if ($expr->class instanceof Name) { |
2148: | $methodCalledOnType = $scope->resolveTypeByName($expr->class); |
2149: | } else { |
2150: | $methodCalledOnType = $scope->getType($expr->class); |
2151: | } |
2152: | } |
2153: | |
2154: | foreach ($methodCalledOnType->getObjectClassNames() as $referencedClass) { |
2155: | if (!$this->reflectionProvider->hasClass($referencedClass)) { |
2156: | continue; |
2157: | } |
2158: | |
2159: | $classReflection = $this->reflectionProvider->getClass($referencedClass); |
2160: | foreach (array_merge([$referencedClass], $classReflection->getParentClassesNames(), $classReflection->getNativeReflection()->getInterfaceNames()) as $className) { |
2161: | if (!isset($this->earlyTerminatingMethodCalls[$className])) { |
2162: | continue; |
2163: | } |
2164: | |
2165: | if (in_array((string) $expr->name, $this->earlyTerminatingMethodCalls[$className], true)) { |
2166: | return $expr; |
2167: | } |
2168: | } |
2169: | } |
2170: | } |
2171: | } |
2172: | |
2173: | if ($expr instanceof FuncCall && $expr->name instanceof Name) { |
2174: | if (in_array((string) $expr->name, $this->earlyTerminatingFunctionCalls, true)) { |
2175: | return $expr; |
2176: | } |
2177: | } |
2178: | |
2179: | if ($expr instanceof Expr\Exit_ || $expr instanceof Expr\Throw_) { |
2180: | return $expr; |
2181: | } |
2182: | |
2183: | $exprType = $scope->getType($expr); |
2184: | if ($exprType instanceof NeverType && $exprType->isExplicit()) { |
2185: | return $expr; |
2186: | } |
2187: | |
2188: | return null; |
2189: | } |
2190: | |
2191: | |
2192: | |
2193: | |
2194: | public function processExprNode(Node\Stmt $stmt, Expr $expr, MutatingScope $scope, callable $nodeCallback, ExpressionContext $context): ExpressionResult |
2195: | { |
2196: | if ($expr instanceof Expr\CallLike && $expr->isFirstClassCallable()) { |
2197: | if ($expr instanceof FuncCall) { |
2198: | $newExpr = new FunctionCallableNode($expr->name, $expr); |
2199: | } elseif ($expr instanceof MethodCall) { |
2200: | $newExpr = new MethodCallableNode($expr->var, $expr->name, $expr); |
2201: | } elseif ($expr instanceof StaticCall) { |
2202: | $newExpr = new StaticMethodCallableNode($expr->class, $expr->name, $expr); |
2203: | } elseif ($expr instanceof New_ && !$expr->class instanceof Class_) { |
2204: | $newExpr = new InstantiationCallableNode($expr->class, $expr); |
2205: | } else { |
2206: | throw new ShouldNotHappenException(); |
2207: | } |
2208: | |
2209: | return $this->processExprNode($stmt, $newExpr, $scope, $nodeCallback, $context); |
2210: | } |
2211: | |
2212: | $this->callNodeCallbackWithExpression($nodeCallback, $expr, $scope, $context); |
2213: | |
2214: | if ($expr instanceof Variable) { |
2215: | $hasYield = false; |
2216: | $throwPoints = []; |
2217: | $impurePoints = []; |
2218: | if ($expr->name instanceof Expr) { |
2219: | return $this->processExprNode($stmt, $expr->name, $scope, $nodeCallback, $context->enterDeep()); |
2220: | } elseif (in_array($expr->name, Scope::SUPERGLOBAL_VARIABLES, true)) { |
2221: | $impurePoints[] = new ImpurePoint($scope, $expr, 'superglobal', 'access to superglobal variable', true); |
2222: | } |
2223: | } elseif ($expr instanceof Assign || $expr instanceof AssignRef) { |
2224: | $result = $this->processAssignVar( |
2225: | $scope, |
2226: | $stmt, |
2227: | $expr->var, |
2228: | $expr->expr, |
2229: | $nodeCallback, |
2230: | $context, |
2231: | function (MutatingScope $scope) use ($stmt, $expr, $nodeCallback, $context): ExpressionResult { |
2232: | $impurePoints = []; |
2233: | if ($expr instanceof AssignRef) { |
2234: | $referencedExpr = $expr->expr; |
2235: | while ($referencedExpr instanceof ArrayDimFetch) { |
2236: | $referencedExpr = $referencedExpr->var; |
2237: | } |
2238: | |
2239: | if ($referencedExpr instanceof PropertyFetch || $referencedExpr instanceof StaticPropertyFetch) { |
2240: | $impurePoints[] = new ImpurePoint( |
2241: | $scope, |
2242: | $expr, |
2243: | 'propertyAssignByRef', |
2244: | 'property assignment by reference', |
2245: | false, |
2246: | ); |
2247: | } |
2248: | |
2249: | $scope = $scope->enterExpressionAssign($expr->expr); |
2250: | } |
2251: | |
2252: | if ($expr->var instanceof Variable && is_string($expr->var->name)) { |
2253: | $context = $context->enterRightSideAssign( |
2254: | $expr->var->name, |
2255: | $scope->getType($expr->expr), |
2256: | $scope->getNativeType($expr->expr), |
2257: | ); |
2258: | } |
2259: | |
2260: | $result = $this->processExprNode($stmt, $expr->expr, $scope, $nodeCallback, $context->enterDeep()); |
2261: | $hasYield = $result->hasYield(); |
2262: | $throwPoints = $result->getThrowPoints(); |
2263: | $impurePoints = array_merge($impurePoints, $result->getImpurePoints()); |
2264: | $scope = $result->getScope(); |
2265: | |
2266: | if ($expr instanceof AssignRef) { |
2267: | $scope = $scope->exitExpressionAssign($expr->expr); |
2268: | } |
2269: | |
2270: | return new ExpressionResult($scope, $hasYield, $throwPoints, $impurePoints); |
2271: | }, |
2272: | true, |
2273: | ); |
2274: | $scope = $result->getScope(); |
2275: | $hasYield = $result->hasYield(); |
2276: | $throwPoints = $result->getThrowPoints(); |
2277: | $impurePoints = $result->getImpurePoints(); |
2278: | $vars = $this->getAssignedVariables($expr->var); |
2279: | if (count($vars) > 0) { |
2280: | $varChangedScope = false; |
2281: | $scope = $this->processVarAnnotation($scope, $vars, $stmt, $varChangedScope); |
2282: | if (!$varChangedScope) { |
2283: | $scope = $this->processStmtVarAnnotation($scope, $stmt, null, $nodeCallback); |
2284: | } |
2285: | } |
2286: | } elseif ($expr instanceof Expr\AssignOp) { |
2287: | $result = $this->processAssignVar( |
2288: | $scope, |
2289: | $stmt, |
2290: | $expr->var, |
2291: | $expr, |
2292: | $nodeCallback, |
2293: | $context, |
2294: | function (MutatingScope $scope) use ($stmt, $expr, $nodeCallback, $context): ExpressionResult { |
2295: | $originalScope = $scope; |
2296: | if ($expr instanceof Expr\AssignOp\Coalesce) { |
2297: | $scope = $scope->filterByFalseyValue( |
2298: | new BinaryOp\NotIdentical($expr->var, new ConstFetch(new Name('null'))), |
2299: | ); |
2300: | } |
2301: | |
2302: | $result = $this->processExprNode($stmt, $expr->expr, $scope, $nodeCallback, $context->enterDeep()); |
2303: | if ($expr instanceof Expr\AssignOp\Coalesce) { |
2304: | return new ExpressionResult( |
2305: | $result->getScope()->mergeWith($originalScope), |
2306: | $result->hasYield(), |
2307: | $result->getThrowPoints(), |
2308: | $result->getImpurePoints(), |
2309: | ); |
2310: | } |
2311: | |
2312: | return $result; |
2313: | }, |
2314: | $expr instanceof Expr\AssignOp\Coalesce, |
2315: | ); |
2316: | $scope = $result->getScope(); |
2317: | $hasYield = $result->hasYield(); |
2318: | $throwPoints = $result->getThrowPoints(); |
2319: | $impurePoints = $result->getImpurePoints(); |
2320: | if ( |
2321: | ($expr instanceof Expr\AssignOp\Div || $expr instanceof Expr\AssignOp\Mod) && |
2322: | !$scope->getType($expr->expr)->toNumber()->isSuperTypeOf(new ConstantIntegerType(0))->no() |
2323: | ) { |
2324: | $throwPoints[] = ThrowPoint::createExplicit($scope, new ObjectType(DivisionByZeroError::class), $expr, false); |
2325: | } |
2326: | } elseif ($expr instanceof FuncCall) { |
2327: | $parametersAcceptor = null; |
2328: | $functionReflection = null; |
2329: | $throwPoints = []; |
2330: | $impurePoints = []; |
2331: | if ($expr->name instanceof Expr) { |
2332: | $nameType = $scope->getType($expr->name); |
2333: | if (!$nameType->isCallable()->no()) { |
2334: | $parametersAcceptor = ParametersAcceptorSelector::selectFromArgs( |
2335: | $scope, |
2336: | $expr->getArgs(), |
2337: | $nameType->getCallableParametersAcceptors($scope), |
2338: | null, |
2339: | ); |
2340: | } |
2341: | |
2342: | $nameResult = $this->processExprNode($stmt, $expr->name, $scope, $nodeCallback, $context->enterDeep()); |
2343: | $scope = $nameResult->getScope(); |
2344: | $throwPoints = $nameResult->getThrowPoints(); |
2345: | $impurePoints = $nameResult->getImpurePoints(); |
2346: | if ( |
2347: | $nameType->isObject()->yes() |
2348: | && $nameType->isCallable()->yes() |
2349: | && (new ObjectType(Closure::class))->isSuperTypeOf($nameType)->no() |
2350: | ) { |
2351: | $invokeResult = $this->processExprNode( |
2352: | $stmt, |
2353: | new MethodCall($expr->name, '__invoke', $expr->getArgs(), $expr->getAttributes()), |
2354: | $scope, |
2355: | static function (): void { |
2356: | }, |
2357: | $context->enterDeep(), |
2358: | ); |
2359: | $throwPoints = array_merge($throwPoints, $invokeResult->getThrowPoints()); |
2360: | $impurePoints = array_merge($impurePoints, $invokeResult->getImpurePoints()); |
2361: | } elseif ($parametersAcceptor instanceof CallableParametersAcceptor) { |
2362: | $callableThrowPoints = array_map(static fn (SimpleThrowPoint $throwPoint) => $throwPoint->isExplicit() ? ThrowPoint::createExplicit($scope, $throwPoint->getType(), $expr, $throwPoint->canContainAnyThrowable()) : ThrowPoint::createImplicit($scope, $expr), $parametersAcceptor->getThrowPoints()); |
2363: | if (!$this->implicitThrows) { |
2364: | $callableThrowPoints = array_values(array_filter($callableThrowPoints, static fn (ThrowPoint $throwPoint) => $throwPoint->isExplicit())); |
2365: | } |
2366: | $throwPoints = array_merge($throwPoints, $callableThrowPoints); |
2367: | $impurePoints = array_merge($impurePoints, array_map(static fn (SimpleImpurePoint $impurePoint) => new ImpurePoint($scope, $expr, $impurePoint->getIdentifier(), $impurePoint->getDescription(), $impurePoint->isCertain()), $parametersAcceptor->getImpurePoints())); |
2368: | |
2369: | $scope = $this->processImmediatelyCalledCallable($scope, $parametersAcceptor->getInvalidateExpressions(), $parametersAcceptor->getUsedVariables()); |
2370: | } |
2371: | } elseif ($this->reflectionProvider->hasFunction($expr->name, $scope)) { |
2372: | $functionReflection = $this->reflectionProvider->getFunction($expr->name, $scope); |
2373: | $parametersAcceptor = ParametersAcceptorSelector::selectFromArgs( |
2374: | $scope, |
2375: | $expr->getArgs(), |
2376: | $functionReflection->getVariants(), |
2377: | $functionReflection->getNamedArgumentsVariants(), |
2378: | ); |
2379: | $impurePoint = SimpleImpurePoint::createFromVariant($functionReflection, $parametersAcceptor); |
2380: | if ($impurePoint !== null) { |
2381: | $impurePoints[] = new ImpurePoint($scope, $expr, $impurePoint->getIdentifier(), $impurePoint->getDescription(), $impurePoint->isCertain()); |
2382: | } |
2383: | } else { |
2384: | $impurePoints[] = new ImpurePoint( |
2385: | $scope, |
2386: | $expr, |
2387: | 'functionCall', |
2388: | 'call to unknown function', |
2389: | false, |
2390: | ); |
2391: | } |
2392: | |
2393: | if ($parametersAcceptor !== null) { |
2394: | $expr = ArgumentsNormalizer::reorderFuncArguments($parametersAcceptor, $expr) ?? $expr; |
2395: | } |
2396: | $result = $this->processArgs($stmt, $functionReflection, null, $parametersAcceptor, $expr, $scope, $nodeCallback, $context); |
2397: | $scope = $result->getScope(); |
2398: | $hasYield = $result->hasYield(); |
2399: | $throwPoints = array_merge($throwPoints, $result->getThrowPoints()); |
2400: | $impurePoints = array_merge($impurePoints, $result->getImpurePoints()); |
2401: | |
2402: | if ($functionReflection !== null) { |
2403: | $functionThrowPoint = $this->getFunctionThrowPoint($functionReflection, $parametersAcceptor, $expr, $scope); |
2404: | if ($functionThrowPoint !== null) { |
2405: | $throwPoints[] = $functionThrowPoint; |
2406: | } |
2407: | } else { |
2408: | $throwPoints[] = ThrowPoint::createImplicit($scope, $expr); |
2409: | } |
2410: | |
2411: | if ( |
2412: | $functionReflection !== null |
2413: | && in_array($functionReflection->getName(), ['json_encode', 'json_decode'], true) |
2414: | ) { |
2415: | $scope = $scope->invalidateExpression(new FuncCall(new Name('json_last_error'), [])) |
2416: | ->invalidateExpression(new FuncCall(new Name\FullyQualified('json_last_error'), [])) |
2417: | ->invalidateExpression(new FuncCall(new Name('json_last_error_msg'), [])) |
2418: | ->invalidateExpression(new FuncCall(new Name\FullyQualified('json_last_error_msg'), [])); |
2419: | } |
2420: | |
2421: | if ( |
2422: | $functionReflection !== null |
2423: | && $functionReflection->getName() === 'file_put_contents' |
2424: | && count($expr->getArgs()) > 0 |
2425: | ) { |
2426: | $scope = $scope->invalidateExpression(new FuncCall(new Name('file_get_contents'), [$expr->getArgs()[0]])) |
2427: | ->invalidateExpression(new FuncCall(new Name\FullyQualified('file_get_contents'), [$expr->getArgs()[0]])); |
2428: | } |
2429: | |
2430: | if ( |
2431: | $functionReflection !== null |
2432: | && in_array($functionReflection->getName(), ['array_pop', 'array_shift'], true) |
2433: | && count($expr->getArgs()) >= 1 |
2434: | ) { |
2435: | $arrayArg = $expr->getArgs()[0]->value; |
2436: | |
2437: | $arrayArgType = $scope->getType($arrayArg); |
2438: | $arrayArgNativeType = $scope->getNativeType($arrayArg); |
2439: | |
2440: | $isArrayPop = $functionReflection->getName() === 'array_pop'; |
2441: | $scope = $scope->invalidateExpression($arrayArg)->assignExpression( |
2442: | $arrayArg, |
2443: | $isArrayPop ? $arrayArgType->popArray() : $arrayArgType->shiftArray(), |
2444: | $isArrayPop ? $arrayArgNativeType->popArray() : $arrayArgNativeType->shiftArray(), |
2445: | ); |
2446: | } |
2447: | |
2448: | if ( |
2449: | $functionReflection !== null |
2450: | && in_array($functionReflection->getName(), ['array_push', 'array_unshift'], true) |
2451: | && count($expr->getArgs()) >= 2 |
2452: | ) { |
2453: | $arrayType = $this->getArrayFunctionAppendingType($functionReflection, $scope, $expr); |
2454: | $arrayNativeType = $this->getArrayFunctionAppendingType($functionReflection, $scope->doNotTreatPhpDocTypesAsCertain(), $expr); |
2455: | |
2456: | $arrayArg = $expr->getArgs()[0]->value; |
2457: | $scope = $scope->invalidateExpression($arrayArg)->assignExpression($arrayArg, $arrayType, $arrayNativeType); |
2458: | } |
2459: | |
2460: | if ( |
2461: | $functionReflection !== null |
2462: | && in_array($functionReflection->getName(), ['fopen', 'file_get_contents'], true) |
2463: | ) { |
2464: | $scope = $scope->assignVariable('http_response_header', TypeCombinator::intersect(new ArrayType(new IntegerType(), new StringType()), new AccessoryArrayListType()), new ArrayType(new IntegerType(), new StringType()), TrinaryLogic::createYes()); |
2465: | } |
2466: | |
2467: | if ( |
2468: | $functionReflection !== null |
2469: | && $functionReflection->getName() === 'shuffle' |
2470: | ) { |
2471: | $arrayArg = $expr->getArgs()[0]->value; |
2472: | $scope = $scope->assignExpression( |
2473: | $arrayArg, |
2474: | $scope->getType($arrayArg)->shuffleArray(), |
2475: | $scope->getNativeType($arrayArg)->shuffleArray(), |
2476: | ); |
2477: | } |
2478: | |
2479: | if ( |
2480: | $functionReflection !== null |
2481: | && $functionReflection->getName() === 'array_splice' |
2482: | && count($expr->getArgs()) >= 1 |
2483: | ) { |
2484: | $arrayArg = $expr->getArgs()[0]->value; |
2485: | $arrayArgType = $scope->getType($arrayArg); |
2486: | $valueType = $arrayArgType->getIterableValueType(); |
2487: | if (count($expr->getArgs()) >= 4) { |
2488: | $replacementType = $scope->getType($expr->getArgs()[3]->value)->toArray(); |
2489: | $valueType = TypeCombinator::union($valueType, $replacementType->getIterableValueType()); |
2490: | } |
2491: | $scope = $scope->invalidateExpression($arrayArg)->assignExpression( |
2492: | $arrayArg, |
2493: | new ArrayType($arrayArgType->getIterableKeyType(), $valueType), |
2494: | new ArrayType($arrayArgType->getIterableKeyType(), $valueType), |
2495: | ); |
2496: | } |
2497: | |
2498: | if ( |
2499: | $functionReflection !== null |
2500: | && in_array($functionReflection->getName(), ['sort', 'rsort', 'usort'], true) |
2501: | && count($expr->getArgs()) >= 1 |
2502: | ) { |
2503: | $arrayArg = $expr->getArgs()[0]->value; |
2504: | $scope = $scope->assignExpression( |
2505: | $arrayArg, |
2506: | $this->getArraySortPreserveListFunctionType($scope->getType($arrayArg)), |
2507: | $this->getArraySortPreserveListFunctionType($scope->getNativeType($arrayArg)), |
2508: | ); |
2509: | } |
2510: | |
2511: | if ( |
2512: | $functionReflection !== null |
2513: | && in_array($functionReflection->getName(), ['natcasesort', 'natsort', 'arsort', 'asort', 'ksort', 'krsort', 'uasort', 'uksort'], true) |
2514: | && count($expr->getArgs()) >= 1 |
2515: | ) { |
2516: | $arrayArg = $expr->getArgs()[0]->value; |
2517: | $scope = $scope->assignExpression( |
2518: | $arrayArg, |
2519: | $this->getArraySortDoNotPreserveListFunctionType($scope->getType($arrayArg)), |
2520: | $this->getArraySortDoNotPreserveListFunctionType($scope->getNativeType($arrayArg)), |
2521: | ); |
2522: | } |
2523: | |
2524: | if ( |
2525: | $functionReflection !== null |
2526: | && $functionReflection->getName() === 'extract' |
2527: | ) { |
2528: | $extractedArg = $expr->getArgs()[0]->value; |
2529: | $extractedType = $scope->getType($extractedArg); |
2530: | $constantArrays = $extractedType->getConstantArrays(); |
2531: | if (count($constantArrays) > 0) { |
2532: | $properties = []; |
2533: | $optionalProperties = []; |
2534: | $refCount = []; |
2535: | foreach ($constantArrays as $constantArray) { |
2536: | foreach ($constantArray->getKeyTypes() as $i => $keyType) { |
2537: | if ($keyType->isString()->no()) { |
2538: | |
2539: | continue; |
2540: | } |
2541: | $key = (string) $keyType->getValue(); |
2542: | $valueType = $constantArray->getValueTypes()[$i]; |
2543: | $optional = $constantArray->isOptionalKey($i); |
2544: | if ($optional) { |
2545: | $optionalProperties[] = $key; |
2546: | } |
2547: | if (isset($properties[$key])) { |
2548: | $properties[$key] = TypeCombinator::union($properties[$key], $valueType); |
2549: | $refCount[$key]++; |
2550: | } else { |
2551: | $properties[$key] = $valueType; |
2552: | $refCount[$key] = 1; |
2553: | } |
2554: | } |
2555: | } |
2556: | foreach ($properties as $name => $type) { |
2557: | $optional = in_array($name, $optionalProperties, true) || $refCount[$name] < count($constantArrays); |
2558: | $scope = $scope->assignVariable($name, $type, $type, $optional ? TrinaryLogic::createMaybe() : TrinaryLogic::createYes()); |
2559: | } |
2560: | } else { |
2561: | $scope = $scope->afterExtractCall(); |
2562: | } |
2563: | } |
2564: | |
2565: | if ( |
2566: | $functionReflection !== null |
2567: | && in_array($functionReflection->getName(), ['clearstatcache', 'unlink'], true) |
2568: | ) { |
2569: | $scope = $scope->afterClearstatcacheCall(); |
2570: | } |
2571: | |
2572: | if ( |
2573: | $functionReflection !== null |
2574: | && str_starts_with($functionReflection->getName(), 'openssl') |
2575: | ) { |
2576: | $scope = $scope->afterOpenSslCall($functionReflection->getName()); |
2577: | } |
2578: | |
2579: | } elseif ($expr instanceof MethodCall) { |
2580: | $originalScope = $scope; |
2581: | if ( |
2582: | ($expr->var instanceof Expr\Closure || $expr->var instanceof Expr\ArrowFunction) |
2583: | && $expr->name instanceof Node\Identifier |
2584: | && strtolower($expr->name->name) === 'call' |
2585: | && isset($expr->getArgs()[0]) |
2586: | ) { |
2587: | $closureCallScope = $scope->enterClosureCall( |
2588: | $scope->getType($expr->getArgs()[0]->value), |
2589: | $scope->getNativeType($expr->getArgs()[0]->value), |
2590: | ); |
2591: | } |
2592: | |
2593: | $result = $this->processExprNode($stmt, $expr->var, $closureCallScope ?? $scope, $nodeCallback, $context->enterDeep()); |
2594: | $hasYield = $result->hasYield(); |
2595: | $throwPoints = $result->getThrowPoints(); |
2596: | $impurePoints = $result->getImpurePoints(); |
2597: | $scope = $result->getScope(); |
2598: | if (isset($closureCallScope)) { |
2599: | $scope = $scope->restoreOriginalScopeAfterClosureBind($originalScope); |
2600: | } |
2601: | $parametersAcceptor = null; |
2602: | $methodReflection = null; |
2603: | $calledOnType = $scope->getType($expr->var); |
2604: | if ($expr->name instanceof Expr) { |
2605: | $methodNameResult = $this->processExprNode($stmt, $expr->name, $scope, $nodeCallback, $context->enterDeep()); |
2606: | $throwPoints = array_merge($throwPoints, $methodNameResult->getThrowPoints()); |
2607: | $scope = $methodNameResult->getScope(); |
2608: | } else { |
2609: | $methodName = $expr->name->name; |
2610: | $methodReflection = $scope->getMethodReflection($calledOnType, $methodName); |
2611: | if ($methodReflection !== null) { |
2612: | $parametersAcceptor = ParametersAcceptorSelector::selectFromArgs( |
2613: | $scope, |
2614: | $expr->getArgs(), |
2615: | $methodReflection->getVariants(), |
2616: | $methodReflection->getNamedArgumentsVariants(), |
2617: | ); |
2618: | |
2619: | $methodThrowPoint = $this->getMethodThrowPoint($methodReflection, $parametersAcceptor, $expr, $scope); |
2620: | if ($methodThrowPoint !== null) { |
2621: | $throwPoints[] = $methodThrowPoint; |
2622: | } |
2623: | } |
2624: | } |
2625: | |
2626: | if ($methodReflection !== null) { |
2627: | $impurePoint = SimpleImpurePoint::createFromVariant($methodReflection, $parametersAcceptor); |
2628: | if ($impurePoint !== null) { |
2629: | $impurePoints[] = new ImpurePoint($scope, $expr, $impurePoint->getIdentifier(), $impurePoint->getDescription(), $impurePoint->isCertain()); |
2630: | } |
2631: | } else { |
2632: | $impurePoints[] = new ImpurePoint( |
2633: | $scope, |
2634: | $expr, |
2635: | 'methodCall', |
2636: | 'call to unknown method', |
2637: | false, |
2638: | ); |
2639: | } |
2640: | |
2641: | if ($parametersAcceptor !== null) { |
2642: | $expr = ArgumentsNormalizer::reorderMethodArguments($parametersAcceptor, $expr) ?? $expr; |
2643: | } |
2644: | |
2645: | $result = $this->processArgs( |
2646: | $stmt, |
2647: | $methodReflection, |
2648: | $methodReflection !== null ? $scope->getNakedMethod($calledOnType, $methodReflection->getName()) : null, |
2649: | $parametersAcceptor, |
2650: | $expr, |
2651: | $scope, |
2652: | $nodeCallback, |
2653: | $context, |
2654: | ); |
2655: | $scope = $result->getScope(); |
2656: | |
2657: | if ($methodReflection !== null) { |
2658: | $hasSideEffects = $methodReflection->hasSideEffects(); |
2659: | if ($hasSideEffects->yes() || $methodReflection->getName() === '__construct') { |
2660: | $nodeCallback(new InvalidateExprNode($expr->var), $scope); |
2661: | $scope = $scope->invalidateExpression($expr->var, true); |
2662: | } |
2663: | if ($parametersAcceptor !== null && !$methodReflection->isStatic()) { |
2664: | $selfOutType = $methodReflection->getSelfOutType(); |
2665: | if ($selfOutType !== null) { |
2666: | $scope = $scope->assignExpression( |
2667: | $expr->var, |
2668: | TemplateTypeHelper::resolveTemplateTypes( |
2669: | $selfOutType, |
2670: | $parametersAcceptor->getResolvedTemplateTypeMap(), |
2671: | $parametersAcceptor instanceof ExtendedParametersAcceptor ? $parametersAcceptor->getCallSiteVarianceMap() : TemplateTypeVarianceMap::createEmpty(), |
2672: | TemplateTypeVariance::createCovariant(), |
2673: | ), |
2674: | $scope->getNativeType($expr->var), |
2675: | ); |
2676: | } |
2677: | } |
2678: | |
2679: | if ( |
2680: | $scope->isInClass() |
2681: | && $scope->getClassReflection()->getName() === $methodReflection->getDeclaringClass()->getName() |
2682: | |
2683: | |
2684: | |
2685: | |
2686: | |
2687: | |
2688: | && TypeUtils::findThisType($calledOnType) !== null |
2689: | ) { |
2690: | $calledMethodScope = $this->processCalledMethod($methodReflection); |
2691: | if ($calledMethodScope !== null) { |
2692: | $scope = $scope->mergeInitializedProperties($calledMethodScope); |
2693: | } |
2694: | } |
2695: | } else { |
2696: | $throwPoints[] = ThrowPoint::createImplicit($scope, $expr); |
2697: | } |
2698: | $hasYield = $hasYield || $result->hasYield(); |
2699: | $throwPoints = array_merge($throwPoints, $result->getThrowPoints()); |
2700: | $impurePoints = array_merge($impurePoints, $result->getImpurePoints()); |
2701: | } elseif ($expr instanceof Expr\NullsafeMethodCall) { |
2702: | $nonNullabilityResult = $this->ensureShallowNonNullability($scope, $scope, $expr->var); |
2703: | $exprResult = $this->processExprNode($stmt, new MethodCall($expr->var, $expr->name, $expr->args, array_merge($expr->getAttributes(), ['virtualNullsafeMethodCall' => true])), $nonNullabilityResult->getScope(), $nodeCallback, $context); |
2704: | $scope = $this->revertNonNullability($exprResult->getScope(), $nonNullabilityResult->getSpecifiedExpressions()); |
2705: | |
2706: | return new ExpressionResult( |
2707: | $scope, |
2708: | $exprResult->hasYield(), |
2709: | $exprResult->getThrowPoints(), |
2710: | $exprResult->getImpurePoints(), |
2711: | static fn (): MutatingScope => $scope->filterByTruthyValue($expr), |
2712: | static fn (): MutatingScope => $scope->filterByFalseyValue($expr), |
2713: | ); |
2714: | } elseif ($expr instanceof StaticCall) { |
2715: | $hasYield = false; |
2716: | $throwPoints = []; |
2717: | $impurePoints = []; |
2718: | if ($expr->class instanceof Expr) { |
2719: | $objectClasses = $scope->getType($expr->class)->getObjectClassNames(); |
2720: | if (count($objectClasses) !== 1) { |
2721: | $objectClasses = $scope->getType(new New_($expr->class))->getObjectClassNames(); |
2722: | } |
2723: | if (count($objectClasses) === 1) { |
2724: | $objectExprResult = $this->processExprNode($stmt, new StaticCall(new Name($objectClasses[0]), $expr->name, []), $scope, static function (): void { |
2725: | }, $context->enterDeep()); |
2726: | $additionalThrowPoints = $objectExprResult->getThrowPoints(); |
2727: | } else { |
2728: | $additionalThrowPoints = [ThrowPoint::createImplicit($scope, $expr)]; |
2729: | } |
2730: | $classResult = $this->processExprNode($stmt, $expr->class, $scope, $nodeCallback, $context->enterDeep()); |
2731: | $hasYield = $classResult->hasYield(); |
2732: | $throwPoints = array_merge($throwPoints, $classResult->getThrowPoints()); |
2733: | $impurePoints = array_merge($impurePoints, $classResult->getImpurePoints()); |
2734: | foreach ($additionalThrowPoints as $throwPoint) { |
2735: | $throwPoints[] = $throwPoint; |
2736: | } |
2737: | $scope = $classResult->getScope(); |
2738: | } |
2739: | |
2740: | $parametersAcceptor = null; |
2741: | $methodReflection = null; |
2742: | if ($expr->name instanceof Expr) { |
2743: | $result = $this->processExprNode($stmt, $expr->name, $scope, $nodeCallback, $context->enterDeep()); |
2744: | $hasYield = $hasYield || $result->hasYield(); |
2745: | $throwPoints = array_merge($throwPoints, $result->getThrowPoints()); |
2746: | $impurePoints = array_merge($impurePoints, $result->getImpurePoints()); |
2747: | $scope = $result->getScope(); |
2748: | } elseif ($expr->class instanceof Name) { |
2749: | $classType = $scope->resolveTypeByName($expr->class); |
2750: | $methodName = $expr->name->name; |
2751: | if ($classType->hasMethod($methodName)->yes()) { |
2752: | $methodReflection = $classType->getMethod($methodName, $scope); |
2753: | $parametersAcceptor = ParametersAcceptorSelector::selectFromArgs( |
2754: | $scope, |
2755: | $expr->getArgs(), |
2756: | $methodReflection->getVariants(), |
2757: | $methodReflection->getNamedArgumentsVariants(), |
2758: | ); |
2759: | |
2760: | $methodThrowPoint = $this->getStaticMethodThrowPoint($methodReflection, $parametersAcceptor, $expr, $scope); |
2761: | if ($methodThrowPoint !== null) { |
2762: | $throwPoints[] = $methodThrowPoint; |
2763: | } |
2764: | |
2765: | $declaringClass = $methodReflection->getDeclaringClass(); |
2766: | if ( |
2767: | $declaringClass->getName() === 'Closure' |
2768: | && strtolower($methodName) === 'bind' |
2769: | ) { |
2770: | $thisType = null; |
2771: | $nativeThisType = null; |
2772: | if (isset($expr->getArgs()[1])) { |
2773: | $argType = $scope->getType($expr->getArgs()[1]->value); |
2774: | if ($argType->isNull()->yes()) { |
2775: | $thisType = null; |
2776: | } else { |
2777: | $thisType = $argType; |
2778: | } |
2779: | |
2780: | $nativeArgType = $scope->getNativeType($expr->getArgs()[1]->value); |
2781: | if ($nativeArgType->isNull()->yes()) { |
2782: | $nativeThisType = null; |
2783: | } else { |
2784: | $nativeThisType = $nativeArgType; |
2785: | } |
2786: | } |
2787: | $scopeClasses = ['static']; |
2788: | if (isset($expr->getArgs()[2])) { |
2789: | $argValue = $expr->getArgs()[2]->value; |
2790: | $argValueType = $scope->getType($argValue); |
2791: | |
2792: | $directClassNames = $argValueType->getObjectClassNames(); |
2793: | if (count($directClassNames) > 0) { |
2794: | $scopeClasses = $directClassNames; |
2795: | $thisTypes = []; |
2796: | foreach ($directClassNames as $directClassName) { |
2797: | $thisTypes[] = new ObjectType($directClassName); |
2798: | } |
2799: | $thisType = TypeCombinator::union(...$thisTypes); |
2800: | } else { |
2801: | $thisType = $argValueType->getClassStringObjectType(); |
2802: | $scopeClasses = $thisType->getObjectClassNames(); |
2803: | } |
2804: | } |
2805: | $closureBindScope = $scope->enterClosureBind($thisType, $nativeThisType, $scopeClasses); |
2806: | } |
2807: | } else { |
2808: | $throwPoints[] = ThrowPoint::createImplicit($scope, $expr); |
2809: | } |
2810: | } |
2811: | |
2812: | if ($methodReflection !== null) { |
2813: | $impurePoint = SimpleImpurePoint::createFromVariant($methodReflection, $parametersAcceptor); |
2814: | if ($impurePoint !== null) { |
2815: | $impurePoints[] = new ImpurePoint($scope, $expr, $impurePoint->getIdentifier(), $impurePoint->getDescription(), $impurePoint->isCertain()); |
2816: | } |
2817: | } else { |
2818: | $impurePoints[] = new ImpurePoint( |
2819: | $scope, |
2820: | $expr, |
2821: | 'methodCall', |
2822: | 'call to unknown method', |
2823: | false, |
2824: | ); |
2825: | } |
2826: | |
2827: | if ($parametersAcceptor !== null) { |
2828: | $expr = ArgumentsNormalizer::reorderStaticCallArguments($parametersAcceptor, $expr) ?? $expr; |
2829: | } |
2830: | $result = $this->processArgs($stmt, $methodReflection, null, $parametersAcceptor, $expr, $scope, $nodeCallback, $context, $closureBindScope ?? null); |
2831: | $scope = $result->getScope(); |
2832: | $scopeFunction = $scope->getFunction(); |
2833: | |
2834: | if ( |
2835: | $methodReflection !== null |
2836: | && !$methodReflection->isStatic() |
2837: | && ( |
2838: | $methodReflection->hasSideEffects()->yes() |
2839: | || $methodReflection->getName() === '__construct' |
2840: | ) |
2841: | && $scopeFunction instanceof MethodReflection |
2842: | && !$scopeFunction->isStatic() |
2843: | && $scope->isInClass() |
2844: | && ( |
2845: | $scope->getClassReflection()->getName() === $methodReflection->getDeclaringClass()->getName() |
2846: | || $scope->getClassReflection()->isSubclassOf($methodReflection->getDeclaringClass()->getName()) |
2847: | ) |
2848: | ) { |
2849: | $scope = $scope->invalidateExpression(new Variable('this'), true); |
2850: | } |
2851: | |
2852: | if ( |
2853: | $methodReflection !== null |
2854: | && !$methodReflection->isStatic() |
2855: | && $methodReflection->getName() === '__construct' |
2856: | && $scopeFunction instanceof MethodReflection |
2857: | && !$scopeFunction->isStatic() |
2858: | && $scope->isInClass() |
2859: | && $scope->getClassReflection()->isSubclassOf($methodReflection->getDeclaringClass()->getName()) |
2860: | ) { |
2861: | $thisType = $scope->getType(new Variable('this')); |
2862: | $methodClassReflection = $methodReflection->getDeclaringClass(); |
2863: | foreach ($methodClassReflection->getNativeReflection()->getProperties(ReflectionProperty::IS_PUBLIC | ReflectionProperty::IS_PROTECTED) as $property) { |
2864: | if (!$property->isPromoted() || $property->getDeclaringClass()->getName() !== $methodClassReflection->getName()) { |
2865: | continue; |
2866: | } |
2867: | |
2868: | $scope = $scope->assignInitializedProperty($thisType, $property->getName()); |
2869: | } |
2870: | } |
2871: | |
2872: | $hasYield = $hasYield || $result->hasYield(); |
2873: | $throwPoints = array_merge($throwPoints, $result->getThrowPoints()); |
2874: | $impurePoints = array_merge($impurePoints, $result->getImpurePoints()); |
2875: | } elseif ($expr instanceof PropertyFetch) { |
2876: | $result = $this->processExprNode($stmt, $expr->var, $scope, $nodeCallback, $context->enterDeep()); |
2877: | $hasYield = $result->hasYield(); |
2878: | $throwPoints = $result->getThrowPoints(); |
2879: | $impurePoints = $result->getImpurePoints(); |
2880: | $scope = $result->getScope(); |
2881: | if ($expr->name instanceof Expr) { |
2882: | $result = $this->processExprNode($stmt, $expr->name, $scope, $nodeCallback, $context->enterDeep()); |
2883: | $hasYield = $hasYield || $result->hasYield(); |
2884: | $throwPoints = array_merge($throwPoints, $result->getThrowPoints()); |
2885: | $impurePoints = array_merge($impurePoints, $result->getImpurePoints()); |
2886: | $scope = $result->getScope(); |
2887: | } |
2888: | } elseif ($expr instanceof Expr\NullsafePropertyFetch) { |
2889: | $nonNullabilityResult = $this->ensureShallowNonNullability($scope, $scope, $expr->var); |
2890: | $exprResult = $this->processExprNode($stmt, new PropertyFetch($expr->var, $expr->name, array_merge($expr->getAttributes(), ['virtualNullsafePropertyFetch' => true])), $nonNullabilityResult->getScope(), $nodeCallback, $context); |
2891: | $scope = $this->revertNonNullability($exprResult->getScope(), $nonNullabilityResult->getSpecifiedExpressions()); |
2892: | |
2893: | return new ExpressionResult( |
2894: | $scope, |
2895: | $exprResult->hasYield(), |
2896: | $exprResult->getThrowPoints(), |
2897: | $exprResult->getImpurePoints(), |
2898: | static fn (): MutatingScope => $scope->filterByTruthyValue($expr), |
2899: | static fn (): MutatingScope => $scope->filterByFalseyValue($expr), |
2900: | ); |
2901: | } elseif ($expr instanceof StaticPropertyFetch) { |
2902: | $hasYield = false; |
2903: | $throwPoints = []; |
2904: | $impurePoints = []; |
2905: | if ($expr->class instanceof Expr) { |
2906: | $result = $this->processExprNode($stmt, $expr->class, $scope, $nodeCallback, $context->enterDeep()); |
2907: | $hasYield = $result->hasYield(); |
2908: | $throwPoints = $result->getThrowPoints(); |
2909: | $impurePoints = $result->getImpurePoints(); |
2910: | $scope = $result->getScope(); |
2911: | } |
2912: | if ($expr->name instanceof Expr) { |
2913: | $result = $this->processExprNode($stmt, $expr->name, $scope, $nodeCallback, $context->enterDeep()); |
2914: | $hasYield = $hasYield || $result->hasYield(); |
2915: | $throwPoints = array_merge($throwPoints, $result->getThrowPoints()); |
2916: | $impurePoints = array_merge($impurePoints, $result->getImpurePoints()); |
2917: | $scope = $result->getScope(); |
2918: | } |
2919: | } elseif ($expr instanceof Expr\Closure) { |
2920: | $processClosureResult = $this->processClosureNode($stmt, $expr, $scope, $nodeCallback, $context, null); |
2921: | |
2922: | return new ExpressionResult( |
2923: | $processClosureResult->getScope(), |
2924: | false, |
2925: | [], |
2926: | [], |
2927: | ); |
2928: | } elseif ($expr instanceof Expr\ArrowFunction) { |
2929: | $result = $this->processArrowFunctionNode($stmt, $expr, $scope, $nodeCallback, null); |
2930: | return new ExpressionResult( |
2931: | $result->getScope(), |
2932: | $result->hasYield(), |
2933: | [], |
2934: | [], |
2935: | ); |
2936: | } elseif ($expr instanceof ErrorSuppress) { |
2937: | $result = $this->processExprNode($stmt, $expr->expr, $scope, $nodeCallback, $context); |
2938: | $hasYield = $result->hasYield(); |
2939: | $throwPoints = $result->getThrowPoints(); |
2940: | $impurePoints = $result->getImpurePoints(); |
2941: | $scope = $result->getScope(); |
2942: | } elseif ($expr instanceof Exit_) { |
2943: | $hasYield = false; |
2944: | $throwPoints = []; |
2945: | $kind = $expr->getAttribute('kind', Exit_::KIND_EXIT); |
2946: | $identifier = $kind === Exit_::KIND_DIE ? 'die' : 'exit'; |
2947: | $impurePoints = [ |
2948: | new ImpurePoint($scope, $expr, $identifier, $identifier, true), |
2949: | ]; |
2950: | if ($expr->expr !== null) { |
2951: | $result = $this->processExprNode($stmt, $expr->expr, $scope, $nodeCallback, $context->enterDeep()); |
2952: | $hasYield = $result->hasYield(); |
2953: | $throwPoints = $result->getThrowPoints(); |
2954: | $impurePoints = array_merge($impurePoints, $result->getImpurePoints()); |
2955: | $scope = $result->getScope(); |
2956: | } |
2957: | } elseif ($expr instanceof Node\Scalar\InterpolatedString) { |
2958: | $hasYield = false; |
2959: | $throwPoints = []; |
2960: | $impurePoints = []; |
2961: | foreach ($expr->parts as $part) { |
2962: | if (!$part instanceof Expr) { |
2963: | continue; |
2964: | } |
2965: | $result = $this->processExprNode($stmt, $part, $scope, $nodeCallback, $context->enterDeep()); |
2966: | $hasYield = $hasYield || $result->hasYield(); |
2967: | $throwPoints = array_merge($throwPoints, $result->getThrowPoints()); |
2968: | $impurePoints = array_merge($impurePoints, $result->getImpurePoints()); |
2969: | $scope = $result->getScope(); |
2970: | } |
2971: | } elseif ($expr instanceof ArrayDimFetch) { |
2972: | $hasYield = false; |
2973: | $throwPoints = []; |
2974: | $impurePoints = []; |
2975: | if ($expr->dim !== null) { |
2976: | $result = $this->processExprNode($stmt, $expr->dim, $scope, $nodeCallback, $context->enterDeep()); |
2977: | $hasYield = $result->hasYield(); |
2978: | $throwPoints = $result->getThrowPoints(); |
2979: | $impurePoints = $result->getImpurePoints(); |
2980: | $scope = $result->getScope(); |
2981: | } |
2982: | |
2983: | $result = $this->processExprNode($stmt, $expr->var, $scope, $nodeCallback, $context->enterDeep()); |
2984: | $hasYield = $hasYield || $result->hasYield(); |
2985: | $throwPoints = array_merge($throwPoints, $result->getThrowPoints()); |
2986: | $impurePoints = array_merge($impurePoints, $result->getImpurePoints()); |
2987: | $scope = $result->getScope(); |
2988: | } elseif ($expr instanceof Array_) { |
2989: | $itemNodes = []; |
2990: | $hasYield = false; |
2991: | $throwPoints = []; |
2992: | $impurePoints = []; |
2993: | foreach ($expr->items as $arrayItem) { |
2994: | $itemNodes[] = new LiteralArrayItem($scope, $arrayItem); |
2995: | $nodeCallback($arrayItem, $scope); |
2996: | if ($arrayItem->key !== null) { |
2997: | $keyResult = $this->processExprNode($stmt, $arrayItem->key, $scope, $nodeCallback, $context->enterDeep()); |
2998: | $hasYield = $hasYield || $keyResult->hasYield(); |
2999: | $throwPoints = array_merge($throwPoints, $keyResult->getThrowPoints()); |
3000: | $impurePoints = array_merge($impurePoints, $keyResult->getImpurePoints()); |
3001: | $scope = $keyResult->getScope(); |
3002: | } |
3003: | |
3004: | $valueResult = $this->processExprNode($stmt, $arrayItem->value, $scope, $nodeCallback, $context->enterDeep()); |
3005: | $hasYield = $hasYield || $valueResult->hasYield(); |
3006: | $throwPoints = array_merge($throwPoints, $valueResult->getThrowPoints()); |
3007: | $impurePoints = array_merge($impurePoints, $valueResult->getImpurePoints()); |
3008: | $scope = $valueResult->getScope(); |
3009: | } |
3010: | $nodeCallback(new LiteralArrayNode($expr, $itemNodes), $scope); |
3011: | } elseif ($expr instanceof BooleanAnd || $expr instanceof BinaryOp\LogicalAnd) { |
3012: | $leftResult = $this->processExprNode($stmt, $expr->left, $scope, $nodeCallback, $context->enterDeep()); |
3013: | $rightResult = $this->processExprNode($stmt, $expr->right, $leftResult->getTruthyScope(), $nodeCallback, $context); |
3014: | $rightExprType = $rightResult->getScope()->getType($expr->right); |
3015: | if ($rightExprType instanceof NeverType && $rightExprType->isExplicit()) { |
3016: | $leftMergedWithRightScope = $leftResult->getFalseyScope(); |
3017: | } else { |
3018: | $leftMergedWithRightScope = $leftResult->getScope()->mergeWith($rightResult->getScope()); |
3019: | } |
3020: | |
3021: | $this->callNodeCallbackWithExpression($nodeCallback, new BooleanAndNode($expr, $leftResult->getTruthyScope()), $scope, $context); |
3022: | |
3023: | return new ExpressionResult( |
3024: | $leftMergedWithRightScope, |
3025: | $leftResult->hasYield() || $rightResult->hasYield(), |
3026: | array_merge($leftResult->getThrowPoints(), $rightResult->getThrowPoints()), |
3027: | array_merge($leftResult->getImpurePoints(), $rightResult->getImpurePoints()), |
3028: | static fn (): MutatingScope => $rightResult->getScope()->filterByTruthyValue($expr), |
3029: | static fn (): MutatingScope => $leftMergedWithRightScope->filterByFalseyValue($expr), |
3030: | ); |
3031: | } elseif ($expr instanceof BooleanOr || $expr instanceof BinaryOp\LogicalOr) { |
3032: | $leftResult = $this->processExprNode($stmt, $expr->left, $scope, $nodeCallback, $context->enterDeep()); |
3033: | $rightResult = $this->processExprNode($stmt, $expr->right, $leftResult->getFalseyScope(), $nodeCallback, $context); |
3034: | $rightExprType = $rightResult->getScope()->getType($expr->right); |
3035: | if ($rightExprType instanceof NeverType && $rightExprType->isExplicit()) { |
3036: | $leftMergedWithRightScope = $leftResult->getTruthyScope(); |
3037: | } else { |
3038: | $leftMergedWithRightScope = $leftResult->getScope()->mergeWith($rightResult->getScope()); |
3039: | } |
3040: | |
3041: | $this->callNodeCallbackWithExpression($nodeCallback, new BooleanOrNode($expr, $leftResult->getFalseyScope()), $scope, $context); |
3042: | |
3043: | return new ExpressionResult( |
3044: | $leftMergedWithRightScope, |
3045: | $leftResult->hasYield() || $rightResult->hasYield(), |
3046: | array_merge($leftResult->getThrowPoints(), $rightResult->getThrowPoints()), |
3047: | array_merge($leftResult->getImpurePoints(), $rightResult->getImpurePoints()), |
3048: | static fn (): MutatingScope => $leftMergedWithRightScope->filterByTruthyValue($expr), |
3049: | static fn (): MutatingScope => $rightResult->getScope()->filterByFalseyValue($expr), |
3050: | ); |
3051: | } elseif ($expr instanceof Coalesce) { |
3052: | $nonNullabilityResult = $this->ensureNonNullability($scope, $expr->left); |
3053: | $condScope = $this->lookForSetAllowedUndefinedExpressions($nonNullabilityResult->getScope(), $expr->left); |
3054: | $condResult = $this->processExprNode($stmt, $expr->left, $condScope, $nodeCallback, $context->enterDeep()); |
3055: | $scope = $this->revertNonNullability($condResult->getScope(), $nonNullabilityResult->getSpecifiedExpressions()); |
3056: | $scope = $this->lookForUnsetAllowedUndefinedExpressions($scope, $expr->left); |
3057: | |
3058: | $rightScope = $scope->filterByFalseyValue($expr); |
3059: | $rightResult = $this->processExprNode($stmt, $expr->right, $rightScope, $nodeCallback, $context->enterDeep()); |
3060: | $rightExprType = $scope->getType($expr->right); |
3061: | if ($rightExprType instanceof NeverType && $rightExprType->isExplicit()) { |
3062: | $scope = $scope->filterByTruthyValue(new Expr\Isset_([$expr->left])); |
3063: | } else { |
3064: | $scope = $scope->filterByTruthyValue(new Expr\Isset_([$expr->left]))->mergeWith($rightResult->getScope()); |
3065: | } |
3066: | |
3067: | $hasYield = $condResult->hasYield() || $rightResult->hasYield(); |
3068: | $throwPoints = array_merge($condResult->getThrowPoints(), $rightResult->getThrowPoints()); |
3069: | $impurePoints = array_merge($condResult->getImpurePoints(), $rightResult->getImpurePoints()); |
3070: | } elseif ($expr instanceof BinaryOp) { |
3071: | $result = $this->processExprNode($stmt, $expr->left, $scope, $nodeCallback, $context->enterDeep()); |
3072: | $scope = $result->getScope(); |
3073: | $hasYield = $result->hasYield(); |
3074: | $throwPoints = $result->getThrowPoints(); |
3075: | $impurePoints = $result->getImpurePoints(); |
3076: | $result = $this->processExprNode($stmt, $expr->right, $scope, $nodeCallback, $context->enterDeep()); |
3077: | if ( |
3078: | ($expr instanceof BinaryOp\Div || $expr instanceof BinaryOp\Mod) && |
3079: | !$scope->getType($expr->right)->toNumber()->isSuperTypeOf(new ConstantIntegerType(0))->no() |
3080: | ) { |
3081: | $throwPoints[] = ThrowPoint::createExplicit($scope, new ObjectType(DivisionByZeroError::class), $expr, false); |
3082: | } |
3083: | $scope = $result->getScope(); |
3084: | $hasYield = $hasYield || $result->hasYield(); |
3085: | $throwPoints = array_merge($throwPoints, $result->getThrowPoints()); |
3086: | $impurePoints = array_merge($impurePoints, $result->getImpurePoints()); |
3087: | } elseif ($expr instanceof Expr\Include_) { |
3088: | $result = $this->processExprNode($stmt, $expr->expr, $scope, $nodeCallback, $context->enterDeep()); |
3089: | $throwPoints = $result->getThrowPoints(); |
3090: | $throwPoints[] = ThrowPoint::createImplicit($scope, $expr); |
3091: | $impurePoints = $result->getImpurePoints(); |
3092: | $impurePoints[] = new ImpurePoint( |
3093: | $scope, |
3094: | $expr, |
3095: | in_array($expr->type, [Expr\Include_::TYPE_INCLUDE, Expr\Include_::TYPE_INCLUDE_ONCE], true) ? 'include' : 'require', |
3096: | in_array($expr->type, [Expr\Include_::TYPE_INCLUDE, Expr\Include_::TYPE_INCLUDE_ONCE], true) ? 'include' : 'require', |
3097: | true, |
3098: | ); |
3099: | $hasYield = $result->hasYield(); |
3100: | $scope = $result->getScope()->afterExtractCall(); |
3101: | } elseif ($expr instanceof Expr\Print_) { |
3102: | $result = $this->processExprNode($stmt, $expr->expr, $scope, $nodeCallback, $context->enterDeep()); |
3103: | $throwPoints = $result->getThrowPoints(); |
3104: | $impurePoints = $result->getImpurePoints(); |
3105: | $impurePoints[] = new ImpurePoint($scope, $expr, 'print', 'print', true); |
3106: | $hasYield = $result->hasYield(); |
3107: | |
3108: | $scope = $result->getScope(); |
3109: | } elseif ($expr instanceof Cast\String_) { |
3110: | $result = $this->processExprNode($stmt, $expr->expr, $scope, $nodeCallback, $context->enterDeep()); |
3111: | $throwPoints = $result->getThrowPoints(); |
3112: | $impurePoints = $result->getImpurePoints(); |
3113: | $hasYield = $result->hasYield(); |
3114: | |
3115: | $exprType = $scope->getType($expr->expr); |
3116: | $toStringMethod = $scope->getMethodReflection($exprType, '__toString'); |
3117: | if ($toStringMethod !== null) { |
3118: | if (!$toStringMethod->hasSideEffects()->no()) { |
3119: | $impurePoints[] = new ImpurePoint( |
3120: | $scope, |
3121: | $expr, |
3122: | 'methodCall', |
3123: | sprintf('call to method %s::%s()', $toStringMethod->getDeclaringClass()->getDisplayName(), $toStringMethod->getName()), |
3124: | $toStringMethod->isPure()->no(), |
3125: | ); |
3126: | } |
3127: | } |
3128: | |
3129: | $scope = $result->getScope(); |
3130: | } elseif ( |
3131: | $expr instanceof Expr\BitwiseNot |
3132: | || $expr instanceof Cast |
3133: | || $expr instanceof Expr\Clone_ |
3134: | || $expr instanceof Expr\UnaryMinus |
3135: | || $expr instanceof Expr\UnaryPlus |
3136: | ) { |
3137: | $result = $this->processExprNode($stmt, $expr->expr, $scope, $nodeCallback, $context->enterDeep()); |
3138: | $throwPoints = $result->getThrowPoints(); |
3139: | $impurePoints = $result->getImpurePoints(); |
3140: | $hasYield = $result->hasYield(); |
3141: | |
3142: | $scope = $result->getScope(); |
3143: | } elseif ($expr instanceof Expr\Eval_) { |
3144: | $result = $this->processExprNode($stmt, $expr->expr, $scope, $nodeCallback, $context->enterDeep()); |
3145: | $throwPoints = $result->getThrowPoints(); |
3146: | $throwPoints[] = ThrowPoint::createImplicit($scope, $expr); |
3147: | $impurePoints = $result->getImpurePoints(); |
3148: | $impurePoints[] = new ImpurePoint($scope, $expr, 'eval', 'eval', true); |
3149: | $hasYield = $result->hasYield(); |
3150: | |
3151: | $scope = $result->getScope(); |
3152: | } elseif ($expr instanceof Expr\YieldFrom) { |
3153: | $result = $this->processExprNode($stmt, $expr->expr, $scope, $nodeCallback, $context->enterDeep()); |
3154: | $throwPoints = $result->getThrowPoints(); |
3155: | $throwPoints[] = ThrowPoint::createImplicit($scope, $expr); |
3156: | $impurePoints = $result->getImpurePoints(); |
3157: | $impurePoints[] = new ImpurePoint( |
3158: | $scope, |
3159: | $expr, |
3160: | 'yieldFrom', |
3161: | 'yield from', |
3162: | true, |
3163: | ); |
3164: | $hasYield = true; |
3165: | |
3166: | $scope = $result->getScope(); |
3167: | } elseif ($expr instanceof BooleanNot) { |
3168: | $result = $this->processExprNode($stmt, $expr->expr, $scope, $nodeCallback, $context->enterDeep()); |
3169: | $scope = $result->getScope(); |
3170: | $hasYield = $result->hasYield(); |
3171: | $throwPoints = $result->getThrowPoints(); |
3172: | $impurePoints = $result->getImpurePoints(); |
3173: | } elseif ($expr instanceof Expr\ClassConstFetch) { |
3174: | if ($expr->class instanceof Expr) { |
3175: | $result = $this->processExprNode($stmt, $expr->class, $scope, $nodeCallback, $context->enterDeep()); |
3176: | $scope = $result->getScope(); |
3177: | $hasYield = $result->hasYield(); |
3178: | $throwPoints = $result->getThrowPoints(); |
3179: | $impurePoints = $result->getImpurePoints(); |
3180: | } else { |
3181: | $hasYield = false; |
3182: | $throwPoints = []; |
3183: | $impurePoints = []; |
3184: | $nodeCallback($expr->class, $scope); |
3185: | } |
3186: | |
3187: | if ($expr->name instanceof Expr) { |
3188: | $result = $this->processExprNode($stmt, $expr->name, $scope, $nodeCallback, $context->enterDeep()); |
3189: | $scope = $result->getScope(); |
3190: | $hasYield = $hasYield || $result->hasYield(); |
3191: | $throwPoints = array_merge($throwPoints, $result->getThrowPoints()); |
3192: | $impurePoints = array_merge($impurePoints, $result->getImpurePoints()); |
3193: | } else { |
3194: | $nodeCallback($expr->name, $scope); |
3195: | } |
3196: | } elseif ($expr instanceof Expr\Empty_) { |
3197: | $nonNullabilityResult = $this->ensureNonNullability($scope, $expr->expr); |
3198: | $scope = $this->lookForSetAllowedUndefinedExpressions($nonNullabilityResult->getScope(), $expr->expr); |
3199: | $result = $this->processExprNode($stmt, $expr->expr, $scope, $nodeCallback, $context->enterDeep()); |
3200: | $scope = $result->getScope(); |
3201: | $hasYield = $result->hasYield(); |
3202: | $throwPoints = $result->getThrowPoints(); |
3203: | $impurePoints = $result->getImpurePoints(); |
3204: | $scope = $this->revertNonNullability($scope, $nonNullabilityResult->getSpecifiedExpressions()); |
3205: | $scope = $this->lookForUnsetAllowedUndefinedExpressions($scope, $expr->expr); |
3206: | } elseif ($expr instanceof Expr\Isset_) { |
3207: | $hasYield = false; |
3208: | $throwPoints = []; |
3209: | $impurePoints = []; |
3210: | $nonNullabilityResults = []; |
3211: | foreach ($expr->vars as $var) { |
3212: | $nonNullabilityResult = $this->ensureNonNullability($scope, $var); |
3213: | $scope = $this->lookForSetAllowedUndefinedExpressions($nonNullabilityResult->getScope(), $var); |
3214: | $result = $this->processExprNode($stmt, $var, $scope, $nodeCallback, $context->enterDeep()); |
3215: | $scope = $result->getScope(); |
3216: | $hasYield = $hasYield || $result->hasYield(); |
3217: | $throwPoints = array_merge($throwPoints, $result->getThrowPoints()); |
3218: | $impurePoints = array_merge($impurePoints, $result->getImpurePoints()); |
3219: | $nonNullabilityResults[] = $nonNullabilityResult; |
3220: | } |
3221: | foreach (array_reverse($expr->vars) as $var) { |
3222: | $scope = $this->lookForUnsetAllowedUndefinedExpressions($scope, $var); |
3223: | } |
3224: | foreach (array_reverse($nonNullabilityResults) as $nonNullabilityResult) { |
3225: | $scope = $this->revertNonNullability($scope, $nonNullabilityResult->getSpecifiedExpressions()); |
3226: | } |
3227: | } elseif ($expr instanceof Instanceof_) { |
3228: | $result = $this->processExprNode($stmt, $expr->expr, $scope, $nodeCallback, $context->enterDeep()); |
3229: | $scope = $result->getScope(); |
3230: | $hasYield = $result->hasYield(); |
3231: | $throwPoints = $result->getThrowPoints(); |
3232: | $impurePoints = $result->getImpurePoints(); |
3233: | if ($expr->class instanceof Expr) { |
3234: | $result = $this->processExprNode($stmt, $expr->class, $scope, $nodeCallback, $context->enterDeep()); |
3235: | $scope = $result->getScope(); |
3236: | $hasYield = $hasYield || $result->hasYield(); |
3237: | $throwPoints = array_merge($throwPoints, $result->getThrowPoints()); |
3238: | $impurePoints = array_merge($impurePoints, $result->getImpurePoints()); |
3239: | } |
3240: | } elseif ($expr instanceof List_) { |
3241: | |
3242: | return new ExpressionResult($scope, false, [], []); |
3243: | } elseif ($expr instanceof New_) { |
3244: | $parametersAcceptor = null; |
3245: | $constructorReflection = null; |
3246: | $hasYield = false; |
3247: | $throwPoints = []; |
3248: | $impurePoints = []; |
3249: | $className = null; |
3250: | if ($expr->class instanceof Expr || $expr->class instanceof Name) { |
3251: | if ($expr->class instanceof Expr) { |
3252: | $objectClasses = $scope->getType($expr)->getObjectClassNames(); |
3253: | if (count($objectClasses) === 1) { |
3254: | $objectExprResult = $this->processExprNode($stmt, new New_(new Name($objectClasses[0])), $scope, static function (): void { |
3255: | }, $context->enterDeep()); |
3256: | $className = $objectClasses[0]; |
3257: | $additionalThrowPoints = $objectExprResult->getThrowPoints(); |
3258: | } else { |
3259: | $additionalThrowPoints = [ThrowPoint::createImplicit($scope, $expr)]; |
3260: | } |
3261: | |
3262: | $result = $this->processExprNode($stmt, $expr->class, $scope, $nodeCallback, $context->enterDeep()); |
3263: | $scope = $result->getScope(); |
3264: | $hasYield = $result->hasYield(); |
3265: | $throwPoints = $result->getThrowPoints(); |
3266: | $impurePoints = $result->getImpurePoints(); |
3267: | foreach ($additionalThrowPoints as $throwPoint) { |
3268: | $throwPoints[] = $throwPoint; |
3269: | } |
3270: | } else { |
3271: | $className = $scope->resolveName($expr->class); |
3272: | } |
3273: | |
3274: | $classReflection = null; |
3275: | if ($className !== null && $this->reflectionProvider->hasClass($className)) { |
3276: | $classReflection = $this->reflectionProvider->getClass($className); |
3277: | if ($classReflection->hasConstructor()) { |
3278: | $constructorReflection = $classReflection->getConstructor(); |
3279: | $parametersAcceptor = ParametersAcceptorSelector::selectFromArgs( |
3280: | $scope, |
3281: | $expr->getArgs(), |
3282: | $constructorReflection->getVariants(), |
3283: | $constructorReflection->getNamedArgumentsVariants(), |
3284: | ); |
3285: | $constructorThrowPoint = $this->getConstructorThrowPoint($constructorReflection, $parametersAcceptor, $classReflection, $expr, new Name\FullyQualified($className), $expr->getArgs(), $scope); |
3286: | if ($constructorThrowPoint !== null) { |
3287: | $throwPoints[] = $constructorThrowPoint; |
3288: | } |
3289: | } |
3290: | } else { |
3291: | $throwPoints[] = ThrowPoint::createImplicit($scope, $expr); |
3292: | } |
3293: | |
3294: | if ($constructorReflection !== null) { |
3295: | if (!$constructorReflection->hasSideEffects()->no()) { |
3296: | $certain = $constructorReflection->isPure()->no(); |
3297: | $impurePoints[] = new ImpurePoint( |
3298: | $scope, |
3299: | $expr, |
3300: | 'new', |
3301: | sprintf('instantiation of class %s', $constructorReflection->getDeclaringClass()->getDisplayName()), |
3302: | $certain, |
3303: | ); |
3304: | } |
3305: | } elseif ($classReflection === null) { |
3306: | $impurePoints[] = new ImpurePoint( |
3307: | $scope, |
3308: | $expr, |
3309: | 'new', |
3310: | 'instantiation of unknown class', |
3311: | false, |
3312: | ); |
3313: | } |
3314: | |
3315: | if ($parametersAcceptor !== null) { |
3316: | $expr = ArgumentsNormalizer::reorderNewArguments($parametersAcceptor, $expr) ?? $expr; |
3317: | } |
3318: | |
3319: | } else { |
3320: | $classReflection = $this->reflectionProvider->getAnonymousClassReflection($expr->class, $scope); |
3321: | $constructorResult = null; |
3322: | $this->processStmtNode($expr->class, $scope, static function (Node $node, Scope $scope) use ($nodeCallback, $classReflection, &$constructorResult): void { |
3323: | $nodeCallback($node, $scope); |
3324: | if (!$node instanceof MethodReturnStatementsNode) { |
3325: | return; |
3326: | } |
3327: | if ($constructorResult !== null) { |
3328: | return; |
3329: | } |
3330: | $currentClassReflection = $node->getClassReflection(); |
3331: | if ($currentClassReflection->getName() !== $classReflection->getName()) { |
3332: | return; |
3333: | } |
3334: | if (!$currentClassReflection->hasConstructor()) { |
3335: | return; |
3336: | } |
3337: | if ($currentClassReflection->getConstructor()->getName() !== $node->getMethodReflection()->getName()) { |
3338: | return; |
3339: | } |
3340: | $constructorResult = $node; |
3341: | }, StatementContext::createTopLevel()); |
3342: | if ($constructorResult !== null) { |
3343: | $throwPoints = array_merge($throwPoints, $constructorResult->getStatementResult()->getThrowPoints()); |
3344: | $impurePoints = array_merge($impurePoints, $constructorResult->getImpurePoints()); |
3345: | } |
3346: | if ($classReflection->hasConstructor()) { |
3347: | $constructorReflection = $classReflection->getConstructor(); |
3348: | $parametersAcceptor = ParametersAcceptorSelector::selectFromArgs( |
3349: | $scope, |
3350: | $expr->getArgs(), |
3351: | $constructorReflection->getVariants(), |
3352: | $constructorReflection->getNamedArgumentsVariants(), |
3353: | ); |
3354: | } |
3355: | } |
3356: | |
3357: | $result = $this->processArgs($stmt, $constructorReflection, null, $parametersAcceptor, $expr, $scope, $nodeCallback, $context); |
3358: | $scope = $result->getScope(); |
3359: | $hasYield = $hasYield || $result->hasYield(); |
3360: | $throwPoints = array_merge($throwPoints, $result->getThrowPoints()); |
3361: | $impurePoints = array_merge($impurePoints, $result->getImpurePoints()); |
3362: | } elseif ( |
3363: | $expr instanceof Expr\PreInc |
3364: | || $expr instanceof Expr\PostInc |
3365: | || $expr instanceof Expr\PreDec |
3366: | || $expr instanceof Expr\PostDec |
3367: | ) { |
3368: | $result = $this->processExprNode($stmt, $expr->var, $scope, $nodeCallback, $context->enterDeep()); |
3369: | $scope = $result->getScope(); |
3370: | $hasYield = $result->hasYield(); |
3371: | $throwPoints = $result->getThrowPoints(); |
3372: | $impurePoints = $result->getImpurePoints(); |
3373: | |
3374: | $newExpr = $expr; |
3375: | if ($expr instanceof Expr\PostInc) { |
3376: | $newExpr = new Expr\PreInc($expr->var); |
3377: | } elseif ($expr instanceof Expr\PostDec) { |
3378: | $newExpr = new Expr\PreDec($expr->var); |
3379: | } |
3380: | |
3381: | $scope = $this->processAssignVar( |
3382: | $scope, |
3383: | $stmt, |
3384: | $expr->var, |
3385: | $newExpr, |
3386: | static function (Node $node, Scope $scope) use ($nodeCallback): void { |
3387: | if (!$node instanceof PropertyAssignNode && !$node instanceof VariableAssignNode) { |
3388: | return; |
3389: | } |
3390: | |
3391: | $nodeCallback($node, $scope); |
3392: | }, |
3393: | $context, |
3394: | static fn (MutatingScope $scope): ExpressionResult => new ExpressionResult($scope, false, [], []), |
3395: | false, |
3396: | )->getScope(); |
3397: | } elseif ($expr instanceof Ternary) { |
3398: | $ternaryCondResult = $this->processExprNode($stmt, $expr->cond, $scope, $nodeCallback, $context->enterDeep()); |
3399: | $throwPoints = $ternaryCondResult->getThrowPoints(); |
3400: | $impurePoints = $ternaryCondResult->getImpurePoints(); |
3401: | $ifTrueScope = $ternaryCondResult->getTruthyScope(); |
3402: | $ifFalseScope = $ternaryCondResult->getFalseyScope(); |
3403: | $ifTrueType = null; |
3404: | if ($expr->if !== null) { |
3405: | $ifResult = $this->processExprNode($stmt, $expr->if, $ifTrueScope, $nodeCallback, $context); |
3406: | $throwPoints = array_merge($throwPoints, $ifResult->getThrowPoints()); |
3407: | $impurePoints = array_merge($impurePoints, $ifResult->getImpurePoints()); |
3408: | $ifTrueScope = $ifResult->getScope(); |
3409: | $ifTrueType = $ifTrueScope->getType($expr->if); |
3410: | } |
3411: | |
3412: | $elseResult = $this->processExprNode($stmt, $expr->else, $ifFalseScope, $nodeCallback, $context); |
3413: | $throwPoints = array_merge($throwPoints, $elseResult->getThrowPoints()); |
3414: | $impurePoints = array_merge($impurePoints, $elseResult->getImpurePoints()); |
3415: | $ifFalseScope = $elseResult->getScope(); |
3416: | |
3417: | $condType = $scope->getType($expr->cond); |
3418: | if ($condType->isTrue()->yes()) { |
3419: | $finalScope = $ifTrueScope; |
3420: | } elseif ($condType->isFalse()->yes()) { |
3421: | $finalScope = $ifFalseScope; |
3422: | } else { |
3423: | if ($ifTrueType instanceof NeverType && $ifTrueType->isExplicit()) { |
3424: | $finalScope = $ifFalseScope; |
3425: | } else { |
3426: | $ifFalseType = $ifFalseScope->getType($expr->else); |
3427: | |
3428: | if ($ifFalseType instanceof NeverType && $ifFalseType->isExplicit()) { |
3429: | $finalScope = $ifTrueScope; |
3430: | } else { |
3431: | $finalScope = $ifTrueScope->mergeWith($ifFalseScope); |
3432: | } |
3433: | } |
3434: | } |
3435: | |
3436: | return new ExpressionResult( |
3437: | $finalScope, |
3438: | $ternaryCondResult->hasYield(), |
3439: | $throwPoints, |
3440: | $impurePoints, |
3441: | static fn (): MutatingScope => $finalScope->filterByTruthyValue($expr), |
3442: | static fn (): MutatingScope => $finalScope->filterByFalseyValue($expr), |
3443: | ); |
3444: | |
3445: | } elseif ($expr instanceof Expr\Yield_) { |
3446: | $throwPoints = [ |
3447: | ThrowPoint::createImplicit($scope, $expr), |
3448: | ]; |
3449: | $impurePoints = [ |
3450: | new ImpurePoint( |
3451: | $scope, |
3452: | $expr, |
3453: | 'yield', |
3454: | 'yield', |
3455: | true, |
3456: | ), |
3457: | ]; |
3458: | if ($expr->key !== null) { |
3459: | $keyResult = $this->processExprNode($stmt, $expr->key, $scope, $nodeCallback, $context->enterDeep()); |
3460: | $scope = $keyResult->getScope(); |
3461: | $throwPoints = $keyResult->getThrowPoints(); |
3462: | $impurePoints = array_merge($impurePoints, $keyResult->getImpurePoints()); |
3463: | } |
3464: | if ($expr->value !== null) { |
3465: | $valueResult = $this->processExprNode($stmt, $expr->value, $scope, $nodeCallback, $context->enterDeep()); |
3466: | $scope = $valueResult->getScope(); |
3467: | $throwPoints = array_merge($throwPoints, $valueResult->getThrowPoints()); |
3468: | $impurePoints = array_merge($impurePoints, $valueResult->getImpurePoints()); |
3469: | } |
3470: | $hasYield = true; |
3471: | } elseif ($expr instanceof Expr\Match_) { |
3472: | $deepContext = $context->enterDeep(); |
3473: | $condType = $scope->getType($expr->cond); |
3474: | $condResult = $this->processExprNode($stmt, $expr->cond, $scope, $nodeCallback, $deepContext); |
3475: | $scope = $condResult->getScope(); |
3476: | $hasYield = $condResult->hasYield(); |
3477: | $throwPoints = $condResult->getThrowPoints(); |
3478: | $impurePoints = $condResult->getImpurePoints(); |
3479: | $matchScope = $scope->enterMatch($expr); |
3480: | $armNodes = []; |
3481: | $hasDefaultCond = false; |
3482: | $hasAlwaysTrueCond = false; |
3483: | $arms = $expr->arms; |
3484: | if ($condType->isEnum()->yes()) { |
3485: | |
3486: | |
3487: | |
3488: | |
3489: | $enumCases = $condType->getEnumCases(); |
3490: | if (count($enumCases) > 0) { |
3491: | $indexedEnumCases = []; |
3492: | foreach ($enumCases as $enumCase) { |
3493: | $indexedEnumCases[strtolower($enumCase->getClassName())][$enumCase->getEnumCaseName()] = $enumCase; |
3494: | } |
3495: | $unusedIndexedEnumCases = $indexedEnumCases; |
3496: | foreach ($arms as $i => $arm) { |
3497: | if ($arm->conds === null) { |
3498: | continue; |
3499: | } |
3500: | |
3501: | $condNodes = []; |
3502: | $conditionCases = []; |
3503: | foreach ($arm->conds as $cond) { |
3504: | if (!$cond instanceof Expr\ClassConstFetch) { |
3505: | continue 2; |
3506: | } |
3507: | if (!$cond->class instanceof Name) { |
3508: | continue 2; |
3509: | } |
3510: | if (!$cond->name instanceof Node\Identifier) { |
3511: | continue 2; |
3512: | } |
3513: | $fetchedClassName = $scope->resolveName($cond->class); |
3514: | $loweredFetchedClassName = strtolower($fetchedClassName); |
3515: | if (!array_key_exists($loweredFetchedClassName, $indexedEnumCases)) { |
3516: | continue 2; |
3517: | } |
3518: | |
3519: | if (!array_key_exists($loweredFetchedClassName, $unusedIndexedEnumCases)) { |
3520: | throw new ShouldNotHappenException(); |
3521: | } |
3522: | |
3523: | $caseName = $cond->name->toString(); |
3524: | if (!array_key_exists($caseName, $indexedEnumCases[$loweredFetchedClassName])) { |
3525: | continue 2; |
3526: | } |
3527: | |
3528: | $enumCase = $indexedEnumCases[$loweredFetchedClassName][$caseName]; |
3529: | $conditionCases[] = $enumCase; |
3530: | $armConditionScope = $matchScope; |
3531: | if (!array_key_exists($caseName, $unusedIndexedEnumCases[$loweredFetchedClassName])) { |
3532: | |
3533: | $armConditionScope = $armConditionScope->removeTypeFromExpression( |
3534: | $expr->cond, |
3535: | $enumCase, |
3536: | ); |
3537: | } else { |
3538: | $unusedCasesCount = 0; |
3539: | foreach ($unusedIndexedEnumCases as $cases) { |
3540: | $unusedCasesCount += count($cases); |
3541: | } |
3542: | if ($unusedCasesCount === 1) { |
3543: | $hasAlwaysTrueCond = true; |
3544: | |
3545: | |
3546: | $armConditionScope = $armConditionScope->addTypeToExpression( |
3547: | $expr->cond, |
3548: | $enumCase, |
3549: | ); |
3550: | } |
3551: | } |
3552: | |
3553: | $this->processExprNode($stmt, $cond, $armConditionScope, $nodeCallback, $deepContext); |
3554: | |
3555: | $condNodes[] = new MatchExpressionArmCondition( |
3556: | $cond, |
3557: | $armConditionScope, |
3558: | $cond->getStartLine(), |
3559: | ); |
3560: | |
3561: | unset($unusedIndexedEnumCases[$loweredFetchedClassName][$caseName]); |
3562: | } |
3563: | |
3564: | $conditionCasesCount = count($conditionCases); |
3565: | if ($conditionCasesCount === 0) { |
3566: | throw new ShouldNotHappenException(); |
3567: | } elseif ($conditionCasesCount === 1) { |
3568: | $conditionCaseType = $conditionCases[0]; |
3569: | } else { |
3570: | $conditionCaseType = new UnionType($conditionCases); |
3571: | } |
3572: | |
3573: | $matchArmBodyScope = $matchScope->addTypeToExpression( |
3574: | $expr->cond, |
3575: | $conditionCaseType, |
3576: | ); |
3577: | $matchArmBody = new MatchExpressionArmBody($matchArmBodyScope, $arm->body); |
3578: | $armNodes[$i] = new MatchExpressionArm($matchArmBody, $condNodes, $arm->getStartLine()); |
3579: | |
3580: | $armResult = $this->processExprNode( |
3581: | $stmt, |
3582: | $arm->body, |
3583: | $matchArmBodyScope, |
3584: | $nodeCallback, |
3585: | ExpressionContext::createTopLevel(), |
3586: | ); |
3587: | $armScope = $armResult->getScope(); |
3588: | $scope = $scope->mergeWith($armScope); |
3589: | $hasYield = $hasYield || $armResult->hasYield(); |
3590: | $throwPoints = array_merge($throwPoints, $armResult->getThrowPoints()); |
3591: | $impurePoints = array_merge($impurePoints, $armResult->getImpurePoints()); |
3592: | |
3593: | unset($arms[$i]); |
3594: | } |
3595: | |
3596: | $remainingCases = []; |
3597: | foreach ($unusedIndexedEnumCases as $cases) { |
3598: | foreach ($cases as $case) { |
3599: | $remainingCases[] = $case; |
3600: | } |
3601: | } |
3602: | |
3603: | $remainingCasesCount = count($remainingCases); |
3604: | if ($remainingCasesCount === 0) { |
3605: | $remainingType = new NeverType(); |
3606: | } elseif ($remainingCasesCount === 1) { |
3607: | $remainingType = $remainingCases[0]; |
3608: | } else { |
3609: | $remainingType = new UnionType($remainingCases); |
3610: | } |
3611: | |
3612: | $matchScope = $matchScope->addTypeToExpression($expr->cond, $remainingType); |
3613: | } |
3614: | } |
3615: | foreach ($arms as $i => $arm) { |
3616: | if ($arm->conds === null) { |
3617: | $hasDefaultCond = true; |
3618: | $matchArmBody = new MatchExpressionArmBody($matchScope, $arm->body); |
3619: | $armNodes[$i] = new MatchExpressionArm($matchArmBody, [], $arm->getStartLine()); |
3620: | $armResult = $this->processExprNode($stmt, $arm->body, $matchScope, $nodeCallback, ExpressionContext::createTopLevel()); |
3621: | $matchScope = $armResult->getScope(); |
3622: | $hasYield = $hasYield || $armResult->hasYield(); |
3623: | $throwPoints = array_merge($throwPoints, $armResult->getThrowPoints()); |
3624: | $impurePoints = array_merge($impurePoints, $armResult->getImpurePoints()); |
3625: | $scope = $scope->mergeWith($matchScope); |
3626: | continue; |
3627: | } |
3628: | |
3629: | if (count($arm->conds) === 0) { |
3630: | throw new ShouldNotHappenException(); |
3631: | } |
3632: | |
3633: | $filteringExprs = []; |
3634: | $armCondScope = $matchScope; |
3635: | $condNodes = []; |
3636: | foreach ($arm->conds as $armCond) { |
3637: | $condNodes[] = new MatchExpressionArmCondition($armCond, $armCondScope, $armCond->getStartLine()); |
3638: | $armCondResult = $this->processExprNode($stmt, $armCond, $armCondScope, $nodeCallback, $deepContext); |
3639: | $hasYield = $hasYield || $armCondResult->hasYield(); |
3640: | $throwPoints = array_merge($throwPoints, $armCondResult->getThrowPoints()); |
3641: | $impurePoints = array_merge($impurePoints, $armCondResult->getImpurePoints()); |
3642: | $armCondExpr = new BinaryOp\Identical($expr->cond, $armCond); |
3643: | $armCondResultScope = $armCondResult->getScope(); |
3644: | $armCondType = $this->treatPhpDocTypesAsCertain ? $armCondResultScope->getType($armCondExpr) : $armCondResultScope->getNativeType($armCondExpr); |
3645: | if ($armCondType->isTrue()->yes()) { |
3646: | $hasAlwaysTrueCond = true; |
3647: | } |
3648: | $armCondScope = $armCondResult->getScope()->filterByFalseyValue($armCondExpr); |
3649: | $filteringExprs[] = $armCond; |
3650: | } |
3651: | |
3652: | if (count($filteringExprs) === 1) { |
3653: | $filteringExpr = new BinaryOp\Identical($expr->cond, $filteringExprs[0]); |
3654: | } else { |
3655: | $items = []; |
3656: | foreach ($filteringExprs as $filteringExpr) { |
3657: | $items[] = new Node\ArrayItem($filteringExpr); |
3658: | } |
3659: | $filteringExpr = new FuncCall( |
3660: | new Name\FullyQualified('in_array'), |
3661: | [ |
3662: | new Arg($expr->cond), |
3663: | new Arg(new Array_($items)), |
3664: | new Arg(new ConstFetch(new Name\FullyQualified('true'))), |
3665: | ], |
3666: | ); |
3667: | } |
3668: | |
3669: | $bodyScope = $this->processExprNode($stmt, $filteringExpr, $matchScope, static function (): void { |
3670: | }, $deepContext)->getTruthyScope(); |
3671: | $matchArmBody = new MatchExpressionArmBody($bodyScope, $arm->body); |
3672: | $armNodes[$i] = new MatchExpressionArm($matchArmBody, $condNodes, $arm->getStartLine()); |
3673: | |
3674: | $armResult = $this->processExprNode( |
3675: | $stmt, |
3676: | $arm->body, |
3677: | $bodyScope, |
3678: | $nodeCallback, |
3679: | ExpressionContext::createTopLevel(), |
3680: | ); |
3681: | $armScope = $armResult->getScope(); |
3682: | $scope = $scope->mergeWith($armScope); |
3683: | $hasYield = $hasYield || $armResult->hasYield(); |
3684: | $throwPoints = array_merge($throwPoints, $armResult->getThrowPoints()); |
3685: | $impurePoints = array_merge($impurePoints, $armResult->getImpurePoints()); |
3686: | $matchScope = $matchScope->filterByFalseyValue($filteringExpr); |
3687: | } |
3688: | |
3689: | $remainingType = $matchScope->getType($expr->cond); |
3690: | if (!$hasDefaultCond && !$hasAlwaysTrueCond && !$remainingType instanceof NeverType) { |
3691: | $throwPoints[] = ThrowPoint::createExplicit($scope, new ObjectType(UnhandledMatchError::class), $expr, false); |
3692: | } |
3693: | |
3694: | ksort($armNodes, SORT_NUMERIC); |
3695: | |
3696: | $nodeCallback(new MatchExpressionNode($expr->cond, array_values($armNodes), $expr, $matchScope), $scope); |
3697: | } elseif ($expr instanceof AlwaysRememberedExpr) { |
3698: | $result = $this->processExprNode($stmt, $expr->getExpr(), $scope, $nodeCallback, $context); |
3699: | $hasYield = $result->hasYield(); |
3700: | $throwPoints = $result->getThrowPoints(); |
3701: | $impurePoints = $result->getImpurePoints(); |
3702: | $scope = $result->getScope(); |
3703: | } elseif ($expr instanceof Expr\Throw_) { |
3704: | $hasYield = false; |
3705: | $result = $this->processExprNode($stmt, $expr->expr, $scope, $nodeCallback, ExpressionContext::createDeep()); |
3706: | $throwPoints = $result->getThrowPoints(); |
3707: | $impurePoints = $result->getImpurePoints(); |
3708: | $throwPoints[] = ThrowPoint::createExplicit($scope, $scope->getType($expr->expr), $expr, false); |
3709: | } elseif ($expr instanceof FunctionCallableNode) { |
3710: | $throwPoints = []; |
3711: | $impurePoints = []; |
3712: | $hasYield = false; |
3713: | if ($expr->getName() instanceof Expr) { |
3714: | $result = $this->processExprNode($stmt, $expr->getName(), $scope, $nodeCallback, ExpressionContext::createDeep()); |
3715: | $scope = $result->getScope(); |
3716: | $hasYield = $result->hasYield(); |
3717: | $throwPoints = $result->getThrowPoints(); |
3718: | $impurePoints = $result->getImpurePoints(); |
3719: | } |
3720: | } elseif ($expr instanceof MethodCallableNode) { |
3721: | $result = $this->processExprNode($stmt, $expr->getVar(), $scope, $nodeCallback, ExpressionContext::createDeep()); |
3722: | $scope = $result->getScope(); |
3723: | $hasYield = $result->hasYield(); |
3724: | $throwPoints = $result->getThrowPoints(); |
3725: | $impurePoints = $result->getImpurePoints(); |
3726: | if ($expr->getName() instanceof Expr) { |
3727: | $nameResult = $this->processExprNode($stmt, $expr->getVar(), $scope, $nodeCallback, ExpressionContext::createDeep()); |
3728: | $scope = $nameResult->getScope(); |
3729: | $hasYield = $hasYield || $nameResult->hasYield(); |
3730: | $throwPoints = array_merge($throwPoints, $nameResult->getThrowPoints()); |
3731: | $impurePoints = array_merge($impurePoints, $nameResult->getImpurePoints()); |
3732: | } |
3733: | } elseif ($expr instanceof StaticMethodCallableNode) { |
3734: | $throwPoints = []; |
3735: | $impurePoints = []; |
3736: | $hasYield = false; |
3737: | if ($expr->getClass() instanceof Expr) { |
3738: | $classResult = $this->processExprNode($stmt, $expr->getClass(), $scope, $nodeCallback, ExpressionContext::createDeep()); |
3739: | $scope = $classResult->getScope(); |
3740: | $hasYield = $classResult->hasYield(); |
3741: | $throwPoints = $classResult->getThrowPoints(); |
3742: | $impurePoints = $classResult->getImpurePoints(); |
3743: | } |
3744: | if ($expr->getName() instanceof Expr) { |
3745: | $nameResult = $this->processExprNode($stmt, $expr->getName(), $scope, $nodeCallback, ExpressionContext::createDeep()); |
3746: | $scope = $nameResult->getScope(); |
3747: | $hasYield = $hasYield || $nameResult->hasYield(); |
3748: | $throwPoints = array_merge($throwPoints, $nameResult->getThrowPoints()); |
3749: | $impurePoints = array_merge($impurePoints, $nameResult->getImpurePoints()); |
3750: | } |
3751: | } elseif ($expr instanceof InstantiationCallableNode) { |
3752: | $throwPoints = []; |
3753: | $impurePoints = []; |
3754: | $hasYield = false; |
3755: | if ($expr->getClass() instanceof Expr) { |
3756: | $classResult = $this->processExprNode($stmt, $expr->getClass(), $scope, $nodeCallback, ExpressionContext::createDeep()); |
3757: | $scope = $classResult->getScope(); |
3758: | $hasYield = $classResult->hasYield(); |
3759: | $throwPoints = $classResult->getThrowPoints(); |
3760: | $impurePoints = $classResult->getImpurePoints(); |
3761: | } |
3762: | } elseif ($expr instanceof Node\Scalar) { |
3763: | $hasYield = false; |
3764: | $throwPoints = []; |
3765: | $impurePoints = []; |
3766: | } elseif ($expr instanceof ConstFetch) { |
3767: | $hasYield = false; |
3768: | $throwPoints = []; |
3769: | $impurePoints = []; |
3770: | $nodeCallback($expr->name, $scope); |
3771: | } else { |
3772: | $hasYield = false; |
3773: | $throwPoints = []; |
3774: | $impurePoints = []; |
3775: | } |
3776: | |
3777: | return new ExpressionResult( |
3778: | $scope, |
3779: | $hasYield, |
3780: | $throwPoints, |
3781: | $impurePoints, |
3782: | static fn (): MutatingScope => $scope->filterByTruthyValue($expr), |
3783: | static fn (): MutatingScope => $scope->filterByFalseyValue($expr), |
3784: | ); |
3785: | } |
3786: | |
3787: | private function getArrayFunctionAppendingType(FunctionReflection $functionReflection, Scope $scope, FuncCall $expr): Type |
3788: | { |
3789: | $arrayArg = $expr->getArgs()[0]->value; |
3790: | $arrayType = $scope->getType($arrayArg); |
3791: | $callArgs = array_slice($expr->getArgs(), 1); |
3792: | |
3793: | |
3794: | |
3795: | |
3796: | |
3797: | $setOffsetValueTypes = static function (Scope $scope, array $callArgs, callable $setOffsetValueType, ?bool &$nonConstantArrayWasUnpacked = null): void { |
3798: | foreach ($callArgs as $callArg) { |
3799: | $callArgType = $scope->getType($callArg->value); |
3800: | if ($callArg->unpack) { |
3801: | $constantArrays = $callArgType->getConstantArrays(); |
3802: | if (count($constantArrays) === 1) { |
3803: | $iterableValueTypes = $constantArrays[0]->getValueTypes(); |
3804: | } else { |
3805: | $iterableValueTypes = [$callArgType->getIterableValueType()]; |
3806: | $nonConstantArrayWasUnpacked = true; |
3807: | } |
3808: | |
3809: | $isOptional = !$callArgType->isIterableAtLeastOnce()->yes(); |
3810: | foreach ($iterableValueTypes as $iterableValueType) { |
3811: | if ($iterableValueType instanceof UnionType) { |
3812: | foreach ($iterableValueType->getTypes() as $innerType) { |
3813: | $setOffsetValueType(null, $innerType, $isOptional); |
3814: | } |
3815: | } else { |
3816: | $setOffsetValueType(null, $iterableValueType, $isOptional); |
3817: | } |
3818: | } |
3819: | continue; |
3820: | } |
3821: | $setOffsetValueType(null, $callArgType, false); |
3822: | } |
3823: | }; |
3824: | |
3825: | $constantArrays = $arrayType->getConstantArrays(); |
3826: | if (count($constantArrays) > 0) { |
3827: | $newArrayTypes = []; |
3828: | $prepend = $functionReflection->getName() === 'array_unshift'; |
3829: | foreach ($constantArrays as $constantArray) { |
3830: | $arrayTypeBuilder = $prepend ? ConstantArrayTypeBuilder::createEmpty() : ConstantArrayTypeBuilder::createFromConstantArray($constantArray); |
3831: | |
3832: | $setOffsetValueTypes( |
3833: | $scope, |
3834: | $callArgs, |
3835: | static function (?Type $offsetType, Type $valueType, bool $optional) use (&$arrayTypeBuilder): void { |
3836: | $arrayTypeBuilder->setOffsetValueType($offsetType, $valueType, $optional); |
3837: | }, |
3838: | $nonConstantArrayWasUnpacked, |
3839: | ); |
3840: | |
3841: | if ($prepend) { |
3842: | $keyTypes = $constantArray->getKeyTypes(); |
3843: | $valueTypes = $constantArray->getValueTypes(); |
3844: | foreach ($keyTypes as $k => $keyType) { |
3845: | $arrayTypeBuilder->setOffsetValueType( |
3846: | count($keyType->getConstantStrings()) === 1 ? $keyType->getConstantStrings()[0] : null, |
3847: | $valueTypes[$k], |
3848: | $constantArray->isOptionalKey($k), |
3849: | ); |
3850: | } |
3851: | } |
3852: | |
3853: | $constantArray = $arrayTypeBuilder->getArray(); |
3854: | |
3855: | if ($constantArray->isConstantArray()->yes() && $nonConstantArrayWasUnpacked) { |
3856: | $array = new ArrayType($constantArray->generalize(GeneralizePrecision::lessSpecific())->getIterableKeyType(), $constantArray->getIterableValueType()); |
3857: | $isList = $constantArray->isList()->yes(); |
3858: | $constantArray = $constantArray->isIterableAtLeastOnce()->yes() |
3859: | ? TypeCombinator::intersect($array, new NonEmptyArrayType()) |
3860: | : $array; |
3861: | $constantArray = $isList |
3862: | ? TypeCombinator::intersect($constantArray, new AccessoryArrayListType()) |
3863: | : $constantArray; |
3864: | } |
3865: | |
3866: | $newArrayTypes[] = $constantArray; |
3867: | } |
3868: | |
3869: | return TypeCombinator::union(...$newArrayTypes); |
3870: | } |
3871: | |
3872: | $setOffsetValueTypes( |
3873: | $scope, |
3874: | $callArgs, |
3875: | static function (?Type $offsetType, Type $valueType, bool $optional) use (&$arrayType): void { |
3876: | $isIterableAtLeastOnce = $arrayType->isIterableAtLeastOnce()->yes() || !$optional; |
3877: | $arrayType = $arrayType->setOffsetValueType($offsetType, $valueType); |
3878: | if ($isIterableAtLeastOnce) { |
3879: | return; |
3880: | } |
3881: | |
3882: | $arrayType = TypeCombinator::union($arrayType, new ConstantArrayType([], [])); |
3883: | }, |
3884: | ); |
3885: | |
3886: | return $arrayType; |
3887: | } |
3888: | |
3889: | private function getArraySortPreserveListFunctionType(Type $type): Type |
3890: | { |
3891: | $isIterableAtLeastOnce = $type->isIterableAtLeastOnce(); |
3892: | if ($isIterableAtLeastOnce->no()) { |
3893: | return $type; |
3894: | } |
3895: | |
3896: | return TypeTraverser::map($type, static function (Type $type, callable $traverse) use ($isIterableAtLeastOnce): Type { |
3897: | if ($type instanceof UnionType || $type instanceof IntersectionType) { |
3898: | return $traverse($type); |
3899: | } |
3900: | |
3901: | if (!$type instanceof ArrayType && !$type instanceof ConstantArrayType) { |
3902: | return $type; |
3903: | } |
3904: | |
3905: | $newArrayType = TypeCombinator::intersect(new ArrayType(new IntegerType(), $type->getIterableValueType()), new AccessoryArrayListType()); |
3906: | if ($isIterableAtLeastOnce->yes()) { |
3907: | $newArrayType = TypeCombinator::intersect($newArrayType, new NonEmptyArrayType()); |
3908: | } |
3909: | |
3910: | return $newArrayType; |
3911: | }); |
3912: | } |
3913: | |
3914: | private function getArraySortDoNotPreserveListFunctionType(Type $type): Type |
3915: | { |
3916: | $isIterableAtLeastOnce = $type->isIterableAtLeastOnce(); |
3917: | if ($isIterableAtLeastOnce->no()) { |
3918: | return $type; |
3919: | } |
3920: | |
3921: | return TypeTraverser::map($type, static function (Type $type, callable $traverse) use ($isIterableAtLeastOnce): Type { |
3922: | if ($type instanceof UnionType) { |
3923: | return $traverse($type); |
3924: | } |
3925: | |
3926: | $constantArrays = $type->getConstantArrays(); |
3927: | if (count($constantArrays) > 0) { |
3928: | $types = []; |
3929: | foreach ($constantArrays as $constantArray) { |
3930: | $types[] = new ConstantArrayType( |
3931: | $constantArray->getKeyTypes(), |
3932: | $constantArray->getValueTypes(), |
3933: | $constantArray->getNextAutoIndexes(), |
3934: | $constantArray->getOptionalKeys(), |
3935: | $constantArray->isList()->and(TrinaryLogic::createMaybe()), |
3936: | ); |
3937: | } |
3938: | |
3939: | return TypeCombinator::union(...$types); |
3940: | } |
3941: | |
3942: | $newArrayType = new ArrayType($type->getIterableKeyType(), $type->getIterableValueType()); |
3943: | if ($isIterableAtLeastOnce->yes()) { |
3944: | $newArrayType = TypeCombinator::intersect($newArrayType, new NonEmptyArrayType()); |
3945: | } |
3946: | |
3947: | return $newArrayType; |
3948: | }); |
3949: | } |
3950: | |
3951: | private function getFunctionThrowPoint( |
3952: | FunctionReflection $functionReflection, |
3953: | ?ParametersAcceptor $parametersAcceptor, |
3954: | FuncCall $funcCall, |
3955: | MutatingScope $scope, |
3956: | ): ?ThrowPoint |
3957: | { |
3958: | $normalizedFuncCall = $funcCall; |
3959: | if ($parametersAcceptor !== null) { |
3960: | $normalizedFuncCall = ArgumentsNormalizer::reorderFuncArguments($parametersAcceptor, $funcCall); |
3961: | } |
3962: | |
3963: | if ($normalizedFuncCall !== null) { |
3964: | foreach ($this->dynamicThrowTypeExtensionProvider->getDynamicFunctionThrowTypeExtensions() as $extension) { |
3965: | if (!$extension->isFunctionSupported($functionReflection)) { |
3966: | continue; |
3967: | } |
3968: | |
3969: | $throwType = $extension->getThrowTypeFromFunctionCall($functionReflection, $normalizedFuncCall, $scope); |
3970: | if ($throwType === null) { |
3971: | return null; |
3972: | } |
3973: | |
3974: | return ThrowPoint::createExplicit($scope, $throwType, $funcCall, false); |
3975: | } |
3976: | } |
3977: | |
3978: | $throwType = $functionReflection->getThrowType(); |
3979: | if ($throwType === null && $parametersAcceptor !== null) { |
3980: | $returnType = $parametersAcceptor->getReturnType(); |
3981: | if ($returnType instanceof NeverType && $returnType->isExplicit()) { |
3982: | $throwType = new ObjectType(Throwable::class); |
3983: | } |
3984: | } |
3985: | |
3986: | if ($throwType !== null) { |
3987: | if (!$throwType->isVoid()->yes()) { |
3988: | return ThrowPoint::createExplicit($scope, $throwType, $funcCall, true); |
3989: | } |
3990: | } elseif ($this->implicitThrows) { |
3991: | $requiredParameters = null; |
3992: | if ($parametersAcceptor !== null) { |
3993: | $requiredParameters = 0; |
3994: | foreach ($parametersAcceptor->getParameters() as $parameter) { |
3995: | if ($parameter->isOptional()) { |
3996: | continue; |
3997: | } |
3998: | |
3999: | $requiredParameters++; |
4000: | } |
4001: | } |
4002: | if ( |
4003: | !$functionReflection->isBuiltin() |
4004: | || $requiredParameters === null |
4005: | || $requiredParameters > 0 |
4006: | || count($funcCall->getArgs()) > 0 |
4007: | ) { |
4008: | $functionReturnedType = $scope->getType($funcCall); |
4009: | if (!(new ObjectType(Throwable::class))->isSuperTypeOf($functionReturnedType)->yes()) { |
4010: | return ThrowPoint::createImplicit($scope, $funcCall); |
4011: | } |
4012: | } |
4013: | } |
4014: | |
4015: | return null; |
4016: | } |
4017: | |
4018: | private function getMethodThrowPoint(MethodReflection $methodReflection, ParametersAcceptor $parametersAcceptor, MethodCall $methodCall, MutatingScope $scope): ?ThrowPoint |
4019: | { |
4020: | $normalizedMethodCall = ArgumentsNormalizer::reorderMethodArguments($parametersAcceptor, $methodCall); |
4021: | if ($normalizedMethodCall !== null) { |
4022: | foreach ($this->dynamicThrowTypeExtensionProvider->getDynamicMethodThrowTypeExtensions() as $extension) { |
4023: | if (!$extension->isMethodSupported($methodReflection)) { |
4024: | continue; |
4025: | } |
4026: | |
4027: | $throwType = $extension->getThrowTypeFromMethodCall($methodReflection, $normalizedMethodCall, $scope); |
4028: | if ($throwType === null) { |
4029: | return null; |
4030: | } |
4031: | |
4032: | return ThrowPoint::createExplicit($scope, $throwType, $methodCall, false); |
4033: | } |
4034: | } |
4035: | |
4036: | $throwType = $methodReflection->getThrowType(); |
4037: | if ($throwType === null) { |
4038: | $returnType = $parametersAcceptor->getReturnType(); |
4039: | if ($returnType instanceof NeverType && $returnType->isExplicit()) { |
4040: | $throwType = new ObjectType(Throwable::class); |
4041: | } |
4042: | } |
4043: | |
4044: | if ($throwType !== null) { |
4045: | if (!$throwType->isVoid()->yes()) { |
4046: | return ThrowPoint::createExplicit($scope, $throwType, $methodCall, true); |
4047: | } |
4048: | } elseif ($this->implicitThrows) { |
4049: | $methodReturnedType = $scope->getType($methodCall); |
4050: | if (!(new ObjectType(Throwable::class))->isSuperTypeOf($methodReturnedType)->yes()) { |
4051: | return ThrowPoint::createImplicit($scope, $methodCall); |
4052: | } |
4053: | } |
4054: | |
4055: | return null; |
4056: | } |
4057: | |
4058: | |
4059: | |
4060: | |
4061: | private function getConstructorThrowPoint(MethodReflection $constructorReflection, ParametersAcceptor $parametersAcceptor, ClassReflection $classReflection, New_ $new, Name $className, array $args, MutatingScope $scope): ?ThrowPoint |
4062: | { |
4063: | $methodCall = new StaticCall($className, $constructorReflection->getName(), $args); |
4064: | $normalizedMethodCall = ArgumentsNormalizer::reorderStaticCallArguments($parametersAcceptor, $methodCall); |
4065: | if ($normalizedMethodCall !== null) { |
4066: | foreach ($this->dynamicThrowTypeExtensionProvider->getDynamicStaticMethodThrowTypeExtensions() as $extension) { |
4067: | if (!$extension->isStaticMethodSupported($constructorReflection)) { |
4068: | continue; |
4069: | } |
4070: | |
4071: | $throwType = $extension->getThrowTypeFromStaticMethodCall($constructorReflection, $normalizedMethodCall, $scope); |
4072: | if ($throwType === null) { |
4073: | return null; |
4074: | } |
4075: | |
4076: | return ThrowPoint::createExplicit($scope, $throwType, $new, false); |
4077: | } |
4078: | } |
4079: | |
4080: | if ($constructorReflection->getThrowType() !== null) { |
4081: | $throwType = $constructorReflection->getThrowType(); |
4082: | if (!$throwType->isVoid()->yes()) { |
4083: | return ThrowPoint::createExplicit($scope, $throwType, $new, true); |
4084: | } |
4085: | } elseif ($this->implicitThrows) { |
4086: | if ($classReflection->getName() !== Throwable::class && !$classReflection->isSubclassOf(Throwable::class)) { |
4087: | return ThrowPoint::createImplicit($scope, $methodCall); |
4088: | } |
4089: | } |
4090: | |
4091: | return null; |
4092: | } |
4093: | |
4094: | private function getStaticMethodThrowPoint(MethodReflection $methodReflection, ParametersAcceptor $parametersAcceptor, StaticCall $methodCall, MutatingScope $scope): ?ThrowPoint |
4095: | { |
4096: | $normalizedMethodCall = ArgumentsNormalizer::reorderStaticCallArguments($parametersAcceptor, $methodCall); |
4097: | if ($normalizedMethodCall !== null) { |
4098: | foreach ($this->dynamicThrowTypeExtensionProvider->getDynamicStaticMethodThrowTypeExtensions() as $extension) { |
4099: | if (!$extension->isStaticMethodSupported($methodReflection)) { |
4100: | continue; |
4101: | } |
4102: | |
4103: | $throwType = $extension->getThrowTypeFromStaticMethodCall($methodReflection, $normalizedMethodCall, $scope); |
4104: | if ($throwType === null) { |
4105: | return null; |
4106: | } |
4107: | |
4108: | return ThrowPoint::createExplicit($scope, $throwType, $methodCall, false); |
4109: | } |
4110: | } |
4111: | |
4112: | if ($methodReflection->getThrowType() !== null) { |
4113: | $throwType = $methodReflection->getThrowType(); |
4114: | if (!$throwType->isVoid()->yes()) { |
4115: | return ThrowPoint::createExplicit($scope, $throwType, $methodCall, true); |
4116: | } |
4117: | } elseif ($this->implicitThrows) { |
4118: | $methodReturnedType = $scope->getType($methodCall); |
4119: | if (!(new ObjectType(Throwable::class))->isSuperTypeOf($methodReturnedType)->yes()) { |
4120: | return ThrowPoint::createImplicit($scope, $methodCall); |
4121: | } |
4122: | } |
4123: | |
4124: | return null; |
4125: | } |
4126: | |
4127: | |
4128: | |
4129: | |
4130: | private function getAssignedVariables(Expr $expr): array |
4131: | { |
4132: | if ($expr instanceof Expr\Variable) { |
4133: | if (is_string($expr->name)) { |
4134: | return [$expr->name]; |
4135: | } |
4136: | |
4137: | return []; |
4138: | } |
4139: | |
4140: | if ($expr instanceof Expr\List_) { |
4141: | $names = []; |
4142: | foreach ($expr->items as $item) { |
4143: | if ($item === null) { |
4144: | continue; |
4145: | } |
4146: | |
4147: | $names = array_merge($names, $this->getAssignedVariables($item->value)); |
4148: | } |
4149: | |
4150: | return $names; |
4151: | } |
4152: | |
4153: | if ($expr instanceof ArrayDimFetch) { |
4154: | return $this->getAssignedVariables($expr->var); |
4155: | } |
4156: | |
4157: | return []; |
4158: | } |
4159: | |
4160: | |
4161: | |
4162: | |
4163: | private function callNodeCallbackWithExpression( |
4164: | callable $nodeCallback, |
4165: | Expr $expr, |
4166: | MutatingScope $scope, |
4167: | ExpressionContext $context, |
4168: | ): void |
4169: | { |
4170: | if ($context->isDeep()) { |
4171: | $scope = $scope->exitFirstLevelStatements(); |
4172: | } |
4173: | $nodeCallback($expr, $scope); |
4174: | } |
4175: | |
4176: | |
4177: | |
4178: | |
4179: | private function processClosureNode( |
4180: | Node\Stmt $stmt, |
4181: | Expr\Closure $expr, |
4182: | MutatingScope $scope, |
4183: | callable $nodeCallback, |
4184: | ExpressionContext $context, |
4185: | ?Type $passedToType, |
4186: | ): ProcessClosureResult |
4187: | { |
4188: | foreach ($expr->params as $param) { |
4189: | $this->processParamNode($stmt, $param, $scope, $nodeCallback); |
4190: | } |
4191: | |
4192: | $byRefUses = []; |
4193: | |
4194: | $closureCallArgs = $expr->getAttribute(ClosureArgVisitor::ATTRIBUTE_NAME); |
4195: | $callableParameters = $this->createCallableParameters( |
4196: | $scope, |
4197: | $expr, |
4198: | $closureCallArgs, |
4199: | $passedToType, |
4200: | ); |
4201: | |
4202: | $useScope = $scope; |
4203: | foreach ($expr->uses as $use) { |
4204: | if ($use->byRef) { |
4205: | $byRefUses[] = $use; |
4206: | $useScope = $useScope->enterExpressionAssign($use->var); |
4207: | |
4208: | $inAssignRightSideVariableName = $context->getInAssignRightSideVariableName(); |
4209: | $inAssignRightSideType = $context->getInAssignRightSideType(); |
4210: | $inAssignRightSideNativeType = $context->getInAssignRightSideNativeType(); |
4211: | if ( |
4212: | $inAssignRightSideVariableName === $use->var->name |
4213: | && $inAssignRightSideType !== null |
4214: | && $inAssignRightSideNativeType !== null |
4215: | ) { |
4216: | if ($inAssignRightSideType instanceof ClosureType) { |
4217: | $variableType = $inAssignRightSideType; |
4218: | } else { |
4219: | $alreadyHasVariableType = $scope->hasVariableType($inAssignRightSideVariableName); |
4220: | if ($alreadyHasVariableType->no()) { |
4221: | $variableType = TypeCombinator::union(new NullType(), $inAssignRightSideType); |
4222: | } else { |
4223: | $variableType = TypeCombinator::union($scope->getVariableType($inAssignRightSideVariableName), $inAssignRightSideType); |
4224: | } |
4225: | } |
4226: | if ($inAssignRightSideNativeType instanceof ClosureType) { |
4227: | $variableNativeType = $inAssignRightSideNativeType; |
4228: | } else { |
4229: | $alreadyHasVariableType = $scope->hasVariableType($inAssignRightSideVariableName); |
4230: | if ($alreadyHasVariableType->no()) { |
4231: | $variableNativeType = TypeCombinator::union(new NullType(), $inAssignRightSideNativeType); |
4232: | } else { |
4233: | $variableNativeType = TypeCombinator::union($scope->getVariableType($inAssignRightSideVariableName), $inAssignRightSideNativeType); |
4234: | } |
4235: | } |
4236: | $scope = $scope->assignVariable($inAssignRightSideVariableName, $variableType, $variableNativeType, TrinaryLogic::createYes()); |
4237: | } |
4238: | } |
4239: | $this->processExprNode($stmt, $use->var, $useScope, $nodeCallback, $context); |
4240: | if (!$use->byRef) { |
4241: | continue; |
4242: | } |
4243: | |
4244: | $useScope = $useScope->exitExpressionAssign($use->var); |
4245: | } |
4246: | |
4247: | if ($expr->returnType !== null) { |
4248: | $nodeCallback($expr->returnType, $scope); |
4249: | } |
4250: | |
4251: | $closureScope = $scope->enterAnonymousFunction($expr, $callableParameters); |
4252: | $closureScope = $closureScope->processClosureScope($scope, null, $byRefUses); |
4253: | $closureType = $closureScope->getAnonymousFunctionReflection(); |
4254: | if (!$closureType instanceof ClosureType) { |
4255: | throw new ShouldNotHappenException(); |
4256: | } |
4257: | |
4258: | $nodeCallback(new InClosureNode($closureType, $expr), $closureScope); |
4259: | |
4260: | $executionEnds = []; |
4261: | $gatheredReturnStatements = []; |
4262: | $gatheredYieldStatements = []; |
4263: | $closureImpurePoints = []; |
4264: | $invalidateExpressions = []; |
4265: | $closureStmtsCallback = static function (Node $node, Scope $scope) use ($nodeCallback, &$executionEnds, &$gatheredReturnStatements, &$gatheredYieldStatements, &$closureScope, &$closureImpurePoints, &$invalidateExpressions): void { |
4266: | $nodeCallback($node, $scope); |
4267: | if ($scope->getAnonymousFunctionReflection() !== $closureScope->getAnonymousFunctionReflection()) { |
4268: | return; |
4269: | } |
4270: | if ($node instanceof PropertyAssignNode) { |
4271: | $closureImpurePoints[] = new ImpurePoint( |
4272: | $scope, |
4273: | $node, |
4274: | 'propertyAssign', |
4275: | 'property assignment', |
4276: | true, |
4277: | ); |
4278: | return; |
4279: | } |
4280: | if ($node instanceof ExecutionEndNode) { |
4281: | $executionEnds[] = $node; |
4282: | return; |
4283: | } |
4284: | if ($node instanceof InvalidateExprNode) { |
4285: | $invalidateExpressions[] = $node; |
4286: | return; |
4287: | } |
4288: | if ($node instanceof Expr\Yield_ || $node instanceof Expr\YieldFrom) { |
4289: | $gatheredYieldStatements[] = $node; |
4290: | } |
4291: | if (!$node instanceof Return_) { |
4292: | return; |
4293: | } |
4294: | |
4295: | $gatheredReturnStatements[] = new ReturnStatement($scope, $node); |
4296: | }; |
4297: | |
4298: | if (count($byRefUses) === 0) { |
4299: | $statementResult = $this->processStmtNodes($expr, $expr->stmts, $closureScope, $closureStmtsCallback, StatementContext::createTopLevel()); |
4300: | $nodeCallback(new ClosureReturnStatementsNode( |
4301: | $expr, |
4302: | $gatheredReturnStatements, |
4303: | $gatheredYieldStatements, |
4304: | $statementResult, |
4305: | $executionEnds, |
4306: | array_merge($statementResult->getImpurePoints(), $closureImpurePoints), |
4307: | ), $closureScope); |
4308: | |
4309: | return new ProcessClosureResult($scope, $statementResult->getThrowPoints(), $statementResult->getImpurePoints(), $invalidateExpressions); |
4310: | } |
4311: | |
4312: | $count = 0; |
4313: | $closureResultScope = null; |
4314: | do { |
4315: | $prevScope = $closureScope; |
4316: | |
4317: | $intermediaryClosureScopeResult = $this->processStmtNodes($expr, $expr->stmts, $closureScope, static function (): void { |
4318: | }, StatementContext::createTopLevel()); |
4319: | $intermediaryClosureScope = $intermediaryClosureScopeResult->getScope(); |
4320: | foreach ($intermediaryClosureScopeResult->getExitPoints() as $exitPoint) { |
4321: | $intermediaryClosureScope = $intermediaryClosureScope->mergeWith($exitPoint->getScope()); |
4322: | } |
4323: | |
4324: | if ($expr->getAttribute(ImmediatelyInvokedClosureVisitor::ATTRIBUTE_NAME) === true) { |
4325: | $closureResultScope = $intermediaryClosureScope; |
4326: | break; |
4327: | } |
4328: | |
4329: | $closureScope = $scope->enterAnonymousFunction($expr, $callableParameters); |
4330: | $closureScope = $closureScope->processClosureScope($intermediaryClosureScope, $prevScope, $byRefUses); |
4331: | |
4332: | if ($closureScope->equals($prevScope)) { |
4333: | break; |
4334: | } |
4335: | if ($count >= self::GENERALIZE_AFTER_ITERATION) { |
4336: | $closureScope = $prevScope->generalizeWith($closureScope); |
4337: | } |
4338: | $count++; |
4339: | } while ($count < self::LOOP_SCOPE_ITERATIONS); |
4340: | |
4341: | if ($closureResultScope === null) { |
4342: | $closureResultScope = $closureScope; |
4343: | } |
4344: | |
4345: | $statementResult = $this->processStmtNodes($expr, $expr->stmts, $closureScope, $closureStmtsCallback, StatementContext::createTopLevel()); |
4346: | $nodeCallback(new ClosureReturnStatementsNode( |
4347: | $expr, |
4348: | $gatheredReturnStatements, |
4349: | $gatheredYieldStatements, |
4350: | $statementResult, |
4351: | $executionEnds, |
4352: | array_merge($statementResult->getImpurePoints(), $closureImpurePoints), |
4353: | ), $closureScope); |
4354: | |
4355: | return new ProcessClosureResult($scope->processClosureScope($closureResultScope, null, $byRefUses), $statementResult->getThrowPoints(), $statementResult->getImpurePoints(), $invalidateExpressions); |
4356: | } |
4357: | |
4358: | |
4359: | |
4360: | |
4361: | |
4362: | private function processImmediatelyCalledCallable(MutatingScope $scope, array $invalidatedExpressions, array $uses): MutatingScope |
4363: | { |
4364: | if ($scope->isInClass()) { |
4365: | $uses[] = 'this'; |
4366: | } |
4367: | |
4368: | $finder = new NodeFinder(); |
4369: | foreach ($invalidatedExpressions as $invalidateExpression) { |
4370: | $found = false; |
4371: | foreach ($uses as $use) { |
4372: | $result = $finder->findFirst([$invalidateExpression->getExpr()], static fn ($node) => $node instanceof Variable && $node->name === $use); |
4373: | if ($result === null) { |
4374: | continue; |
4375: | } |
4376: | |
4377: | $found = true; |
4378: | break; |
4379: | } |
4380: | |
4381: | if (!$found) { |
4382: | continue; |
4383: | } |
4384: | |
4385: | $scope = $scope->invalidateExpression($invalidateExpression->getExpr(), true); |
4386: | } |
4387: | |
4388: | return $scope; |
4389: | } |
4390: | |
4391: | |
4392: | |
4393: | |
4394: | private function processArrowFunctionNode( |
4395: | Node\Stmt $stmt, |
4396: | Expr\ArrowFunction $expr, |
4397: | MutatingScope $scope, |
4398: | callable $nodeCallback, |
4399: | ?Type $passedToType, |
4400: | ): ExpressionResult |
4401: | { |
4402: | foreach ($expr->params as $param) { |
4403: | $this->processParamNode($stmt, $param, $scope, $nodeCallback); |
4404: | } |
4405: | if ($expr->returnType !== null) { |
4406: | $nodeCallback($expr->returnType, $scope); |
4407: | } |
4408: | |
4409: | $arrowFunctionCallArgs = $expr->getAttribute(ArrowFunctionArgVisitor::ATTRIBUTE_NAME); |
4410: | $arrowFunctionScope = $scope->enterArrowFunction($expr, $this->createCallableParameters( |
4411: | $scope, |
4412: | $expr, |
4413: | $arrowFunctionCallArgs, |
4414: | $passedToType, |
4415: | )); |
4416: | $arrowFunctionType = $arrowFunctionScope->getAnonymousFunctionReflection(); |
4417: | if (!$arrowFunctionType instanceof ClosureType) { |
4418: | throw new ShouldNotHappenException(); |
4419: | } |
4420: | $nodeCallback(new InArrowFunctionNode($arrowFunctionType, $expr), $arrowFunctionScope); |
4421: | $exprResult = $this->processExprNode($stmt, $expr->expr, $arrowFunctionScope, $nodeCallback, ExpressionContext::createTopLevel()); |
4422: | |
4423: | return new ExpressionResult($scope, false, $exprResult->getThrowPoints(), $exprResult->getImpurePoints()); |
4424: | } |
4425: | |
4426: | |
4427: | |
4428: | |
4429: | |
4430: | public function createCallableParameters(Scope $scope, Expr $closureExpr, ?array $args, ?Type $passedToType): ?array |
4431: | { |
4432: | $callableParameters = null; |
4433: | if ($args !== null) { |
4434: | $closureType = $scope->getType($closureExpr); |
4435: | |
4436: | if ($closureType->isCallable()->no()) { |
4437: | return null; |
4438: | } |
4439: | |
4440: | $acceptors = $closureType->getCallableParametersAcceptors($scope); |
4441: | if (count($acceptors) === 1) { |
4442: | $callableParameters = $acceptors[0]->getParameters(); |
4443: | |
4444: | foreach ($callableParameters as $index => $callableParameter) { |
4445: | if (!isset($args[$index])) { |
4446: | continue; |
4447: | } |
4448: | |
4449: | $type = $scope->getType($args[$index]->value); |
4450: | $callableParameters[$index] = new NativeParameterReflection( |
4451: | $callableParameter->getName(), |
4452: | $callableParameter->isOptional(), |
4453: | $type, |
4454: | $callableParameter->passedByReference(), |
4455: | $callableParameter->isVariadic(), |
4456: | $callableParameter->getDefaultValue(), |
4457: | ); |
4458: | } |
4459: | } |
4460: | } elseif ($passedToType !== null && !$passedToType->isCallable()->no()) { |
4461: | if ($passedToType instanceof UnionType) { |
4462: | $passedToType = TypeCombinator::union(...array_filter( |
4463: | $passedToType->getTypes(), |
4464: | static fn (Type $type) => $type->isCallable()->yes(), |
4465: | )); |
4466: | |
4467: | if ($passedToType->isCallable()->no()) { |
4468: | return null; |
4469: | } |
4470: | } |
4471: | |
4472: | $acceptors = $passedToType->getCallableParametersAcceptors($scope); |
4473: | if (count($acceptors) > 0) { |
4474: | foreach ($acceptors as $acceptor) { |
4475: | if ($callableParameters === null) { |
4476: | $callableParameters = array_map(static fn (ParameterReflection $callableParameter) => new NativeParameterReflection( |
4477: | $callableParameter->getName(), |
4478: | $callableParameter->isOptional(), |
4479: | $callableParameter->getType(), |
4480: | $callableParameter->passedByReference(), |
4481: | $callableParameter->isVariadic(), |
4482: | $callableParameter->getDefaultValue(), |
4483: | ), $acceptor->getParameters()); |
4484: | continue; |
4485: | } |
4486: | |
4487: | $newParameters = []; |
4488: | foreach ($acceptor->getParameters() as $i => $callableParameter) { |
4489: | if (!array_key_exists($i, $callableParameters)) { |
4490: | $newParameters[] = $callableParameter; |
4491: | continue; |
4492: | } |
4493: | |
4494: | $newParameters[] = $callableParameters[$i]->union(new NativeParameterReflection( |
4495: | $callableParameter->getName(), |
4496: | $callableParameter->isOptional(), |
4497: | $callableParameter->getType(), |
4498: | $callableParameter->passedByReference(), |
4499: | $callableParameter->isVariadic(), |
4500: | $callableParameter->getDefaultValue(), |
4501: | )); |
4502: | } |
4503: | |
4504: | $callableParameters = $newParameters; |
4505: | } |
4506: | } |
4507: | } |
4508: | |
4509: | return $callableParameters; |
4510: | } |
4511: | |
4512: | |
4513: | |
4514: | |
4515: | private function processParamNode( |
4516: | Node\Stmt $stmt, |
4517: | Node\Param $param, |
4518: | MutatingScope $scope, |
4519: | callable $nodeCallback, |
4520: | ): void |
4521: | { |
4522: | $this->processAttributeGroups($stmt, $param->attrGroups, $scope, $nodeCallback); |
4523: | $nodeCallback($param, $scope); |
4524: | if ($param->type !== null) { |
4525: | $nodeCallback($param->type, $scope); |
4526: | } |
4527: | if ($param->default === null) { |
4528: | return; |
4529: | } |
4530: | |
4531: | $this->processExprNode($stmt, $param->default, $scope, $nodeCallback, ExpressionContext::createDeep()); |
4532: | } |
4533: | |
4534: | |
4535: | |
4536: | |
4537: | |
4538: | private function processAttributeGroups( |
4539: | Node\Stmt $stmt, |
4540: | array $attrGroups, |
4541: | MutatingScope $scope, |
4542: | callable $nodeCallback, |
4543: | ): void |
4544: | { |
4545: | foreach ($attrGroups as $attrGroup) { |
4546: | foreach ($attrGroup->attrs as $attr) { |
4547: | foreach ($attr->args as $arg) { |
4548: | $this->processExprNode($stmt, $arg->value, $scope, $nodeCallback, ExpressionContext::createDeep()); |
4549: | $nodeCallback($arg, $scope); |
4550: | } |
4551: | $nodeCallback($attr, $scope); |
4552: | } |
4553: | $nodeCallback($attrGroup, $scope); |
4554: | } |
4555: | } |
4556: | |
4557: | |
4558: | |
4559: | |
4560: | |
4561: | private function processArgs( |
4562: | Node\Stmt $stmt, |
4563: | $calleeReflection, |
4564: | ?ExtendedMethodReflection $nakedMethodReflection, |
4565: | ?ParametersAcceptor $parametersAcceptor, |
4566: | CallLike $callLike, |
4567: | MutatingScope $scope, |
4568: | callable $nodeCallback, |
4569: | ExpressionContext $context, |
4570: | ?MutatingScope $closureBindScope = null, |
4571: | ): ExpressionResult |
4572: | { |
4573: | $args = $callLike->getArgs(); |
4574: | |
4575: | if ($parametersAcceptor !== null) { |
4576: | $parameters = $parametersAcceptor->getParameters(); |
4577: | } |
4578: | |
4579: | $hasYield = false; |
4580: | $throwPoints = []; |
4581: | $impurePoints = []; |
4582: | foreach ($args as $i => $arg) { |
4583: | $assignByReference = false; |
4584: | $parameter = null; |
4585: | $parameterType = null; |
4586: | $parameterNativeType = null; |
4587: | if (isset($parameters) && $parametersAcceptor !== null) { |
4588: | if (isset($parameters[$i])) { |
4589: | $assignByReference = $parameters[$i]->passedByReference()->createsNewVariable(); |
4590: | $parameterType = $parameters[$i]->getType(); |
4591: | |
4592: | if ($parameters[$i] instanceof ExtendedParameterReflection) { |
4593: | $parameterNativeType = $parameters[$i]->getNativeType(); |
4594: | } |
4595: | $parameter = $parameters[$i]; |
4596: | } elseif (count($parameters) > 0 && $parametersAcceptor->isVariadic()) { |
4597: | $lastParameter = $parameters[count($parameters) - 1]; |
4598: | $assignByReference = $lastParameter->passedByReference()->createsNewVariable(); |
4599: | $parameterType = $lastParameter->getType(); |
4600: | |
4601: | if ($lastParameter instanceof ExtendedParameterReflection) { |
4602: | $parameterNativeType = $lastParameter->getNativeType(); |
4603: | } |
4604: | $parameter = $lastParameter; |
4605: | } |
4606: | } |
4607: | |
4608: | $lookForUnset = false; |
4609: | if ($assignByReference) { |
4610: | $isBuiltin = false; |
4611: | if ($calleeReflection instanceof FunctionReflection && $calleeReflection->isBuiltin()) { |
4612: | $isBuiltin = true; |
4613: | } elseif ($calleeReflection instanceof ExtendedMethodReflection && $calleeReflection->getDeclaringClass()->isBuiltin()) { |
4614: | $isBuiltin = true; |
4615: | } |
4616: | if ( |
4617: | $isBuiltin |
4618: | || ($parameterNativeType === null || !$parameterNativeType->isNull()->no()) |
4619: | ) { |
4620: | $scope = $this->lookForSetAllowedUndefinedExpressions($scope, $arg->value); |
4621: | $lookForUnset = true; |
4622: | } |
4623: | } |
4624: | |
4625: | if ($calleeReflection !== null) { |
4626: | $scope = $scope->pushInFunctionCall($calleeReflection, $parameter); |
4627: | } |
4628: | |
4629: | $originalArg = $arg->getAttribute(ArgumentsNormalizer::ORIGINAL_ARG_ATTRIBUTE) ?? $arg; |
4630: | $nodeCallback($originalArg, $scope); |
4631: | |
4632: | $originalScope = $scope; |
4633: | $scopeToPass = $scope; |
4634: | if ($i === 0 && $closureBindScope !== null) { |
4635: | $scopeToPass = $closureBindScope; |
4636: | } |
4637: | |
4638: | if ($parameter instanceof ExtendedParameterReflection) { |
4639: | $parameterCallImmediately = $parameter->isImmediatelyInvokedCallable(); |
4640: | if ($parameterCallImmediately->maybe()) { |
4641: | $callCallbackImmediately = $calleeReflection instanceof FunctionReflection; |
4642: | } else { |
4643: | $callCallbackImmediately = $parameterCallImmediately->yes(); |
4644: | } |
4645: | } else { |
4646: | $callCallbackImmediately = $calleeReflection instanceof FunctionReflection; |
4647: | } |
4648: | if ($arg->value instanceof Expr\Closure) { |
4649: | $restoreThisScope = null; |
4650: | if ( |
4651: | $closureBindScope === null |
4652: | && $parameter instanceof ExtendedParameterReflection |
4653: | && $parameter->getClosureThisType() !== null |
4654: | && !$arg->value->static |
4655: | ) { |
4656: | $restoreThisScope = $scopeToPass; |
4657: | $scopeToPass = $scopeToPass->assignVariable('this', $parameter->getClosureThisType(), new ObjectWithoutClassType(), TrinaryLogic::createYes()); |
4658: | } |
4659: | |
4660: | if ($parameter !== null) { |
4661: | $overwritingParameterType = $this->getParameterTypeFromParameterClosureTypeExtension($callLike, $calleeReflection, $parameter, $scopeToPass); |
4662: | |
4663: | if ($overwritingParameterType !== null) { |
4664: | $parameterType = $overwritingParameterType; |
4665: | } |
4666: | } |
4667: | |
4668: | $this->callNodeCallbackWithExpression($nodeCallback, $arg->value, $scopeToPass, $context); |
4669: | $closureResult = $this->processClosureNode($stmt, $arg->value, $scopeToPass, $nodeCallback, $context, $parameterType ?? null); |
4670: | if ($callCallbackImmediately) { |
4671: | $throwPoints = array_merge($throwPoints, array_map(static fn (ThrowPoint $throwPoint) => $throwPoint->isExplicit() ? ThrowPoint::createExplicit($scope, $throwPoint->getType(), $arg->value, $throwPoint->canContainAnyThrowable()) : ThrowPoint::createImplicit($scope, $arg->value), $closureResult->getThrowPoints())); |
4672: | $impurePoints = array_merge($impurePoints, $closureResult->getImpurePoints()); |
4673: | } |
4674: | |
4675: | $uses = []; |
4676: | foreach ($arg->value->uses as $use) { |
4677: | if (!is_string($use->var->name)) { |
4678: | continue; |
4679: | } |
4680: | |
4681: | $uses[] = $use->var->name; |
4682: | } |
4683: | |
4684: | $scope = $closureResult->getScope(); |
4685: | $invalidateExpressions = $closureResult->getInvalidateExpressions(); |
4686: | if ($restoreThisScope !== null) { |
4687: | $nodeFinder = new NodeFinder(); |
4688: | $cb = static fn ($expr) => $expr instanceof Variable && $expr->name === 'this'; |
4689: | foreach ($invalidateExpressions as $j => $invalidateExprNode) { |
4690: | $foundThis = $nodeFinder->findFirst([$invalidateExprNode->getExpr()], $cb); |
4691: | if ($foundThis === null) { |
4692: | continue; |
4693: | } |
4694: | |
4695: | unset($invalidateExpressions[$j]); |
4696: | } |
4697: | $invalidateExpressions = array_values($invalidateExpressions); |
4698: | $scope = $scope->restoreThis($restoreThisScope); |
4699: | } |
4700: | |
4701: | $scope = $this->processImmediatelyCalledCallable($scope, $invalidateExpressions, $uses); |
4702: | } elseif ($arg->value instanceof Expr\ArrowFunction) { |
4703: | if ( |
4704: | $closureBindScope === null |
4705: | && $parameter instanceof ExtendedParameterReflection |
4706: | && $parameter->getClosureThisType() !== null |
4707: | && !$arg->value->static |
4708: | ) { |
4709: | $scopeToPass = $scopeToPass->assignVariable('this', $parameter->getClosureThisType(), new ObjectWithoutClassType(), TrinaryLogic::createYes()); |
4710: | } |
4711: | |
4712: | if ($parameter !== null) { |
4713: | $overwritingParameterType = $this->getParameterTypeFromParameterClosureTypeExtension($callLike, $calleeReflection, $parameter, $scopeToPass); |
4714: | |
4715: | if ($overwritingParameterType !== null) { |
4716: | $parameterType = $overwritingParameterType; |
4717: | } |
4718: | } |
4719: | |
4720: | $this->callNodeCallbackWithExpression($nodeCallback, $arg->value, $scopeToPass, $context); |
4721: | $arrowFunctionResult = $this->processArrowFunctionNode($stmt, $arg->value, $scopeToPass, $nodeCallback, $parameterType ?? null); |
4722: | if ($callCallbackImmediately) { |
4723: | $throwPoints = array_merge($throwPoints, array_map(static fn (ThrowPoint $throwPoint) => $throwPoint->isExplicit() ? ThrowPoint::createExplicit($scope, $throwPoint->getType(), $arg->value, $throwPoint->canContainAnyThrowable()) : ThrowPoint::createImplicit($scope, $arg->value), $arrowFunctionResult->getThrowPoints())); |
4724: | $impurePoints = array_merge($impurePoints, $arrowFunctionResult->getImpurePoints()); |
4725: | } |
4726: | } else { |
4727: | $exprType = $scope->getType($arg->value); |
4728: | $exprResult = $this->processExprNode($stmt, $arg->value, $scopeToPass, $nodeCallback, $context->enterDeep()); |
4729: | $throwPoints = array_merge($throwPoints, $exprResult->getThrowPoints()); |
4730: | $impurePoints = array_merge($impurePoints, $exprResult->getImpurePoints()); |
4731: | $scope = $exprResult->getScope(); |
4732: | $hasYield = $hasYield || $exprResult->hasYield(); |
4733: | |
4734: | if ($exprType->isCallable()->yes()) { |
4735: | $acceptors = $exprType->getCallableParametersAcceptors($scope); |
4736: | if (count($acceptors) === 1) { |
4737: | $scope = $this->processImmediatelyCalledCallable($scope, $acceptors[0]->getInvalidateExpressions(), $acceptors[0]->getUsedVariables()); |
4738: | if ($callCallbackImmediately) { |
4739: | $callableThrowPoints = array_map(static fn (SimpleThrowPoint $throwPoint) => $throwPoint->isExplicit() ? ThrowPoint::createExplicit($scope, $throwPoint->getType(), $arg->value, $throwPoint->canContainAnyThrowable()) : ThrowPoint::createImplicit($scope, $arg->value), $acceptors[0]->getThrowPoints()); |
4740: | if (!$this->implicitThrows) { |
4741: | $callableThrowPoints = array_values(array_filter($callableThrowPoints, static fn (ThrowPoint $throwPoint) => $throwPoint->isExplicit())); |
4742: | } |
4743: | $throwPoints = array_merge($throwPoints, $callableThrowPoints); |
4744: | $impurePoints = array_merge($impurePoints, array_map(static fn (SimpleImpurePoint $impurePoint) => new ImpurePoint($scope, $arg->value, $impurePoint->getIdentifier(), $impurePoint->getDescription(), $impurePoint->isCertain()), $acceptors[0]->getImpurePoints())); |
4745: | } |
4746: | } |
4747: | } |
4748: | } |
4749: | |
4750: | if ($assignByReference && $lookForUnset) { |
4751: | $scope = $this->lookForUnsetAllowedUndefinedExpressions($scope, $arg->value); |
4752: | } |
4753: | |
4754: | if ($calleeReflection !== null) { |
4755: | $scope = $scope->popInFunctionCall(); |
4756: | } |
4757: | |
4758: | if ($i !== 0 || $closureBindScope === null) { |
4759: | continue; |
4760: | } |
4761: | |
4762: | $scope = $scope->restoreOriginalScopeAfterClosureBind($originalScope); |
4763: | } |
4764: | foreach ($args as $i => $arg) { |
4765: | if (!isset($parameters) || $parametersAcceptor === null) { |
4766: | continue; |
4767: | } |
4768: | |
4769: | $byRefType = new MixedType(); |
4770: | $assignByReference = false; |
4771: | $currentParameter = null; |
4772: | if (isset($parameters[$i])) { |
4773: | $currentParameter = $parameters[$i]; |
4774: | } elseif (count($parameters) > 0 && $parametersAcceptor->isVariadic()) { |
4775: | $currentParameter = $parameters[count($parameters) - 1]; |
4776: | } |
4777: | |
4778: | if ($currentParameter !== null) { |
4779: | $assignByReference = $currentParameter->passedByReference()->createsNewVariable(); |
4780: | if ($assignByReference) { |
4781: | if ($currentParameter instanceof ExtendedParameterReflection && $currentParameter->getOutType() !== null) { |
4782: | $byRefType = $currentParameter->getOutType(); |
4783: | } elseif ( |
4784: | $calleeReflection instanceof MethodReflection |
4785: | && !$calleeReflection->getDeclaringClass()->isBuiltin() |
4786: | ) { |
4787: | $byRefType = $currentParameter->getType(); |
4788: | } elseif ( |
4789: | $calleeReflection instanceof FunctionReflection |
4790: | && !$calleeReflection->isBuiltin() |
4791: | ) { |
4792: | $byRefType = $currentParameter->getType(); |
4793: | } |
4794: | } |
4795: | } |
4796: | |
4797: | if ($assignByReference) { |
4798: | if ($currentParameter === null) { |
4799: | throw new ShouldNotHappenException(); |
4800: | } |
4801: | |
4802: | $argValue = $arg->value; |
4803: | if (!$argValue instanceof Variable || $argValue->name !== 'this') { |
4804: | $paramOutType = $this->getParameterOutExtensionsType($callLike, $calleeReflection, $currentParameter, $scope); |
4805: | if ($paramOutType !== null) { |
4806: | $byRefType = $paramOutType; |
4807: | } |
4808: | |
4809: | $result = $this->processAssignVar( |
4810: | $scope, |
4811: | $stmt, |
4812: | $argValue, |
4813: | new TypeExpr($byRefType), |
4814: | static function (Node $node, Scope $scope) use ($nodeCallback): void { |
4815: | if (!$node instanceof PropertyAssignNode && !$node instanceof VariableAssignNode) { |
4816: | return; |
4817: | } |
4818: | |
4819: | $nodeCallback($node, $scope); |
4820: | }, |
4821: | $context, |
4822: | static fn (MutatingScope $scope): ExpressionResult => new ExpressionResult($scope, false, [], []), |
4823: | true, |
4824: | ); |
4825: | $scope = $result->getScope(); |
4826: | } |
4827: | } elseif ($calleeReflection !== null && $calleeReflection->hasSideEffects()->yes()) { |
4828: | $argType = $scope->getType($arg->value); |
4829: | if (!$argType->isObject()->no()) { |
4830: | $nakedReturnType = null; |
4831: | if ($nakedMethodReflection !== null) { |
4832: | $nakedParametersAcceptor = ParametersAcceptorSelector::selectFromArgs( |
4833: | $scope, |
4834: | $args, |
4835: | $nakedMethodReflection->getVariants(), |
4836: | $nakedMethodReflection->getNamedArgumentsVariants(), |
4837: | ); |
4838: | $nakedReturnType = $nakedParametersAcceptor->getReturnType(); |
4839: | } |
4840: | if ( |
4841: | $nakedReturnType === null |
4842: | || !(new ThisType($nakedMethodReflection->getDeclaringClass()))->isSuperTypeOf($nakedReturnType)->yes() |
4843: | || $nakedMethodReflection->isPure()->no() |
4844: | ) { |
4845: | $nodeCallback(new InvalidateExprNode($arg->value), $scope); |
4846: | $scope = $scope->invalidateExpression($arg->value, true); |
4847: | } |
4848: | } elseif (!(new ResourceType())->isSuperTypeOf($argType)->no()) { |
4849: | $nodeCallback(new InvalidateExprNode($arg->value), $scope); |
4850: | $scope = $scope->invalidateExpression($arg->value, true); |
4851: | } |
4852: | } |
4853: | } |
4854: | |
4855: | return new ExpressionResult($scope, $hasYield, $throwPoints, $impurePoints); |
4856: | } |
4857: | |
4858: | |
4859: | |
4860: | |
4861: | private function getParameterTypeFromParameterClosureTypeExtension(CallLike $callLike, $calleeReflection, ParameterReflection $parameter, MutatingScope $scope): ?Type |
4862: | { |
4863: | if ($callLike instanceof FuncCall && $calleeReflection instanceof FunctionReflection) { |
4864: | foreach ($this->parameterClosureTypeExtensionProvider->getFunctionParameterClosureTypeExtensions() as $functionParameterClosureTypeExtension) { |
4865: | if ($functionParameterClosureTypeExtension->isFunctionSupported($calleeReflection, $parameter)) { |
4866: | return $functionParameterClosureTypeExtension->getTypeFromFunctionCall($calleeReflection, $callLike, $parameter, $scope); |
4867: | } |
4868: | } |
4869: | } elseif ($calleeReflection instanceof MethodReflection) { |
4870: | if ($callLike instanceof StaticCall) { |
4871: | foreach ($this->parameterClosureTypeExtensionProvider->getStaticMethodParameterClosureTypeExtensions() as $staticMethodParameterClosureTypeExtension) { |
4872: | if ($staticMethodParameterClosureTypeExtension->isStaticMethodSupported($calleeReflection, $parameter)) { |
4873: | return $staticMethodParameterClosureTypeExtension->getTypeFromStaticMethodCall($calleeReflection, $callLike, $parameter, $scope); |
4874: | } |
4875: | } |
4876: | } elseif ($callLike instanceof MethodCall) { |
4877: | foreach ($this->parameterClosureTypeExtensionProvider->getMethodParameterClosureTypeExtensions() as $methodParameterClosureTypeExtension) { |
4878: | if ($methodParameterClosureTypeExtension->isMethodSupported($calleeReflection, $parameter)) { |
4879: | return $methodParameterClosureTypeExtension->getTypeFromMethodCall($calleeReflection, $callLike, $parameter, $scope); |
4880: | } |
4881: | } |
4882: | } |
4883: | } |
4884: | |
4885: | return null; |
4886: | } |
4887: | |
4888: | |
4889: | |
4890: | |
4891: | private function getParameterOutExtensionsType(CallLike $callLike, $calleeReflection, ParameterReflection $currentParameter, MutatingScope $scope): ?Type |
4892: | { |
4893: | $paramOutTypes = []; |
4894: | if ($callLike instanceof FuncCall && $calleeReflection instanceof FunctionReflection) { |
4895: | foreach ($this->parameterOutTypeExtensionProvider->getFunctionParameterOutTypeExtensions() as $functionParameterOutTypeExtension) { |
4896: | if (!$functionParameterOutTypeExtension->isFunctionSupported($calleeReflection, $currentParameter)) { |
4897: | continue; |
4898: | } |
4899: | |
4900: | $resolvedType = $functionParameterOutTypeExtension->getParameterOutTypeFromFunctionCall($calleeReflection, $callLike, $currentParameter, $scope); |
4901: | if ($resolvedType === null) { |
4902: | continue; |
4903: | } |
4904: | $paramOutTypes[] = $resolvedType; |
4905: | } |
4906: | } elseif ($callLike instanceof MethodCall && $calleeReflection instanceof MethodReflection) { |
4907: | foreach ($this->parameterOutTypeExtensionProvider->getMethodParameterOutTypeExtensions() as $methodParameterOutTypeExtension) { |
4908: | if (!$methodParameterOutTypeExtension->isMethodSupported($calleeReflection, $currentParameter)) { |
4909: | continue; |
4910: | } |
4911: | |
4912: | $resolvedType = $methodParameterOutTypeExtension->getParameterOutTypeFromMethodCall($calleeReflection, $callLike, $currentParameter, $scope); |
4913: | if ($resolvedType === null) { |
4914: | continue; |
4915: | } |
4916: | $paramOutTypes[] = $resolvedType; |
4917: | } |
4918: | } elseif ($callLike instanceof StaticCall && $calleeReflection instanceof MethodReflection) { |
4919: | foreach ($this->parameterOutTypeExtensionProvider->getStaticMethodParameterOutTypeExtensions() as $staticMethodParameterOutTypeExtension) { |
4920: | if (!$staticMethodParameterOutTypeExtension->isStaticMethodSupported($calleeReflection, $currentParameter)) { |
4921: | continue; |
4922: | } |
4923: | |
4924: | $resolvedType = $staticMethodParameterOutTypeExtension->getParameterOutTypeFromStaticMethodCall($calleeReflection, $callLike, $currentParameter, $scope); |
4925: | if ($resolvedType === null) { |
4926: | continue; |
4927: | } |
4928: | $paramOutTypes[] = $resolvedType; |
4929: | } |
4930: | } |
4931: | |
4932: | if (count($paramOutTypes) === 1) { |
4933: | return $paramOutTypes[0]; |
4934: | } |
4935: | |
4936: | if (count($paramOutTypes) > 1) { |
4937: | return TypeCombinator::union(...$paramOutTypes); |
4938: | } |
4939: | |
4940: | return null; |
4941: | } |
4942: | |
4943: | |
4944: | |
4945: | |
4946: | |
4947: | private function processAssignVar( |
4948: | MutatingScope $scope, |
4949: | Node\Stmt $stmt, |
4950: | Expr $var, |
4951: | Expr $assignedExpr, |
4952: | callable $nodeCallback, |
4953: | ExpressionContext $context, |
4954: | Closure $processExprCallback, |
4955: | bool $enterExpressionAssign, |
4956: | ): ExpressionResult |
4957: | { |
4958: | $nodeCallback($var, $enterExpressionAssign ? $scope->enterExpressionAssign($var) : $scope); |
4959: | $hasYield = false; |
4960: | $throwPoints = []; |
4961: | $impurePoints = []; |
4962: | $isAssignOp = $assignedExpr instanceof Expr\AssignOp && !$enterExpressionAssign; |
4963: | if ($var instanceof Variable && is_string($var->name)) { |
4964: | $result = $processExprCallback($scope); |
4965: | $hasYield = $result->hasYield(); |
4966: | $throwPoints = $result->getThrowPoints(); |
4967: | $impurePoints = $result->getImpurePoints(); |
4968: | if (in_array($var->name, Scope::SUPERGLOBAL_VARIABLES, true)) { |
4969: | $impurePoints[] = new ImpurePoint($scope, $var, 'superglobal', 'assign to superglobal variable', true); |
4970: | } |
4971: | $assignedExpr = $this->unwrapAssign($assignedExpr); |
4972: | $type = $scope->getType($assignedExpr); |
4973: | |
4974: | $conditionalExpressions = []; |
4975: | if ($assignedExpr instanceof Ternary) { |
4976: | $if = $assignedExpr->if; |
4977: | if ($if === null) { |
4978: | $if = $assignedExpr->cond; |
4979: | } |
4980: | $condScope = $this->processExprNode($stmt, $assignedExpr->cond, $scope, static function (): void { |
4981: | }, ExpressionContext::createDeep())->getScope(); |
4982: | $truthySpecifiedTypes = $this->typeSpecifier->specifyTypesInCondition($condScope, $assignedExpr->cond, TypeSpecifierContext::createTruthy()); |
4983: | $falseySpecifiedTypes = $this->typeSpecifier->specifyTypesInCondition($condScope, $assignedExpr->cond, TypeSpecifierContext::createFalsey()); |
4984: | $truthyScope = $condScope->filterBySpecifiedTypes($truthySpecifiedTypes); |
4985: | $falsyScope = $condScope->filterBySpecifiedTypes($falseySpecifiedTypes); |
4986: | $truthyType = $truthyScope->getType($if); |
4987: | $falseyType = $falsyScope->getType($assignedExpr->else); |
4988: | |
4989: | if ( |
4990: | $truthyType->isSuperTypeOf($falseyType)->no() |
4991: | && $falseyType->isSuperTypeOf($truthyType)->no() |
4992: | ) { |
4993: | $conditionalExpressions = $this->processSureTypesForConditionalExpressionsAfterAssign($condScope, $var->name, $conditionalExpressions, $truthySpecifiedTypes, $truthyType); |
4994: | $conditionalExpressions = $this->processSureNotTypesForConditionalExpressionsAfterAssign($condScope, $var->name, $conditionalExpressions, $truthySpecifiedTypes, $truthyType); |
4995: | $conditionalExpressions = $this->processSureTypesForConditionalExpressionsAfterAssign($condScope, $var->name, $conditionalExpressions, $falseySpecifiedTypes, $falseyType); |
4996: | $conditionalExpressions = $this->processSureNotTypesForConditionalExpressionsAfterAssign($condScope, $var->name, $conditionalExpressions, $falseySpecifiedTypes, $falseyType); |
4997: | } |
4998: | } |
4999: | |
5000: | $scope = $result->getScope(); |
5001: | $truthySpecifiedTypes = $this->typeSpecifier->specifyTypesInCondition($scope, $assignedExpr, TypeSpecifierContext::createTruthy()); |
5002: | $falseySpecifiedTypes = $this->typeSpecifier->specifyTypesInCondition($scope, $assignedExpr, TypeSpecifierContext::createFalsey()); |
5003: | |
5004: | $truthyType = TypeCombinator::removeFalsey($type); |
5005: | $falseyType = TypeCombinator::intersect($type, StaticTypeFactory::falsey()); |
5006: | |
5007: | $conditionalExpressions = $this->processSureTypesForConditionalExpressionsAfterAssign($scope, $var->name, $conditionalExpressions, $truthySpecifiedTypes, $truthyType); |
5008: | $conditionalExpressions = $this->processSureNotTypesForConditionalExpressionsAfterAssign($scope, $var->name, $conditionalExpressions, $truthySpecifiedTypes, $truthyType); |
5009: | $conditionalExpressions = $this->processSureTypesForConditionalExpressionsAfterAssign($scope, $var->name, $conditionalExpressions, $falseySpecifiedTypes, $falseyType); |
5010: | $conditionalExpressions = $this->processSureNotTypesForConditionalExpressionsAfterAssign($scope, $var->name, $conditionalExpressions, $falseySpecifiedTypes, $falseyType); |
5011: | |
5012: | $nodeCallback(new VariableAssignNode($var, $assignedExpr, $isAssignOp), $result->getScope()); |
5013: | $scope = $scope->assignVariable($var->name, $type, $scope->getNativeType($assignedExpr), TrinaryLogic::createYes()); |
5014: | foreach ($conditionalExpressions as $exprString => $holders) { |
5015: | $scope = $scope->addConditionalExpressions($exprString, $holders); |
5016: | } |
5017: | } elseif ($var instanceof ArrayDimFetch) { |
5018: | $dimFetchStack = []; |
5019: | $originalVar = $var; |
5020: | $assignedPropertyExpr = $assignedExpr; |
5021: | while ($var instanceof ArrayDimFetch) { |
5022: | $varForSetOffsetValue = $var->var; |
5023: | if ($varForSetOffsetValue instanceof PropertyFetch || $varForSetOffsetValue instanceof StaticPropertyFetch) { |
5024: | $varForSetOffsetValue = new OriginalPropertyTypeExpr($varForSetOffsetValue); |
5025: | } |
5026: | $assignedPropertyExpr = new SetOffsetValueTypeExpr( |
5027: | $varForSetOffsetValue, |
5028: | $var->dim, |
5029: | $assignedPropertyExpr, |
5030: | ); |
5031: | $dimFetchStack[] = $var; |
5032: | $var = $var->var; |
5033: | } |
5034: | |
5035: | |
5036: | if ($enterExpressionAssign) { |
5037: | $scope = $scope->enterExpressionAssign($var); |
5038: | } |
5039: | $result = $this->processExprNode($stmt, $var, $scope, $nodeCallback, $context->enterDeep()); |
5040: | $hasYield = $result->hasYield(); |
5041: | $throwPoints = $result->getThrowPoints(); |
5042: | $impurePoints = $result->getImpurePoints(); |
5043: | $scope = $result->getScope(); |
5044: | if ($enterExpressionAssign) { |
5045: | $scope = $scope->exitExpressionAssign($var); |
5046: | } |
5047: | |
5048: | |
5049: | $offsetTypes = []; |
5050: | $offsetNativeTypes = []; |
5051: | $dimFetchStack = array_reverse($dimFetchStack); |
5052: | $lastDimKey = array_key_last($dimFetchStack); |
5053: | foreach ($dimFetchStack as $key => $dimFetch) { |
5054: | $dimExpr = $dimFetch->dim; |
5055: | |
5056: | |
5057: | if ($key !== $lastDimKey) { |
5058: | $nodeCallback($dimFetch, $enterExpressionAssign ? $scope->enterExpressionAssign($dimFetch) : $scope); |
5059: | } |
5060: | |
5061: | if ($dimExpr === null) { |
5062: | $offsetTypes[] = null; |
5063: | $offsetNativeTypes[] = null; |
5064: | |
5065: | } else { |
5066: | $offsetTypes[] = $scope->getType($dimExpr); |
5067: | $offsetNativeTypes[] = $scope->getNativeType($dimExpr); |
5068: | |
5069: | if ($enterExpressionAssign) { |
5070: | $scope->enterExpressionAssign($dimExpr); |
5071: | } |
5072: | $result = $this->processExprNode($stmt, $dimExpr, $scope, $nodeCallback, $context->enterDeep()); |
5073: | $hasYield = $hasYield || $result->hasYield(); |
5074: | $throwPoints = array_merge($throwPoints, $result->getThrowPoints()); |
5075: | $scope = $result->getScope(); |
5076: | |
5077: | if ($enterExpressionAssign) { |
5078: | $scope = $scope->exitExpressionAssign($dimExpr); |
5079: | } |
5080: | } |
5081: | } |
5082: | |
5083: | $valueToWrite = $scope->getType($assignedExpr); |
5084: | $nativeValueToWrite = $scope->getNativeType($assignedExpr); |
5085: | $originalValueToWrite = $valueToWrite; |
5086: | $originalNativeValueToWrite = $nativeValueToWrite; |
5087: | |
5088: | |
5089: | $result = $processExprCallback($scope); |
5090: | $hasYield = $hasYield || $result->hasYield(); |
5091: | $throwPoints = array_merge($throwPoints, $result->getThrowPoints()); |
5092: | $impurePoints = array_merge($impurePoints, $result->getImpurePoints()); |
5093: | $scope = $result->getScope(); |
5094: | |
5095: | $varType = $scope->getType($var); |
5096: | $varNativeType = $scope->getNativeType($var); |
5097: | |
5098: | |
5099: | if ($varType instanceof ErrorType) { |
5100: | $varType = new ConstantArrayType([], []); |
5101: | } |
5102: | if ($varNativeType instanceof ErrorType) { |
5103: | $varNativeType = new ConstantArrayType([], []); |
5104: | } |
5105: | $offsetValueType = $varType; |
5106: | $offsetNativeValueType = $varNativeType; |
5107: | |
5108: | $valueToWrite = $this->produceArrayDimFetchAssignValueToWrite($offsetTypes, $offsetValueType, $valueToWrite); |
5109: | |
5110: | if (!$offsetValueType->equals($offsetNativeValueType) || !$valueToWrite->equals($nativeValueToWrite)) { |
5111: | $nativeValueToWrite = $this->produceArrayDimFetchAssignValueToWrite($offsetNativeTypes, $offsetNativeValueType, $nativeValueToWrite); |
5112: | } else { |
5113: | $rewritten = false; |
5114: | foreach ($offsetTypes as $i => $offsetType) { |
5115: | $offsetNativeType = $offsetNativeTypes[$i]; |
5116: | if ($offsetType === null) { |
5117: | if ($offsetNativeType !== null) { |
5118: | throw new ShouldNotHappenException(); |
5119: | } |
5120: | |
5121: | continue; |
5122: | } elseif ($offsetNativeType === null) { |
5123: | throw new ShouldNotHappenException(); |
5124: | } |
5125: | if ($offsetType->equals($offsetNativeType)) { |
5126: | continue; |
5127: | } |
5128: | |
5129: | $nativeValueToWrite = $this->produceArrayDimFetchAssignValueToWrite($offsetNativeTypes, $offsetNativeValueType, $nativeValueToWrite); |
5130: | $rewritten = true; |
5131: | break; |
5132: | } |
5133: | |
5134: | if (!$rewritten) { |
5135: | $nativeValueToWrite = $valueToWrite; |
5136: | } |
5137: | } |
5138: | |
5139: | if ($varType->isArray()->yes() || !(new ObjectType(ArrayAccess::class))->isSuperTypeOf($varType)->yes()) { |
5140: | if ($var instanceof Variable && is_string($var->name)) { |
5141: | $nodeCallback(new VariableAssignNode($var, $assignedPropertyExpr, $isAssignOp), $scope); |
5142: | $scope = $scope->assignVariable($var->name, $valueToWrite, $nativeValueToWrite, TrinaryLogic::createYes()); |
5143: | } else { |
5144: | if ($var instanceof PropertyFetch || $var instanceof StaticPropertyFetch) { |
5145: | $nodeCallback(new PropertyAssignNode($var, $assignedPropertyExpr, $isAssignOp), $scope); |
5146: | if ($var instanceof PropertyFetch && $var->name instanceof Node\Identifier && !$isAssignOp) { |
5147: | $scope = $scope->assignInitializedProperty($scope->getType($var->var), $var->name->toString()); |
5148: | } |
5149: | } |
5150: | $scope = $scope->assignExpression( |
5151: | $var, |
5152: | $valueToWrite, |
5153: | $nativeValueToWrite, |
5154: | ); |
5155: | } |
5156: | |
5157: | if ($originalVar->dim instanceof Variable || $originalVar->dim instanceof Node\Scalar) { |
5158: | $currentVarType = $scope->getType($originalVar); |
5159: | if (!$originalValueToWrite->isSuperTypeOf($currentVarType)->yes()) { |
5160: | $scope = $scope->assignExpression( |
5161: | $originalVar, |
5162: | $originalValueToWrite, |
5163: | $originalNativeValueToWrite, |
5164: | ); |
5165: | } |
5166: | } |
5167: | } else { |
5168: | if ($var instanceof Variable) { |
5169: | $nodeCallback(new VariableAssignNode($var, $assignedPropertyExpr, $isAssignOp), $scope); |
5170: | } elseif ($var instanceof PropertyFetch || $var instanceof StaticPropertyFetch) { |
5171: | $nodeCallback(new PropertyAssignNode($var, $assignedPropertyExpr, $isAssignOp), $scope); |
5172: | if ($var instanceof PropertyFetch && $var->name instanceof Node\Identifier && !$isAssignOp) { |
5173: | $scope = $scope->assignInitializedProperty($scope->getType($var->var), $var->name->toString()); |
5174: | } |
5175: | } |
5176: | } |
5177: | |
5178: | if (!$varType->isArray()->yes() && !(new ObjectType(ArrayAccess::class))->isSuperTypeOf($varType)->no()) { |
5179: | $throwPoints = array_merge($throwPoints, $this->processExprNode( |
5180: | $stmt, |
5181: | new MethodCall($var, 'offsetSet'), |
5182: | $scope, |
5183: | static function (): void { |
5184: | }, |
5185: | $context, |
5186: | )->getThrowPoints()); |
5187: | } |
5188: | } elseif ($var instanceof PropertyFetch) { |
5189: | $objectResult = $this->processExprNode($stmt, $var->var, $scope, $nodeCallback, $context); |
5190: | $hasYield = $objectResult->hasYield(); |
5191: | $throwPoints = $objectResult->getThrowPoints(); |
5192: | $impurePoints = $objectResult->getImpurePoints(); |
5193: | $scope = $objectResult->getScope(); |
5194: | |
5195: | $propertyName = null; |
5196: | if ($var->name instanceof Node\Identifier) { |
5197: | $propertyName = $var->name->name; |
5198: | } else { |
5199: | $propertyNameResult = $this->processExprNode($stmt, $var->name, $scope, $nodeCallback, $context); |
5200: | $hasYield = $hasYield || $propertyNameResult->hasYield(); |
5201: | $throwPoints = array_merge($throwPoints, $propertyNameResult->getThrowPoints()); |
5202: | $impurePoints = array_merge($impurePoints, $propertyNameResult->getImpurePoints()); |
5203: | $scope = $propertyNameResult->getScope(); |
5204: | } |
5205: | |
5206: | $result = $processExprCallback($scope); |
5207: | $hasYield = $hasYield || $result->hasYield(); |
5208: | $throwPoints = array_merge($throwPoints, $result->getThrowPoints()); |
5209: | $impurePoints = array_merge($impurePoints, $result->getImpurePoints()); |
5210: | $scope = $result->getScope(); |
5211: | |
5212: | $propertyHolderType = $scope->getType($var->var); |
5213: | if ($propertyName !== null && $propertyHolderType->hasProperty($propertyName)->yes()) { |
5214: | $propertyReflection = $propertyHolderType->getProperty($propertyName, $scope); |
5215: | $assignedExprType = $scope->getType($assignedExpr); |
5216: | $nodeCallback(new PropertyAssignNode($var, $assignedExpr, $isAssignOp), $scope); |
5217: | if ($propertyReflection->canChangeTypeAfterAssignment()) { |
5218: | $scope = $scope->assignExpression($var, $assignedExprType, $scope->getNativeType($assignedExpr)); |
5219: | } |
5220: | $declaringClass = $propertyReflection->getDeclaringClass(); |
5221: | if ($declaringClass->hasNativeProperty($propertyName)) { |
5222: | $nativeProperty = $declaringClass->getNativeProperty($propertyName); |
5223: | if ( |
5224: | !$nativeProperty->getNativeType()->accepts($assignedExprType, true)->yes() |
5225: | ) { |
5226: | $throwPoints[] = ThrowPoint::createExplicit($scope, new ObjectType(TypeError::class), $assignedExpr, false); |
5227: | } |
5228: | if ($enterExpressionAssign) { |
5229: | $scope = $scope->assignInitializedProperty($propertyHolderType, $propertyName); |
5230: | } |
5231: | } |
5232: | } else { |
5233: | |
5234: | $assignedExprType = $scope->getType($assignedExpr); |
5235: | $nodeCallback(new PropertyAssignNode($var, $assignedExpr, $isAssignOp), $scope); |
5236: | $scope = $scope->assignExpression($var, $assignedExprType, $scope->getNativeType($assignedExpr)); |
5237: | |
5238: | if (!$propertyHolderType->hasMethod('__set')->no()) { |
5239: | $throwPoints = array_merge($throwPoints, $this->processExprNode( |
5240: | $stmt, |
5241: | new MethodCall($var->var, '__set'), |
5242: | $scope, |
5243: | static function (): void { |
5244: | }, |
5245: | $context, |
5246: | )->getThrowPoints()); |
5247: | } |
5248: | } |
5249: | |
5250: | } elseif ($var instanceof Expr\StaticPropertyFetch) { |
5251: | if ($var->class instanceof Node\Name) { |
5252: | $propertyHolderType = $scope->resolveTypeByName($var->class); |
5253: | } else { |
5254: | $this->processExprNode($stmt, $var->class, $scope, $nodeCallback, $context); |
5255: | $propertyHolderType = $scope->getType($var->class); |
5256: | } |
5257: | |
5258: | $propertyName = null; |
5259: | if ($var->name instanceof Node\Identifier) { |
5260: | $propertyName = $var->name->name; |
5261: | } else { |
5262: | $propertyNameResult = $this->processExprNode($stmt, $var->name, $scope, $nodeCallback, $context); |
5263: | $hasYield = $propertyNameResult->hasYield(); |
5264: | $throwPoints = $propertyNameResult->getThrowPoints(); |
5265: | $impurePoints = $propertyNameResult->getImpurePoints(); |
5266: | $scope = $propertyNameResult->getScope(); |
5267: | } |
5268: | |
5269: | $result = $processExprCallback($scope); |
5270: | $hasYield = $hasYield || $result->hasYield(); |
5271: | $throwPoints = array_merge($throwPoints, $result->getThrowPoints()); |
5272: | $impurePoints = array_merge($impurePoints, $result->getImpurePoints()); |
5273: | $scope = $result->getScope(); |
5274: | |
5275: | if ($propertyName !== null) { |
5276: | $propertyReflection = $scope->getPropertyReflection($propertyHolderType, $propertyName); |
5277: | $assignedExprType = $scope->getType($assignedExpr); |
5278: | $nodeCallback(new PropertyAssignNode($var, $assignedExpr, $isAssignOp), $scope); |
5279: | if ($propertyReflection !== null && $propertyReflection->canChangeTypeAfterAssignment()) { |
5280: | $scope = $scope->assignExpression($var, $assignedExprType, $scope->getNativeType($assignedExpr)); |
5281: | } |
5282: | } else { |
5283: | |
5284: | $assignedExprType = $scope->getType($assignedExpr); |
5285: | $nodeCallback(new PropertyAssignNode($var, $assignedExpr, $isAssignOp), $scope); |
5286: | $scope = $scope->assignExpression($var, $assignedExprType, $scope->getNativeType($assignedExpr)); |
5287: | } |
5288: | } elseif ($var instanceof List_) { |
5289: | $result = $processExprCallback($scope); |
5290: | $hasYield = $result->hasYield(); |
5291: | $throwPoints = array_merge($throwPoints, $result->getThrowPoints()); |
5292: | $impurePoints = array_merge($impurePoints, $result->getImpurePoints()); |
5293: | $scope = $result->getScope(); |
5294: | foreach ($var->items as $i => $arrayItem) { |
5295: | if ($arrayItem === null) { |
5296: | continue; |
5297: | } |
5298: | |
5299: | $itemScope = $scope; |
5300: | if ($enterExpressionAssign) { |
5301: | $itemScope = $itemScope->enterExpressionAssign($arrayItem->value); |
5302: | } |
5303: | $itemScope = $this->lookForSetAllowedUndefinedExpressions($itemScope, $arrayItem->value); |
5304: | $nodeCallback($arrayItem, $itemScope); |
5305: | if ($arrayItem->key !== null) { |
5306: | $keyResult = $this->processExprNode($stmt, $arrayItem->key, $itemScope, $nodeCallback, $context->enterDeep()); |
5307: | $hasYield = $hasYield || $keyResult->hasYield(); |
5308: | $throwPoints = array_merge($throwPoints, $keyResult->getThrowPoints()); |
5309: | $impurePoints = array_merge($impurePoints, $keyResult->getImpurePoints()); |
5310: | $itemScope = $keyResult->getScope(); |
5311: | } |
5312: | |
5313: | $valueResult = $this->processExprNode($stmt, $arrayItem->value, $itemScope, $nodeCallback, $context->enterDeep()); |
5314: | $hasYield = $hasYield || $valueResult->hasYield(); |
5315: | $throwPoints = array_merge($throwPoints, $valueResult->getThrowPoints()); |
5316: | $impurePoints = array_merge($impurePoints, $valueResult->getImpurePoints()); |
5317: | |
5318: | if ($arrayItem->key === null) { |
5319: | $dimExpr = new Node\Scalar\Int_($i); |
5320: | } else { |
5321: | $dimExpr = $arrayItem->key; |
5322: | } |
5323: | $result = $this->processAssignVar( |
5324: | $scope, |
5325: | $stmt, |
5326: | $arrayItem->value, |
5327: | new GetOffsetValueTypeExpr($assignedExpr, $dimExpr), |
5328: | $nodeCallback, |
5329: | $context, |
5330: | static fn (MutatingScope $scope): ExpressionResult => new ExpressionResult($scope, false, [], []), |
5331: | $enterExpressionAssign, |
5332: | ); |
5333: | $scope = $result->getScope(); |
5334: | $hasYield = $hasYield || $result->hasYield(); |
5335: | $throwPoints = array_merge($throwPoints, $result->getThrowPoints()); |
5336: | $impurePoints = array_merge($impurePoints, $result->getImpurePoints()); |
5337: | } |
5338: | } elseif ($var instanceof ExistingArrayDimFetch) { |
5339: | $dimFetchStack = []; |
5340: | $assignedPropertyExpr = $assignedExpr; |
5341: | while ($var instanceof ExistingArrayDimFetch) { |
5342: | $varForSetOffsetValue = $var->getVar(); |
5343: | if ($varForSetOffsetValue instanceof PropertyFetch || $varForSetOffsetValue instanceof StaticPropertyFetch) { |
5344: | $varForSetOffsetValue = new OriginalPropertyTypeExpr($varForSetOffsetValue); |
5345: | } |
5346: | $assignedPropertyExpr = new SetExistingOffsetValueTypeExpr( |
5347: | $varForSetOffsetValue, |
5348: | $var->getDim(), |
5349: | $assignedPropertyExpr, |
5350: | ); |
5351: | $dimFetchStack[] = $var; |
5352: | $var = $var->getVar(); |
5353: | } |
5354: | |
5355: | $offsetTypes = []; |
5356: | $offsetNativeTypes = []; |
5357: | foreach (array_reverse($dimFetchStack) as $dimFetch) { |
5358: | $dimExpr = $dimFetch->getDim(); |
5359: | $offsetTypes[] = $scope->getType($dimExpr); |
5360: | $offsetNativeTypes[] = $scope->getNativeType($dimExpr); |
5361: | } |
5362: | |
5363: | $valueToWrite = $scope->getType($assignedExpr); |
5364: | $nativeValueToWrite = $scope->getNativeType($assignedExpr); |
5365: | $varType = $scope->getType($var); |
5366: | $varNativeType = $scope->getNativeType($var); |
5367: | |
5368: | $offsetValueType = $varType; |
5369: | $offsetNativeValueType = $varNativeType; |
5370: | $offsetValueTypeStack = [$offsetValueType]; |
5371: | $offsetValueNativeTypeStack = [$offsetNativeValueType]; |
5372: | foreach (array_slice($offsetTypes, 0, -1) as $offsetType) { |
5373: | $offsetValueType = $offsetValueType->getOffsetValueType($offsetType); |
5374: | $offsetValueTypeStack[] = $offsetValueType; |
5375: | } |
5376: | foreach (array_slice($offsetNativeTypes, 0, -1) as $offsetNativeType) { |
5377: | $offsetNativeValueType = $offsetNativeValueType->getOffsetValueType($offsetNativeType); |
5378: | $offsetValueNativeTypeStack[] = $offsetNativeValueType; |
5379: | } |
5380: | |
5381: | foreach (array_reverse($offsetTypes) as $offsetType) { |
5382: | |
5383: | $offsetValueType = array_pop($offsetValueTypeStack); |
5384: | $valueToWrite = $offsetValueType->setExistingOffsetValueType($offsetType, $valueToWrite); |
5385: | } |
5386: | foreach (array_reverse($offsetNativeTypes) as $offsetNativeType) { |
5387: | |
5388: | $offsetNativeValueType = array_pop($offsetValueNativeTypeStack); |
5389: | $nativeValueToWrite = $offsetNativeValueType->setExistingOffsetValueType($offsetNativeType, $nativeValueToWrite); |
5390: | } |
5391: | |
5392: | if ($var instanceof Variable && is_string($var->name)) { |
5393: | $nodeCallback(new VariableAssignNode($var, $assignedPropertyExpr, $isAssignOp), $scope); |
5394: | $scope = $scope->assignVariable($var->name, $valueToWrite, $nativeValueToWrite, TrinaryLogic::createYes()); |
5395: | } else { |
5396: | if ($var instanceof PropertyFetch || $var instanceof StaticPropertyFetch) { |
5397: | $nodeCallback(new PropertyAssignNode($var, $assignedPropertyExpr, $isAssignOp), $scope); |
5398: | } |
5399: | $scope = $scope->assignExpression( |
5400: | $var, |
5401: | $valueToWrite, |
5402: | $nativeValueToWrite, |
5403: | ); |
5404: | } |
5405: | } |
5406: | |
5407: | return new ExpressionResult($scope, $hasYield, $throwPoints, $impurePoints); |
5408: | } |
5409: | |
5410: | |
5411: | |
5412: | |
5413: | private function produceArrayDimFetchAssignValueToWrite(array $offsetTypes, Type $offsetValueType, Type $valueToWrite): Type |
5414: | { |
5415: | $offsetValueTypeStack = [$offsetValueType]; |
5416: | foreach (array_slice($offsetTypes, 0, -1) as $offsetType) { |
5417: | if ($offsetType === null) { |
5418: | $offsetValueType = new ConstantArrayType([], []); |
5419: | |
5420: | } else { |
5421: | $offsetValueType = $offsetValueType->getOffsetValueType($offsetType); |
5422: | if ($offsetValueType instanceof ErrorType) { |
5423: | $offsetValueType = new ConstantArrayType([], []); |
5424: | } |
5425: | } |
5426: | |
5427: | $offsetValueTypeStack[] = $offsetValueType; |
5428: | } |
5429: | |
5430: | foreach (array_reverse($offsetTypes) as $i => $offsetType) { |
5431: | |
5432: | $offsetValueType = array_pop($offsetValueTypeStack); |
5433: | if (!$offsetValueType instanceof MixedType) { |
5434: | $types = [ |
5435: | new ArrayType(new MixedType(), new MixedType()), |
5436: | new ObjectType(ArrayAccess::class), |
5437: | new NullType(), |
5438: | ]; |
5439: | if ($offsetType !== null && $offsetType->isInteger()->yes()) { |
5440: | $types[] = new StringType(); |
5441: | } |
5442: | $offsetValueType = TypeCombinator::intersect($offsetValueType, TypeCombinator::union(...$types)); |
5443: | } |
5444: | $valueToWrite = $offsetValueType->setOffsetValueType($offsetType, $valueToWrite, $i === 0); |
5445: | } |
5446: | |
5447: | return $valueToWrite; |
5448: | } |
5449: | |
5450: | private function unwrapAssign(Expr $expr): Expr |
5451: | { |
5452: | if ($expr instanceof Assign) { |
5453: | return $this->unwrapAssign($expr->expr); |
5454: | } |
5455: | |
5456: | return $expr; |
5457: | } |
5458: | |
5459: | |
5460: | |
5461: | |
5462: | |
5463: | private function processSureTypesForConditionalExpressionsAfterAssign(Scope $scope, string $variableName, array $conditionalExpressions, SpecifiedTypes $specifiedTypes, Type $variableType): array |
5464: | { |
5465: | foreach ($specifiedTypes->getSureTypes() as $exprString => [$expr, $exprType]) { |
5466: | if (!$expr instanceof Variable) { |
5467: | continue; |
5468: | } |
5469: | if (!is_string($expr->name)) { |
5470: | continue; |
5471: | } |
5472: | |
5473: | if ($expr->name === $variableName) { |
5474: | continue; |
5475: | } |
5476: | |
5477: | if (!isset($conditionalExpressions[$exprString])) { |
5478: | $conditionalExpressions[$exprString] = []; |
5479: | } |
5480: | |
5481: | $holder = new ConditionalExpressionHolder([ |
5482: | '$' . $variableName => ExpressionTypeHolder::createYes(new Variable($variableName), $variableType), |
5483: | ], ExpressionTypeHolder::createYes( |
5484: | $expr, |
5485: | TypeCombinator::intersect($scope->getType($expr), $exprType), |
5486: | )); |
5487: | $conditionalExpressions[$exprString][$holder->getKey()] = $holder; |
5488: | } |
5489: | |
5490: | return $conditionalExpressions; |
5491: | } |
5492: | |
5493: | |
5494: | |
5495: | |
5496: | |
5497: | private function processSureNotTypesForConditionalExpressionsAfterAssign(Scope $scope, string $variableName, array $conditionalExpressions, SpecifiedTypes $specifiedTypes, Type $variableType): array |
5498: | { |
5499: | foreach ($specifiedTypes->getSureNotTypes() as $exprString => [$expr, $exprType]) { |
5500: | if (!$expr instanceof Variable) { |
5501: | continue; |
5502: | } |
5503: | if (!is_string($expr->name)) { |
5504: | continue; |
5505: | } |
5506: | |
5507: | if ($expr->name === $variableName) { |
5508: | continue; |
5509: | } |
5510: | |
5511: | if (!isset($conditionalExpressions[$exprString])) { |
5512: | $conditionalExpressions[$exprString] = []; |
5513: | } |
5514: | |
5515: | $holder = new ConditionalExpressionHolder([ |
5516: | '$' . $variableName => ExpressionTypeHolder::createYes(new Variable($variableName), $variableType), |
5517: | ], ExpressionTypeHolder::createYes( |
5518: | $expr, |
5519: | TypeCombinator::remove($scope->getType($expr), $exprType), |
5520: | )); |
5521: | $conditionalExpressions[$exprString][$holder->getKey()] = $holder; |
5522: | } |
5523: | |
5524: | return $conditionalExpressions; |
5525: | } |
5526: | |
5527: | |
5528: | |
5529: | |
5530: | private function processStmtVarAnnotation(MutatingScope $scope, Node\Stmt $stmt, ?Expr $defaultExpr, callable $nodeCallback): MutatingScope |
5531: | { |
5532: | $function = $scope->getFunction(); |
5533: | $variableLessTags = []; |
5534: | |
5535: | foreach ($stmt->getComments() as $comment) { |
5536: | if (!$comment instanceof Doc) { |
5537: | continue; |
5538: | } |
5539: | |
5540: | $resolvedPhpDoc = $this->fileTypeMapper->getResolvedPhpDoc( |
5541: | $scope->getFile(), |
5542: | $scope->isInClass() ? $scope->getClassReflection()->getName() : null, |
5543: | $scope->isInTrait() ? $scope->getTraitReflection()->getName() : null, |
5544: | $function !== null ? $function->getName() : null, |
5545: | $comment->getText(), |
5546: | ); |
5547: | |
5548: | $assignedVariable = null; |
5549: | if ( |
5550: | $stmt instanceof Node\Stmt\Expression |
5551: | && ($stmt->expr instanceof Assign || $stmt->expr instanceof AssignRef) |
5552: | && $stmt->expr->var instanceof Variable |
5553: | && is_string($stmt->expr->var->name) |
5554: | ) { |
5555: | $assignedVariable = $stmt->expr->var->name; |
5556: | } |
5557: | |
5558: | foreach ($resolvedPhpDoc->getVarTags() as $name => $varTag) { |
5559: | if (is_int($name)) { |
5560: | $variableLessTags[] = $varTag; |
5561: | continue; |
5562: | } |
5563: | |
5564: | if ($name === $assignedVariable) { |
5565: | continue; |
5566: | } |
5567: | |
5568: | $certainty = $scope->hasVariableType($name); |
5569: | if ($certainty->no()) { |
5570: | continue; |
5571: | } |
5572: | |
5573: | if ($scope->isInClass() && $scope->getFunction() === null) { |
5574: | continue; |
5575: | } |
5576: | |
5577: | if ($scope->canAnyVariableExist()) { |
5578: | $certainty = TrinaryLogic::createYes(); |
5579: | } |
5580: | |
5581: | $variableNode = new Variable($name, $stmt->getAttributes()); |
5582: | $originalType = $scope->getVariableType($name); |
5583: | if (!$originalType->equals($varTag->getType())) { |
5584: | $nodeCallback(new VarTagChangedExpressionTypeNode($varTag, $variableNode), $scope); |
5585: | } |
5586: | |
5587: | $scope = $scope->assignVariable( |
5588: | $name, |
5589: | $varTag->getType(), |
5590: | $scope->getNativeType($variableNode), |
5591: | $certainty, |
5592: | ); |
5593: | } |
5594: | } |
5595: | |
5596: | if (count($variableLessTags) === 1 && $defaultExpr !== null) { |
5597: | $originalType = $scope->getType($defaultExpr); |
5598: | $varTag = $variableLessTags[0]; |
5599: | if (!$originalType->equals($varTag->getType())) { |
5600: | $nodeCallback(new VarTagChangedExpressionTypeNode($varTag, $defaultExpr), $scope); |
5601: | } |
5602: | $scope = $scope->assignExpression($defaultExpr, $varTag->getType(), new MixedType()); |
5603: | } |
5604: | |
5605: | return $scope; |
5606: | } |
5607: | |
5608: | |
5609: | |
5610: | |
5611: | private function processVarAnnotation(MutatingScope $scope, array $variableNames, Node\Stmt $node, bool &$changed = false): MutatingScope |
5612: | { |
5613: | $function = $scope->getFunction(); |
5614: | $varTags = []; |
5615: | foreach ($node->getComments() as $comment) { |
5616: | if (!$comment instanceof Doc) { |
5617: | continue; |
5618: | } |
5619: | |
5620: | $resolvedPhpDoc = $this->fileTypeMapper->getResolvedPhpDoc( |
5621: | $scope->getFile(), |
5622: | $scope->isInClass() ? $scope->getClassReflection()->getName() : null, |
5623: | $scope->isInTrait() ? $scope->getTraitReflection()->getName() : null, |
5624: | $function !== null ? $function->getName() : null, |
5625: | $comment->getText(), |
5626: | ); |
5627: | foreach ($resolvedPhpDoc->getVarTags() as $key => $varTag) { |
5628: | $varTags[$key] = $varTag; |
5629: | } |
5630: | } |
5631: | |
5632: | if (count($varTags) === 0) { |
5633: | return $scope; |
5634: | } |
5635: | |
5636: | foreach ($variableNames as $variableName) { |
5637: | if (!isset($varTags[$variableName])) { |
5638: | continue; |
5639: | } |
5640: | |
5641: | $variableType = $varTags[$variableName]->getType(); |
5642: | $changed = true; |
5643: | $scope = $scope->assignVariable($variableName, $variableType, new MixedType(), TrinaryLogic::createYes()); |
5644: | } |
5645: | |
5646: | if (count($variableNames) === 1 && count($varTags) === 1 && isset($varTags[0])) { |
5647: | $variableType = $varTags[0]->getType(); |
5648: | $changed = true; |
5649: | $scope = $scope->assignVariable($variableNames[0], $variableType, new MixedType(), TrinaryLogic::createYes()); |
5650: | } |
5651: | |
5652: | return $scope; |
5653: | } |
5654: | |
5655: | private function enterForeach(MutatingScope $scope, MutatingScope $originalScope, Foreach_ $stmt): MutatingScope |
5656: | { |
5657: | if ($stmt->expr instanceof Variable && is_string($stmt->expr->name)) { |
5658: | $scope = $this->processVarAnnotation($scope, [$stmt->expr->name], $stmt); |
5659: | } |
5660: | $iterateeType = $originalScope->getType($stmt->expr); |
5661: | if ( |
5662: | ($stmt->valueVar instanceof Variable && is_string($stmt->valueVar->name)) |
5663: | && ($stmt->keyVar === null || ($stmt->keyVar instanceof Variable && is_string($stmt->keyVar->name))) |
5664: | ) { |
5665: | $keyVarName = null; |
5666: | if ($stmt->keyVar instanceof Variable && is_string($stmt->keyVar->name)) { |
5667: | $keyVarName = $stmt->keyVar->name; |
5668: | } |
5669: | $scope = $scope->enterForeach( |
5670: | $originalScope, |
5671: | $stmt->expr, |
5672: | $stmt->valueVar->name, |
5673: | $keyVarName, |
5674: | ); |
5675: | $vars = [$stmt->valueVar->name]; |
5676: | if ($keyVarName !== null) { |
5677: | $vars[] = $keyVarName; |
5678: | } |
5679: | } else { |
5680: | $scope = $this->processAssignVar( |
5681: | $scope, |
5682: | $stmt, |
5683: | $stmt->valueVar, |
5684: | new GetIterableValueTypeExpr($stmt->expr), |
5685: | static function (): void { |
5686: | }, |
5687: | ExpressionContext::createDeep(), |
5688: | static fn (MutatingScope $scope): ExpressionResult => new ExpressionResult($scope, false, [], []), |
5689: | true, |
5690: | )->getScope(); |
5691: | $vars = $this->getAssignedVariables($stmt->valueVar); |
5692: | if ( |
5693: | $stmt->keyVar instanceof Variable && is_string($stmt->keyVar->name) |
5694: | ) { |
5695: | $scope = $scope->enterForeachKey($originalScope, $stmt->expr, $stmt->keyVar->name); |
5696: | $vars[] = $stmt->keyVar->name; |
5697: | } elseif ($stmt->keyVar !== null) { |
5698: | $scope = $this->processAssignVar( |
5699: | $scope, |
5700: | $stmt, |
5701: | $stmt->keyVar, |
5702: | new GetIterableKeyTypeExpr($stmt->expr), |
5703: | static function (): void { |
5704: | }, |
5705: | ExpressionContext::createDeep(), |
5706: | static fn (MutatingScope $scope): ExpressionResult => new ExpressionResult($scope, false, [], []), |
5707: | true, |
5708: | )->getScope(); |
5709: | $vars = array_merge($vars, $this->getAssignedVariables($stmt->keyVar)); |
5710: | } |
5711: | } |
5712: | |
5713: | $constantArrays = $iterateeType->getConstantArrays(); |
5714: | if ( |
5715: | $stmt->getDocComment() === null |
5716: | && $iterateeType->isConstantArray()->yes() |
5717: | && count($constantArrays) === 1 |
5718: | && $stmt->valueVar instanceof Variable && is_string($stmt->valueVar->name) |
5719: | && $stmt->keyVar instanceof Variable && is_string($stmt->keyVar->name) |
5720: | ) { |
5721: | $valueConditionalHolders = []; |
5722: | $arrayDimFetchConditionalHolders = []; |
5723: | foreach ($constantArrays[0]->getKeyTypes() as $i => $keyType) { |
5724: | $valueType = $constantArrays[0]->getValueTypes()[$i]; |
5725: | $holder = new ConditionalExpressionHolder([ |
5726: | '$' . $stmt->keyVar->name => ExpressionTypeHolder::createYes(new Variable($stmt->keyVar->name), $keyType), |
5727: | ], new ExpressionTypeHolder($stmt->valueVar, $valueType, TrinaryLogic::createYes())); |
5728: | $valueConditionalHolders[$holder->getKey()] = $holder; |
5729: | $arrayDimFetchHolder = new ConditionalExpressionHolder([ |
5730: | '$' . $stmt->keyVar->name => ExpressionTypeHolder::createYes(new Variable($stmt->keyVar->name), $keyType), |
5731: | ], new ExpressionTypeHolder(new ArrayDimFetch($stmt->expr, $stmt->keyVar), $valueType, TrinaryLogic::createYes())); |
5732: | $arrayDimFetchConditionalHolders[$arrayDimFetchHolder->getKey()] = $arrayDimFetchHolder; |
5733: | } |
5734: | |
5735: | $scope = $scope->addConditionalExpressions( |
5736: | '$' . $stmt->valueVar->name, |
5737: | $valueConditionalHolders, |
5738: | ); |
5739: | if ($stmt->expr instanceof Variable && is_string($stmt->expr->name)) { |
5740: | $scope = $scope->addConditionalExpressions( |
5741: | sprintf('$%s[$%s]', $stmt->expr->name, $stmt->keyVar->name), |
5742: | $arrayDimFetchConditionalHolders, |
5743: | ); |
5744: | } |
5745: | } |
5746: | |
5747: | return $this->processVarAnnotation($scope, $vars, $stmt); |
5748: | } |
5749: | |
5750: | |
5751: | |
5752: | |
5753: | private function processTraitUse(Node\Stmt\TraitUse $node, MutatingScope $classScope, callable $nodeCallback): void |
5754: | { |
5755: | $parentTraitNames = []; |
5756: | $parent = $classScope->getParentScope(); |
5757: | while ($parent !== null) { |
5758: | if ($parent->isInTrait()) { |
5759: | $parentTraitNames[] = $parent->getTraitReflection()->getName(); |
5760: | } |
5761: | $parent = $parent->getParentScope(); |
5762: | } |
5763: | |
5764: | foreach ($node->traits as $trait) { |
5765: | $traitName = (string) $trait; |
5766: | if (in_array($traitName, $parentTraitNames, true)) { |
5767: | continue; |
5768: | } |
5769: | if (!$this->reflectionProvider->hasClass($traitName)) { |
5770: | continue; |
5771: | } |
5772: | $traitReflection = $this->reflectionProvider->getClass($traitName); |
5773: | $traitFileName = $traitReflection->getFileName(); |
5774: | if ($traitFileName === null) { |
5775: | continue; |
5776: | } |
5777: | $fileName = $this->fileHelper->normalizePath($traitFileName); |
5778: | if (!isset($this->analysedFiles[$fileName])) { |
5779: | continue; |
5780: | } |
5781: | $adaptations = []; |
5782: | foreach ($node->adaptations as $adaptation) { |
5783: | if ($adaptation->trait === null) { |
5784: | $adaptations[] = $adaptation; |
5785: | continue; |
5786: | } |
5787: | if ($adaptation->trait->toLowerString() !== $trait->toLowerString()) { |
5788: | continue; |
5789: | } |
5790: | |
5791: | $adaptations[] = $adaptation; |
5792: | } |
5793: | $parserNodes = $this->parser->parseFile($fileName); |
5794: | $this->processNodesForTraitUse($parserNodes, $traitReflection, $classScope, $adaptations, $nodeCallback); |
5795: | } |
5796: | } |
5797: | |
5798: | |
5799: | |
5800: | |
5801: | |
5802: | |
5803: | private function processNodesForTraitUse($node, ClassReflection $traitReflection, MutatingScope $scope, array $adaptations, callable $nodeCallback): void |
5804: | { |
5805: | if ($node instanceof Node) { |
5806: | if ($node instanceof Node\Stmt\Trait_ && $traitReflection->getName() === (string) $node->namespacedName && $traitReflection->getNativeReflection()->getStartLine() === $node->getStartLine()) { |
5807: | $methodModifiers = []; |
5808: | $methodNames = []; |
5809: | foreach ($adaptations as $adaptation) { |
5810: | if (!$adaptation instanceof Node\Stmt\TraitUseAdaptation\Alias) { |
5811: | continue; |
5812: | } |
5813: | |
5814: | $methodName = $adaptation->method->toLowerString(); |
5815: | if ($adaptation->newModifier !== null) { |
5816: | $methodModifiers[$methodName] = $adaptation->newModifier; |
5817: | } |
5818: | |
5819: | if ($adaptation->newName === null) { |
5820: | continue; |
5821: | } |
5822: | |
5823: | $methodNames[$methodName] = $adaptation->newName; |
5824: | } |
5825: | |
5826: | $stmts = $node->stmts; |
5827: | foreach ($stmts as $i => $stmt) { |
5828: | if (!$stmt instanceof Node\Stmt\ClassMethod) { |
5829: | continue; |
5830: | } |
5831: | $methodName = $stmt->name->toLowerString(); |
5832: | $methodAst = clone $stmt; |
5833: | $stmts[$i] = $methodAst; |
5834: | if (array_key_exists($methodName, $methodModifiers)) { |
5835: | $methodAst->flags = ($methodAst->flags & ~ Modifiers::VISIBILITY_MASK) | $methodModifiers[$methodName]; |
5836: | } |
5837: | |
5838: | if (!array_key_exists($methodName, $methodNames)) { |
5839: | continue; |
5840: | } |
5841: | |
5842: | $methodAst->setAttribute('originalTraitMethodName', $methodAst->name->toLowerString()); |
5843: | $methodAst->name = $methodNames[$methodName]; |
5844: | } |
5845: | |
5846: | if (!$scope->isInClass()) { |
5847: | throw new ShouldNotHappenException(); |
5848: | } |
5849: | $traitScope = $scope->enterTrait($traitReflection); |
5850: | $nodeCallback(new InTraitNode($node, $traitReflection, $scope->getClassReflection()), $traitScope); |
5851: | $this->processStmtNodes($node, $stmts, $traitScope, $nodeCallback, StatementContext::createTopLevel()); |
5852: | return; |
5853: | } |
5854: | if ($node instanceof Node\Stmt\ClassLike) { |
5855: | return; |
5856: | } |
5857: | if ($node instanceof Node\FunctionLike) { |
5858: | return; |
5859: | } |
5860: | foreach ($node->getSubNodeNames() as $subNodeName) { |
5861: | $subNode = $node->{$subNodeName}; |
5862: | $this->processNodesForTraitUse($subNode, $traitReflection, $scope, $adaptations, $nodeCallback); |
5863: | } |
5864: | } elseif (is_array($node)) { |
5865: | foreach ($node as $subNode) { |
5866: | $this->processNodesForTraitUse($subNode, $traitReflection, $scope, $adaptations, $nodeCallback); |
5867: | } |
5868: | } |
5869: | } |
5870: | |
5871: | private function processCalledMethod(MethodReflection $methodReflection): ?MutatingScope |
5872: | { |
5873: | $declaringClass = $methodReflection->getDeclaringClass(); |
5874: | if ($declaringClass->isAnonymous()) { |
5875: | return null; |
5876: | } |
5877: | if ($declaringClass->getFileName() === null) { |
5878: | return null; |
5879: | } |
5880: | |
5881: | $stackName = sprintf('%s::%s', $declaringClass->getName(), $methodReflection->getName()); |
5882: | if (array_key_exists($stackName, $this->calledMethodResults)) { |
5883: | return $this->calledMethodResults[$stackName]; |
5884: | } |
5885: | |
5886: | if (array_key_exists($stackName, $this->calledMethodStack)) { |
5887: | return null; |
5888: | } |
5889: | |
5890: | if (count($this->calledMethodStack) > 0) { |
5891: | return null; |
5892: | } |
5893: | |
5894: | $this->calledMethodStack[$stackName] = true; |
5895: | |
5896: | $fileName = $this->fileHelper->normalizePath($declaringClass->getFileName()); |
5897: | if (!isset($this->analysedFiles[$fileName])) { |
5898: | return null; |
5899: | } |
5900: | $parserNodes = $this->parser->parseFile($fileName); |
5901: | |
5902: | $returnStatement = null; |
5903: | $this->processNodesForCalledMethod($parserNodes, $fileName, $methodReflection, static function (Node $node, Scope $scope) use ($methodReflection, &$returnStatement): void { |
5904: | if (!$node instanceof MethodReturnStatementsNode) { |
5905: | return; |
5906: | } |
5907: | |
5908: | if ($node->getClassReflection()->getName() !== $methodReflection->getDeclaringClass()->getName()) { |
5909: | return; |
5910: | } |
5911: | |
5912: | if ($returnStatement !== null) { |
5913: | return; |
5914: | } |
5915: | |
5916: | $returnStatement = $node; |
5917: | }); |
5918: | |
5919: | $calledMethodEndScope = null; |
5920: | if ($returnStatement !== null) { |
5921: | foreach ($returnStatement->getExecutionEnds() as $executionEnd) { |
5922: | $statementResult = $executionEnd->getStatementResult(); |
5923: | $endNode = $executionEnd->getNode(); |
5924: | if ($endNode instanceof Node\Stmt\Expression) { |
5925: | $exprType = $statementResult->getScope()->getType($endNode->expr); |
5926: | if ($exprType instanceof NeverType && $exprType->isExplicit()) { |
5927: | continue; |
5928: | } |
5929: | } |
5930: | if ($calledMethodEndScope === null) { |
5931: | $calledMethodEndScope = $statementResult->getScope(); |
5932: | continue; |
5933: | } |
5934: | |
5935: | $calledMethodEndScope = $calledMethodEndScope->mergeWith($statementResult->getScope()); |
5936: | } |
5937: | foreach ($returnStatement->getReturnStatements() as $statement) { |
5938: | if ($calledMethodEndScope === null) { |
5939: | $calledMethodEndScope = $statement->getScope(); |
5940: | continue; |
5941: | } |
5942: | |
5943: | $calledMethodEndScope = $calledMethodEndScope->mergeWith($statement->getScope()); |
5944: | } |
5945: | } |
5946: | |
5947: | unset($this->calledMethodStack[$stackName]); |
5948: | |
5949: | $this->calledMethodResults[$stackName] = $calledMethodEndScope; |
5950: | |
5951: | return $calledMethodEndScope; |
5952: | } |
5953: | |
5954: | |
5955: | |
5956: | |
5957: | |
5958: | private function processNodesForCalledMethod($node, string $fileName, MethodReflection $methodReflection, callable $nodeCallback): void |
5959: | { |
5960: | if ($node instanceof Node) { |
5961: | $declaringClass = $methodReflection->getDeclaringClass(); |
5962: | if ( |
5963: | $node instanceof Node\Stmt\Class_ |
5964: | && $node->namespacedName !== null |
5965: | && $declaringClass->getName() === (string) $node->namespacedName |
5966: | && $declaringClass->getNativeReflection()->getStartLine() === $node->getStartLine() |
5967: | ) { |
5968: | |
5969: | $stmts = $node->stmts; |
5970: | foreach ($stmts as $stmt) { |
5971: | if (!$stmt instanceof Node\Stmt\ClassMethod) { |
5972: | continue; |
5973: | } |
5974: | |
5975: | if ($stmt->name->toString() !== $methodReflection->getName()) { |
5976: | continue; |
5977: | } |
5978: | |
5979: | if ($stmt->getEndLine() - $stmt->getStartLine() > 50) { |
5980: | continue; |
5981: | } |
5982: | |
5983: | $scope = $this->scopeFactory->create(ScopeContext::create($fileName))->enterClass($declaringClass); |
5984: | $this->processStmtNode($stmt, $scope, $nodeCallback, StatementContext::createTopLevel()); |
5985: | } |
5986: | return; |
5987: | } |
5988: | if ($node instanceof Node\Stmt\ClassLike) { |
5989: | return; |
5990: | } |
5991: | if ($node instanceof Node\FunctionLike) { |
5992: | return; |
5993: | } |
5994: | foreach ($node->getSubNodeNames() as $subNodeName) { |
5995: | $subNode = $node->{$subNodeName}; |
5996: | $this->processNodesForCalledMethod($subNode, $fileName, $methodReflection, $nodeCallback); |
5997: | } |
5998: | } elseif (is_array($node)) { |
5999: | foreach ($node as $subNode) { |
6000: | $this->processNodesForCalledMethod($subNode, $fileName, $methodReflection, $nodeCallback); |
6001: | } |
6002: | } |
6003: | } |
6004: | |
6005: | |
6006: | |
6007: | |
6008: | public function getPhpDocs(Scope $scope, Node\FunctionLike|Node\Stmt\Property $node): array |
6009: | { |
6010: | $templateTypeMap = TemplateTypeMap::createEmpty(); |
6011: | $phpDocParameterTypes = []; |
6012: | $phpDocImmediatelyInvokedCallableParameters = []; |
6013: | $phpDocClosureThisTypeParameters = []; |
6014: | $phpDocReturnType = null; |
6015: | $phpDocThrowType = null; |
6016: | $deprecatedDescription = null; |
6017: | $isDeprecated = false; |
6018: | $isInternal = false; |
6019: | $isFinal = false; |
6020: | $isPure = null; |
6021: | $isAllowedPrivateMutation = false; |
6022: | $acceptsNamedArguments = true; |
6023: | $isReadOnly = $scope->isInClass() && $scope->getClassReflection()->isImmutable(); |
6024: | $asserts = Assertions::createEmpty(); |
6025: | $selfOutType = null; |
6026: | $docComment = $node->getDocComment() !== null |
6027: | ? $node->getDocComment()->getText() |
6028: | : null; |
6029: | |
6030: | $file = $scope->getFile(); |
6031: | $class = $scope->isInClass() ? $scope->getClassReflection()->getName() : null; |
6032: | $trait = $scope->isInTrait() ? $scope->getTraitReflection()->getName() : null; |
6033: | $resolvedPhpDoc = null; |
6034: | $functionName = null; |
6035: | $phpDocParameterOutTypes = []; |
6036: | |
6037: | if ($node instanceof Node\Stmt\ClassMethod) { |
6038: | if (!$scope->isInClass()) { |
6039: | throw new ShouldNotHappenException(); |
6040: | } |
6041: | $functionName = $node->name->name; |
6042: | $positionalParameterNames = array_map(static function (Node\Param $param): string { |
6043: | if (!$param->var instanceof Variable || !is_string($param->var->name)) { |
6044: | throw new ShouldNotHappenException(); |
6045: | } |
6046: | |
6047: | return $param->var->name; |
6048: | }, $node->getParams()); |
6049: | $resolvedPhpDoc = $this->phpDocInheritanceResolver->resolvePhpDocForMethod( |
6050: | $docComment, |
6051: | $file, |
6052: | $scope->getClassReflection(), |
6053: | $trait, |
6054: | $node->name->name, |
6055: | $positionalParameterNames, |
6056: | ); |
6057: | |
6058: | if ($node->name->toLowerString() === '__construct') { |
6059: | foreach ($node->params as $param) { |
6060: | if ($param->flags === 0) { |
6061: | continue; |
6062: | } |
6063: | |
6064: | if ($param->getDocComment() === null) { |
6065: | continue; |
6066: | } |
6067: | |
6068: | if ( |
6069: | !$param->var instanceof Variable |
6070: | || !is_string($param->var->name) |
6071: | ) { |
6072: | throw new ShouldNotHappenException(); |
6073: | } |
6074: | |
6075: | $paramPhpDoc = $this->fileTypeMapper->getResolvedPhpDoc( |
6076: | $file, |
6077: | $class, |
6078: | $trait, |
6079: | '__construct', |
6080: | $param->getDocComment()->getText(), |
6081: | ); |
6082: | $varTags = $paramPhpDoc->getVarTags(); |
6083: | if (isset($varTags[0]) && count($varTags) === 1) { |
6084: | $phpDocType = $varTags[0]->getType(); |
6085: | } elseif (isset($varTags[$param->var->name])) { |
6086: | $phpDocType = $varTags[$param->var->name]->getType(); |
6087: | } else { |
6088: | continue; |
6089: | } |
6090: | |
6091: | $phpDocParameterTypes[$param->var->name] = $phpDocType; |
6092: | } |
6093: | } |
6094: | } elseif ($node instanceof Node\Stmt\Function_) { |
6095: | $functionName = trim($scope->getNamespace() . '\\' . $node->name->name, '\\'); |
6096: | } |
6097: | |
6098: | if ($docComment !== null && $resolvedPhpDoc === null) { |
6099: | $resolvedPhpDoc = $this->fileTypeMapper->getResolvedPhpDoc( |
6100: | $file, |
6101: | $class, |
6102: | $trait, |
6103: | $functionName, |
6104: | $docComment, |
6105: | ); |
6106: | } |
6107: | |
6108: | $varTags = []; |
6109: | if ($resolvedPhpDoc !== null) { |
6110: | $templateTypeMap = $resolvedPhpDoc->getTemplateTypeMap(); |
6111: | $phpDocImmediatelyInvokedCallableParameters = $resolvedPhpDoc->getParamsImmediatelyInvokedCallable(); |
6112: | foreach ($resolvedPhpDoc->getParamTags() as $paramName => $paramTag) { |
6113: | if (array_key_exists($paramName, $phpDocParameterTypes)) { |
6114: | continue; |
6115: | } |
6116: | $paramType = $paramTag->getType(); |
6117: | if ($scope->isInClass()) { |
6118: | $paramType = $this->transformStaticType($scope->getClassReflection(), $paramType); |
6119: | } |
6120: | $phpDocParameterTypes[$paramName] = $paramType; |
6121: | } |
6122: | foreach ($resolvedPhpDoc->getParamClosureThisTags() as $paramName => $paramClosureThisTag) { |
6123: | if (array_key_exists($paramName, $phpDocClosureThisTypeParameters)) { |
6124: | continue; |
6125: | } |
6126: | $paramClosureThisType = $paramClosureThisTag->getType(); |
6127: | if ($scope->isInClass()) { |
6128: | $paramClosureThisType = $this->transformStaticType($scope->getClassReflection(), $paramClosureThisType); |
6129: | } |
6130: | $phpDocClosureThisTypeParameters[$paramName] = $paramClosureThisType; |
6131: | } |
6132: | |
6133: | foreach ($resolvedPhpDoc->getParamOutTags() as $paramName => $paramOutTag) { |
6134: | $phpDocParameterOutTypes[$paramName] = $paramOutTag->getType(); |
6135: | } |
6136: | if ($node instanceof Node\FunctionLike) { |
6137: | $nativeReturnType = $scope->getFunctionType($node->getReturnType(), false, false); |
6138: | $phpDocReturnType = $this->getPhpDocReturnType($resolvedPhpDoc, $nativeReturnType); |
6139: | if ($phpDocReturnType !== null && $scope->isInClass()) { |
6140: | $phpDocReturnType = $this->transformStaticType($scope->getClassReflection(), $phpDocReturnType); |
6141: | } |
6142: | } |
6143: | $phpDocThrowType = $resolvedPhpDoc->getThrowsTag() !== null ? $resolvedPhpDoc->getThrowsTag()->getType() : null; |
6144: | $deprecatedDescription = $resolvedPhpDoc->getDeprecatedTag() !== null ? $resolvedPhpDoc->getDeprecatedTag()->getMessage() : null; |
6145: | $isDeprecated = $resolvedPhpDoc->isDeprecated(); |
6146: | $isInternal = $resolvedPhpDoc->isInternal(); |
6147: | $isFinal = $resolvedPhpDoc->isFinal(); |
6148: | $isPure = $resolvedPhpDoc->isPure(); |
6149: | $isAllowedPrivateMutation = $resolvedPhpDoc->isAllowedPrivateMutation(); |
6150: | $acceptsNamedArguments = $resolvedPhpDoc->acceptsNamedArguments(); |
6151: | if ($acceptsNamedArguments && $scope->isInClass()) { |
6152: | $acceptsNamedArguments = $scope->getClassReflection()->acceptsNamedArguments(); |
6153: | } |
6154: | $isReadOnly = $isReadOnly || $resolvedPhpDoc->isReadOnly(); |
6155: | $asserts = Assertions::createFromResolvedPhpDocBlock($resolvedPhpDoc); |
6156: | $selfOutType = $resolvedPhpDoc->getSelfOutTag() !== null ? $resolvedPhpDoc->getSelfOutTag()->getType() : null; |
6157: | $varTags = $resolvedPhpDoc->getVarTags(); |
6158: | } |
6159: | |
6160: | return [$templateTypeMap, $phpDocParameterTypes, $phpDocImmediatelyInvokedCallableParameters, $phpDocClosureThisTypeParameters, $phpDocReturnType, $phpDocThrowType, $deprecatedDescription, $isDeprecated, $isInternal, $isFinal, $isPure, $acceptsNamedArguments, $isReadOnly, $docComment, $asserts, $selfOutType, $phpDocParameterOutTypes, $varTags, $isAllowedPrivateMutation]; |
6161: | } |
6162: | |
6163: | private function transformStaticType(ClassReflection $declaringClass, Type $type): Type |
6164: | { |
6165: | return TypeTraverser::map($type, static function (Type $type, callable $traverse) use ($declaringClass): Type { |
6166: | if ($type instanceof StaticType) { |
6167: | $changedType = $type->changeBaseClass($declaringClass); |
6168: | if ($declaringClass->isFinal() && !$type instanceof ThisType) { |
6169: | $changedType = $changedType->getStaticObjectType(); |
6170: | } |
6171: | return $traverse($changedType); |
6172: | } |
6173: | |
6174: | return $traverse($type); |
6175: | }); |
6176: | } |
6177: | |
6178: | private function getPhpDocReturnType(ResolvedPhpDocBlock $resolvedPhpDoc, Type $nativeReturnType): ?Type |
6179: | { |
6180: | $returnTag = $resolvedPhpDoc->getReturnTag(); |
6181: | |
6182: | if ($returnTag === null) { |
6183: | return null; |
6184: | } |
6185: | |
6186: | $phpDocReturnType = $returnTag->getType(); |
6187: | |
6188: | if ($returnTag->isExplicit()) { |
6189: | return $phpDocReturnType; |
6190: | } |
6191: | |
6192: | if ($nativeReturnType->isSuperTypeOf(TemplateTypeHelper::resolveToBounds($phpDocReturnType))->yes()) { |
6193: | return $phpDocReturnType; |
6194: | } |
6195: | |
6196: | return null; |
6197: | } |
6198: | |
6199: | |
6200: | |
6201: | |
6202: | |
6203: | |
6204: | private function getFirstUnreachableNode(array $nodes, bool $earlyBinding): ?Node |
6205: | { |
6206: | foreach ($nodes as $node) { |
6207: | if ($node instanceof Node\Stmt\Nop) { |
6208: | continue; |
6209: | } |
6210: | if ($earlyBinding && ($node instanceof Node\Stmt\Function_ || $node instanceof Node\Stmt\ClassLike || $node instanceof Node\Stmt\HaltCompiler)) { |
6211: | continue; |
6212: | } |
6213: | return $node; |
6214: | } |
6215: | return null; |
6216: | } |
6217: | |
6218: | } |
6219: | |