1: <?php declare(strict_types=1);
3: namespace PhpParser\NodeVisitor;
5: use PhpParser\ErrorHandler;
6: use PhpParser\NameContext;
7: use PhpParser\Node;
8: use PhpParser\Node\Expr;
9: use PhpParser\Node\Name;
10: use PhpParser\Node\Name\FullyQualified;
11: use PhpParser\Node\Stmt;
12: use PhpParser\NodeVisitorAbstract;
14: class NameResolver extends NodeVisitorAbstract {
15: /** @var NameContext Naming context */
16: protected NameContext $nameContext;
18: /** @var bool Whether to preserve original names */
19: protected bool $preserveOriginalNames;
21: /** @var bool Whether to replace resolved nodes in place, or to add resolvedNode attributes */
22: protected bool $replaceNodes;
24: /**
25: * Constructs a name resolution visitor.
26: *
27: * Options:
28: * * preserveOriginalNames (default false): An "originalName" attribute will be added to
29: * all name nodes that underwent resolution.
30: * * replaceNodes (default true): Resolved names are replaced in-place. Otherwise, a
31: * resolvedName attribute is added. (Names that cannot be statically resolved receive a
32: * namespacedName attribute, as usual.)
33: *
34: * @param ErrorHandler|null $errorHandler Error handler
35: * @param array{preserveOriginalNames?: bool, replaceNodes?: bool} $options Options
36: */
37: public function __construct(?ErrorHandler $errorHandler = null, array $options = []) {
38: $this->nameContext = new NameContext($errorHandler ?? new ErrorHandler\Throwing());
39: $this->preserveOriginalNames = $options['preserveOriginalNames'] ?? false;
40: $this->replaceNodes = $options['replaceNodes'] ?? true;
41: }
43: /**
44: * Get name resolution context.
45: */
46: public function getNameContext(): NameContext {
47: return $this->nameContext;
48: }
50: public function beforeTraverse(array $nodes): ?array {
51: $this->nameContext->startNamespace();
52: return null;
53: }
55: public function enterNode(Node $node) {
56: if ($node instanceof Stmt\Namespace_) {
57: $this->nameContext->startNamespace($node->name);
58: } elseif ($node instanceof Stmt\Use_) {
59: foreach ($node->uses as $use) {
60: $this->addAlias($use, $node->type, null);
61: }
62: } elseif ($node instanceof Stmt\GroupUse) {
63: foreach ($node->uses as $use) {
64: $this->addAlias($use, $node->type, $node->prefix);
65: }
66: } elseif ($node instanceof Stmt\Class_) {
67: if (null !== $node->extends) {
68: $node->extends = $this->resolveClassName($node->extends);
69: }
71: foreach ($node->implements as &$interface) {
72: $interface = $this->resolveClassName($interface);
73: }
75: $this->resolveAttrGroups($node);
76: if (null !== $node->name) {
77: $this->addNamespacedName($node);
78: } else {
79: $node->namespacedName = null;
80: }
81: } elseif ($node instanceof Stmt\Interface_) {
82: foreach ($node->extends as &$interface) {
83: $interface = $this->resolveClassName($interface);
84: }
86: $this->resolveAttrGroups($node);
87: $this->addNamespacedName($node);
88: } elseif ($node instanceof Stmt\Enum_) {
89: foreach ($node->implements as &$interface) {
90: $interface = $this->resolveClassName($interface);
91: }
93: $this->resolveAttrGroups($node);
94: $this->addNamespacedName($node);
95: } elseif ($node instanceof Stmt\Trait_) {
96: $this->resolveAttrGroups($node);
97: $this->addNamespacedName($node);
98: } elseif ($node instanceof Stmt\Function_) {
99: $this->resolveSignature($node);
100: $this->resolveAttrGroups($node);
101: $this->addNamespacedName($node);
102: } elseif ($node instanceof Stmt\ClassMethod
103: || $node instanceof Expr\Closure
104: || $node instanceof Expr\ArrowFunction
105: ) {
106: $this->resolveSignature($node);
107: $this->resolveAttrGroups($node);
108: } elseif ($node instanceof Stmt\Property) {
109: if (null !== $node->type) {
110: $node->type = $this->resolveType($node->type);
111: }
112: $this->resolveAttrGroups($node);
113: } elseif ($node instanceof Node\PropertyHook) {
114: foreach ($node->params as $param) {
115: $param->type = $this->resolveType($param->type);
116: $this->resolveAttrGroups($param);
117: }
118: $this->resolveAttrGroups($node);
119: } elseif ($node instanceof Stmt\Const_) {
120: foreach ($node->consts as $const) {
121: $this->addNamespacedName($const);
122: }
123: } elseif ($node instanceof Stmt\ClassConst) {
124: if (null !== $node->type) {
125: $node->type = $this->resolveType($node->type);
126: }
127: $this->resolveAttrGroups($node);
128: } elseif ($node instanceof Stmt\EnumCase) {
129: $this->resolveAttrGroups($node);
130: } elseif ($node instanceof Expr\StaticCall
131: || $node instanceof Expr\StaticPropertyFetch
132: || $node instanceof Expr\ClassConstFetch
133: || $node instanceof Expr\New_
134: || $node instanceof Expr\Instanceof_
135: ) {
136: if ($node->class instanceof Name) {
137: $node->class = $this->resolveClassName($node->class);
138: }
139: } elseif ($node instanceof Stmt\Catch_) {
140: foreach ($node->types as &$type) {
141: $type = $this->resolveClassName($type);
142: }
143: } elseif ($node instanceof Expr\FuncCall) {
144: if ($node->name instanceof Name) {
145: $node->name = $this->resolveName($node->name, Stmt\Use_::TYPE_FUNCTION);
146: }
147: } elseif ($node instanceof Expr\ConstFetch) {
148: $node->name = $this->resolveName($node->name, Stmt\Use_::TYPE_CONSTANT);
149: } elseif ($node instanceof Stmt\TraitUse) {
150: foreach ($node->traits as &$trait) {
151: $trait = $this->resolveClassName($trait);
152: }
154: foreach ($node->adaptations as $adaptation) {
155: if (null !== $adaptation->trait) {
156: $adaptation->trait = $this->resolveClassName($adaptation->trait);
157: }
159: if ($adaptation instanceof Stmt\TraitUseAdaptation\Precedence) {
160: foreach ($adaptation->insteadof as &$insteadof) {
161: $insteadof = $this->resolveClassName($insteadof);
162: }
163: }
164: }
165: }
167: return null;
168: }
170: /** @param Stmt\Use_::TYPE_* $type */
171: private function addAlias(Node\UseItem $use, int $type, ?Name $prefix = null): void {
172: // Add prefix for group uses
173: $name = $prefix ? Name::concat($prefix, $use->name) : $use->name;
174: // Type is determined either by individual element or whole use declaration
175: $type |= $use->type;
177: $this->nameContext->addAlias(
178: $name, (string) $use->getAlias(), $type, $use->getAttributes()
179: );
180: }
182: /** @param Stmt\Function_|Stmt\ClassMethod|Expr\Closure|Expr\ArrowFunction $node */
183: private function resolveSignature($node): void {
184: foreach ($node->params as $param) {
185: $param->type = $this->resolveType($param->type);
186: $this->resolveAttrGroups($param);
187: }
188: $node->returnType = $this->resolveType($node->returnType);
189: }
191: /**
192: * @template T of Node\Identifier|Name|Node\ComplexType|null
193: * @param T $node
194: * @return T
195: */
196: private function resolveType(?Node $node): ?Node {
197: if ($node instanceof Name) {
198: return $this->resolveClassName($node);
199: }
200: if ($node instanceof Node\NullableType) {
201: $node->type = $this->resolveType($node->type);
202: return $node;
203: }
204: if ($node instanceof Node\UnionType || $node instanceof Node\IntersectionType) {
205: foreach ($node->types as &$type) {
206: $type = $this->resolveType($type);
207: }
208: return $node;
209: }
210: return $node;
211: }
213: /**
214: * Resolve name, according to name resolver options.
215: *
216: * @param Name $name Function or constant name to resolve
217: * @param Stmt\Use_::TYPE_* $type One of Stmt\Use_::TYPE_*
218: *
219: * @return Name Resolved name, or original name with attribute
220: */
221: protected function resolveName(Name $name, int $type): Name {
222: if (!$this->replaceNodes) {
223: $resolvedName = $this->nameContext->getResolvedName($name, $type);
224: if (null !== $resolvedName) {
225: $name->setAttribute('resolvedName', $resolvedName);
226: } else {
227: $name->setAttribute('namespacedName', FullyQualified::concat(
228: $this->nameContext->getNamespace(), $name, $name->getAttributes()));
229: }
230: return $name;
231: }
233: if ($this->preserveOriginalNames) {
234: // Save the original name
235: $originalName = $name;
236: $name = clone $originalName;
237: $name->setAttribute('originalName', $originalName);
238: }
240: $resolvedName = $this->nameContext->getResolvedName($name, $type);
241: if (null !== $resolvedName) {
242: return $resolvedName;
243: }
245: // unqualified names inside a namespace cannot be resolved at compile-time
246: // add the namespaced version of the name as an attribute
247: $name->setAttribute('namespacedName', FullyQualified::concat(
248: $this->nameContext->getNamespace(), $name, $name->getAttributes()));
249: return $name;
250: }
252: protected function resolveClassName(Name $name): Name {
253: return $this->resolveName($name, Stmt\Use_::TYPE_NORMAL);
254: }
256: protected function addNamespacedName(Node $node): void {
257: $node->namespacedName = Name::concat(
258: $this->nameContext->getNamespace(), (string) $node->name);
259: }
261: protected function resolveAttrGroups(Node $node): void {
262: foreach ($node->attrGroups as $attrGroup) {
263: foreach ($attrGroup->attrs as $attr) {
264: $attr->name = $this->resolveClassName($attr->name);
265: }
266: }
267: }
268: }